A daughter hugs her parents lifeless bodies as her heart and soul break at the thought of being an orphan..
A mother begs her 2 year old baby to wake up from his intense slumber,she shakes his tiny body vigorously shouting out his name alas his soul has already departed.
A sister begs the soldiers not to shoot her innocent brother as they drag him off to prison.
A wife trembles in fear and covers the ears of her children as she hears the terrifying last screams of her husband being tortured by soldiers in their own home.
A little girl covered in sorrow searches the streets alone and scared looking for her parents or just somebody to rescue her.
A young woman screams for help as the soldiers drag her to their camps. She prays for death to overcome her as she knows the soul shattering fate that awaits her.
A child kisses his mother's forehead for last time before she is buried. He begs her to come back and promises never to be naughty again.
A granny helplessly gives the last piece of bread to her youngest orphan grandchild and promises the others a warm meal in the morning. She hides her tears as she knows she can not fulfil that promise.
Where is the humanity,love and unity of the Ummah???
Sorry we are far too busy :
Too busy being judgemental towards each other.
Too busy being jealous over each others blessings.
Too busy breaking family ties.
Too busy gossiping and sowing enemity amongst ourselves.
Too busy chasing after this material world.
Too busy preparing gourmet meals.
Too busy taking selfies and looking for pokemons.
Too busy trying to out do and out match each other.
Too busy colour co coordinating our face to match our clothes.
Too busy living our lives to even lift our hands and make dua... for you.
When we look at the on going conflict, one cannot help but feel like a helpless onlooker.
We don't have financial or political power, but we do have one thing, the power of which we can NEVER underestimate - du'a.
The last third of the night, just before fajr, is du'a acceptance time - we therefore encourage you all to wake up for tahajjud *tonight*, even if you don't normally - just to pray two rakaat and make du'a in its sujood for the people of Aleppo, and for the Muslims suffering all over the world.
Share this - how beautiful would it be if the whole ummah were awake tonight in their homes, calling upon Allah their safety