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The end is near. Pray for aleppo

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abu mohammed
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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 29th November 2024 20:33
The Command of Military Operations is the successor to the previously known Fathul Mubeen Operations Room, which holds military control over the greater Idlib region. It represents an institution that has integrated multiple factions into a unified, army-like structure, equipped with a new military strategy, enhanced technology, and improved command and control systems. This setup allows it to conduct both defensive and offensive operations with greater efficiency.

The Command of Military Operations is composed of 13 factions, bringing together 60,000 troops under its leadership. These factions include Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), Ahrar al-Sham, Faylaq al-Sham, and Jaysh al-Ahrar, as well as Jaysh al-Nasr, Suqour al-Sham, Jaysh al-Nukhba, and Jaysh Idlib Hur. Other key contributors to this military force are Firqah 23, Jaysh al-Izzah, Ansar Tawheed, the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), and Firqah Sahiliyya. Together, these factions maintain a presence across a 169-kilometer frontline, solidifying their reach and influence across all fronts.

The Command plays a vital role in protecting liberated areas in northwestern Syria, ensuring the safety and stability of these regions. Its primary objectives include repelling enemy assaults, establishing a stable and secure region free from Assad’s influence, and strengthening military capabilities. Additionally, the Command conducts guerrilla operations to disrupt opposing forces and focuses on fortifying frontline positions to reinforce its defensive capabilities. Through these efforts, it strives to maintain control and safeguard the region from external threats.
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 08:39

BREAKING🚨AlQaeda terrorist tell Israeli channel 1 “We are GRATEFUL to ISRAEL for targeting the positions of Hezbollah and weakening them!” As they raid Aleppo.

Israel and AlQaeda, terrorists unite
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 09:08
Iran has been weakened n Russia occupied with Ukraine so opportunity for other groups.
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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 10:57
abu mohammed wrote:
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No offence but you are relying on Assad cheerleaders for your news.
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 12:15
Russian warplanes are conducting airstrikes in Aleppo and Idlib but don't worry muslims will simp hard for Putin and post a photo of him holding a Quran.

SDF (Kurdish PKK) forces have taken control of Aleppo International Airport with facilitation from Assad regime.

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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 13:54
Rajab wrote:
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(1) People are focused on Palestine, and who is complicit and actively opposing Palestine and who is not.
(2) America and it's allies are seen as the biggest existential threat to Islam and masses are fuelled by anger over Palestine. Putin is seen as the only real barrier to global American imperialism.
(3) Isis and the Kurdish groups are known to have received Israeli support in the recent past.
(4) There is a belief the Syrian struggle was hijacked by the Americans in order to ruin Syria and to eliminate ay threat to Israel from Syria.
(5) With the conflict in Palestine Iranians have achieved a major propaganda coupe, Iran and it's proxies including Hezbollah are viewed as the only people who took action for the sake of Palestine.
(6) There were videos posted on social media of fighters allegedly in Idlib celebrating the assassination of Nasrullah and Israel's attack on Lebanon one of then even showed them praising and thanking Netanyahu.
If that was accurate then there is no appetite in the Ummah to support anyone who praises Israel and Netanyahu.
(7) There is also widespread propaganda that the rebel surge has happened at this time to help Israel.
That majority of weapons entering Lebanon and the Westbank came from Syria. That the whole objective is to prevent Hezbollah from rearming via Syria when the conflict resumes inevitably in Lebanon in a few months.
(8) People have turned their backs on the Syrian struggle mainly due to the atrocities carried out by Daesh for several years.
And now we have people claiming the entire struggle was misguided Syrian people were better off before the rebellion began in 2011.
(9) We have seen the resistance in Palestine supporting and praising the rebels in Syria and their recent successes and none of the Syrian groups issuing any statements concerning Palestine.

So that's where we are at.
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 17:20
Over the past decade, Russia and Iran have poured significant political and military resources into helping Assad regain control of the country. Assad's grip on power became so firm that even Gulf countries, like the UAE and Saudi Arabia, started moving towards reconciliation with him. Assad also played a key role in strengthening Russia's and Iran's influence in the region.

But in just three days, this entire project has collapsed. Rebel forces have already taken control of Aleppo and Idlib and are now advancing towards Hama. The situation has shifted dramatically. It’s no longer about which cities Assad can recapture but rather which ones he can hold onto.

Assad's reliance on support from Russia and Iran is now under serious strain. Both countries are unable to provide the same level of backing as before.
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 17:24
Bashar al-Assad is currently in Moscow with his wife, while most of his family is living abroad, either in Russia or the UAE.

Meanwhile, some military officers in Syria are considering a coup to take control of the government. Their goal is to halt the rebels’ rapid advance, which has now pushed beyond Hama.
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 17:53

Daniel Haqiqatjou

I write this knowing full well that bots are going to flood the replies with the usual asinine tripe. But I'm writing this for all the genuine people who want my analysis.

