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#241 [Permalink] Posted on 11th December 2024 18:35
Muhammad Jalal

I can accept that people can follow the same event and formulate different political analyses. This often comes down to the political theory or ideology underpinning your thinking or prejudice to your side’s view.

There are more correct opinions for sure because often, these structural biases fail to capture reality. But we have to live with differences.

But what I can’t understand is how some can still claim Assad was a benign autocrat, a resistance fighter, a moral paragon. All the evidence is clear otherwise. It undermines your analysis and your credibility
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#242 [Permalink] Posted on 11th December 2024 19:52
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Do you think they wouldn't be aware of America's interests (that is if America was really involved)?

Why do we see Hamas and Palestinians celebrating and congratulating them?
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#243 [Permalink] Posted on 11th December 2024 20:02
Saracen1 wrote:
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Go troll somewhere else
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#244 [Permalink] Posted on 11th December 2024 20:35
Via Faizullah Khan (a Pakistani journalist)

We do not wish to establish a hypocritical society where veiling is enforced by compulsion, and people do not genuinely accept it. Saudi Arabia's experience demonstrates that such experiments fail. For instance, there was a ban on women driving, which has now been lifted. If we resort to coercion instead of inviting people with wisdom and persuasion, it reflects our weakness in effectively presenting our message.

Regarding face veiling, there is a difference of opinion. Those who wish to observe it should be allowed to do so, and those who choose not to should also have their right respected. Only what is conclusively proven to be forbidden is haram. We must also consider the customs, values, and social traditions of our region. Using force alone will alienate people.

One of the objectives of these measures is to send a message to the global community: we aim to progress alongside our people.

Statement by: Leader of the Syrian Revolution, Ahmad Al-Sharaa (Abu Muhammad)

This conversation took place last April and has recently gone viral on Twitter. This indicates that the revolution was well-prepared. A successful experiment was conducted on a smaller scale in Idlib, which is now being applied after taking charge of the central government. So far, the measures reflect that the Conqueror of Syria is a visionary leader. Yes, there have been organizational shortcomings, disagreements, and some extremist issues, but overall, Abu Muhammad's approach has been marked by wisdom.
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#245 [Permalink] Posted on 11th December 2024 22:22
bint e aisha wrote:
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May be Reformation is evolving process:
First step , Quraan says, intoxication is bad.
Second step, don't offer salah in the state of you have consumed intoxicants
Third step, intoxicants are haram.

At the same time offer concession and rewards to those who follow quran and sunnah. That motivates others.

Note: evolving of prohibition is an example of process of Reformation, no need to allow wine shops .
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#246 [Permalink] Posted on 11th December 2024 22:31
bint e aisha wrote:
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My previous response was to the following statement in the article you posted.

"When did seeking help from a non-Muslim against an oppressor and tyrant become forbidden?

If Bashar and his forces could kill Syrians for 8–10 years with the help of Russia and Iran, why couldn’t Syrians seek assistance from America just to gain freedom?"

As for your recent question ALLAH knows best if a deal has been made behind the scenes of some sort with global power brokers.
One way to gauge this would be to see how the western media is covering the movement, namely are they described by them as terrorists or not.

Assuming if such a deal was made then we would need to know what the nature of that deal is, and from what we know of past experience the colonialists never give anything for free, and they ensure the deal is tilted in their favour.

And yes I am sure in the above scenario the group and it's leadership would know about American machinations.
So if they went with it they may have thought that in the short term it might be advantageous. And a price worth paying with a long-term goal in mind of helping Syria and the Ummah by build a strong foundation of power.

Or on the other hand they may be willing to make compromises and concessions that are favourable to America like the Arab regimes in the Gulf, purely out of self-interest and a desire for leadership and power.

ALLAH knows best.

In the last hundred years we had various leaders in Muslim countries chant the slogan of Islam in order to get into power then do a 180 degrees turn when they obtained power.