As I have consistently said for years, I hope Assad is captured and tried in an unbiased Islamic court for his crimes against the Syrian people.

I hope that whoever ends up taking over in his place is a good stable Muslim government that will be just to all in the country and will join a united bloc against Israel in the region.

If recent history teaches us anything, however, there is not a high probability that this will happen. I hope I'm wrong.

Removal of Assad will create a power vacuum that will be filled with many warring rebel factions, backed by different countries, all vying for control and territory. This means a continuous civil war with potentially thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims slaughtered in coming years.

This is all great news for Israel. It is also exactly how Israel has said it operates. When one side is on the verge of defeat, support them with money, weapons, and intelligence. Analysts were saying that the rebels were almost completely defeated and 2025 was going to be the end of the civil war. Then suddenly, Netanyahu makes threats against Assad and shortly later, the rebels come out of no where with completely unexpected victories.

We can speculate about whether the US and Israel aided these rebels, but it is just speculation. It was certainly in Israel's interests to do so and consistent with their previous actions.

If the Syrian Army is defeated, US and Israel will continue their policy in keeping with the Yinon plan by funding different Sunni factions to take power and cause as much chaos as possible. When one faction gets too strong, they will fund its enemies, and so on forever, ensuring unceasing war and death for the Syrian people.

If this happens in Syria, Hezbollah will lose its main supply line from Iran. This will make the next IDF incursion in Southern Lebanon much more difficult to repel. Ultimately, Iran will a lose a key component of its deterrent power against Israel.

Theoretically, this shouldn't be the case because a Sunni Syrian leadership, we presume, would be anti-Israel and would understand the threat that Israel poses in advancing northward into Lebanese and Syrian territory. Sadly, history has proven how naive such presumptions turn out to be. It remains to be seen.

For the sectarian tards who insist these events somehow prove that my position is wrong, how so?

I have the same position today as before: Syria should avoid sectarian conflict and ally with Iran, Yemen, and Lebanon to form a united bloc against the biggest geopolitical threat to the Ummah, which is Israel. This position does not depend on who is controlling Aleppo, whether it is Shia, Sunni, or kafir.

What does matter is who is controlling whoever is controlling Aleppo. So far, that is yet to be seen. It is better to wait and see.

There are some reports already that the HTS rebels are trying to negotiate with Russia and are open to allying with them. I don't know if these reports are true but imagine they were.

Would this be a betrayal of the Syrian people? Or is it a pragmatic step that any government has to make in order to restore stability against incessant hostility? Whichever group does end up taking control, they will have to make strategic alliances with non-Muslims and non-Sunnis, which will, of course, vindicate my position, no matter how much the sectarian tards seethe and cry hot tears.

In the end, let's all make dua that there is peace in Syria, that if there is a transition of power, that it is bloodless, that the enemies of Islam do not benefit from these developments, and that no more innocent lives are lost, especially children.

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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 18:32
Israeli Channel 12: Close coordination between the Israeli and American army in the anticipation of the collapse of the Syrian regime and its repercussions.


If Israel and the U.S. really supported the rebels, why would they worry about what happens if the Syrian regime falls? Isn't that what they wanted in the first place?
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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 19:00
Rajab wrote:
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No mention about them being worried. Just that they are
co-ordinating with each other.
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 20:16
President Bashar al-Assad and UAE President His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan held a phone call to discuss recent developments in Syria and several regional issues.

During the call, President al-Assad emphasised that Syria remains committed to defending its stability and territorial integrity against all terrorists and their supporters. He stated that Syria, with the help of its allies and friends, is capable of defeating and eliminating them, regardless of the intensity of their attacks.

Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed reaffirmed his country's support for the Syrian state, backing its efforts to combat terrorism, uphold its sovereignty, maintain territorial integrity, and ensure stability.
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 30th November 2024 20:34
Rajab wrote:
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It was MBZ that lobbied for Assad to be brought back into the Arab League. He views political Islam as an existential threat to his own regime. So supports all anti-Islamic agendas anywhere in the world. From the far right in Europe, to Israel to Modi. He is the heir to the Munafiqin of Madina.
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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 1st December 2024 07:58
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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What are the demands of group which believes in political Islam in Syria?

If this group stops its activities in Syria, will peace return to Syria?
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 1st December 2024 09:17
akbar703 wrote:
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Only the Assad family is responsible for the lack of peace in Syria.

Bashar al-Assad could have saved Syria and its people a lot of suffering if he had stepped down in 2011. Millions of Syrians might not have been killed or forced to leave their homes, and the country could have avoided so much destruction. But he loved staying in power too much and refused to let go, causing all this pain.

His father's rule was also marked by suppression of dissent, including the brutal crackdown on the Hama uprising in 1982, where thousands of Syrians were killed.

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