Kemal Atatürk rallied his troops with a Quran in his hands telling them they need to defend their religion and heritage.
Then when he came to power he waged a war against Islam

Similarly Bourguiba in Tunisia he also called on his people to fight in the name of their religion against the colonialists. Then when he came to power he pursued similar policies to Kemal AtaTurk of extreme secular nationalism and war against Islam.

Then there was Jamal Abdul Nasser in Egypt, he was part of the Free Army officers Movement , a secret alliance of officers that sought to organise a coup within the army ranks. Amongst this Free officers movement were people associated with Ikhwani Ul Muslimeen, they were the power brokers, he made a series of promises and reneged upon them all once he obtained power. Further more he then waged a War against the Ikwan itself and anyone associated with it and anyone deemed sympathetic too it or the establishment of an Islamic state.
He became himself the father of Secular Pan Arab Nationalism.

On a side note: If you have not read it I would recommend the book "Return of the Pharaoh" A memoir from Nassers prison'
By Zaynab Al Ghazali. A very powerful inspirational memoir, with valuable insights into the political intrigues,and treacheries . The false charges, the torture in Prison, the miracles experienced in the dungeons, the dreams of the Prophet (saw)...
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#247 [Permalink] Posted on 11th December 2024 22:50
akbar703 wrote:
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This is what Jamel Abdel Nasser had to say about a fictional conversation he had with the leader of the Ikhwan about implementing the Hijab.

As for the statement of Ahmed Sharaa there is wisdom to it. Gradual process through Dawah maybe better in this age we live in.

And ALLAH knows best.
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#248 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 08:08

Al-Jolani from the headquarters of the presidency of the republic: I will work on a law that allows the Syrian brothers to move and work within the State of "Israel," with which we will sign a peace and cooperation agreement in the coming weeks, and there will be trade and industrial exchange and cooperation at the highest levels.

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#249 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 08:20
abu mohammed wrote:
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Please verify it first before sharing.

Qur'an (49:6) Believers, when an ungodly person brings to you a piece of news, carefully ascertain its truth, lest you should hurt a people unwittingly and thereafter repent at what you did.
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#250 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 10:54
bint e aisha wrote:
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I agree with you sister.

I shared it as "Unverified" because there is a lot of garbage out there and no one really knows what's going on. As was with ISIS, wannabe's and copy cat morons. There are a lot of people who want to claim they had a part to play and be a part of this regime fall.

Perhaps the Israeli fanboys want to have this Israeled too.

When I saw the above tweet, I saw another in the same feed, which I didn't share at first. So here it is:
Huma Zehra
Former Mossad agent Mordechai Kedar gives HTS: “I am in contact with senior figures of HTS; they are good friends of Israel and should be supported! HTS plans to open Israeli embassies in Damascus and Beirut, and also open a Syrian embassy in Jerusalem. Israel is considered a solution for them, not a problem!”

Again, please note. This does not make it true!
And Allah knows best.

But again, it's very true. We should get to the bottom of things first.

Majority of Islamophobic news comes from India and so does the Israeli support come from the idol worshippers who are hated by Israeli's. It's just so pathetic. These urine drinkers can't see hatred even if their god is about to be slaughtered by the Zionists. They only see hatred for Islam and Muslims.

All we can do is pray for their freedom, even IF help was taken by the Zionist lobby, at least the regime fell apart, giving the Syrians a chance to breath freely.

InshaAllah, the Muslims will come out of this in a form of victory
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#251 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 12:13
Could be now, could be after a long time, Allah knows when! The fact is that it will happen.
Months ago, Shaykh Samir al-Durrah said he saw the Prophet ﷺ in his dream, and he ﷺ told him:
al-Sham will become better than it was. al-Sham is getting ready for something great and beautiful

The tweet is part of a longer speech
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#252 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 15:04
abu mohammed wrote:
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Anyone remember the speech by Mufti Ibrahim Limbada about some Bengali brother having a dream about Corona virus which went viral...?

These dream stories very rarely turn out to be accurate predictions.

Indeed Al Sham will turn out to be beautiful when Eesa (Alayhis Salaam) returns.

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#253 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 15:14
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Having said that, a few days ago, there was a tweet about a shaykh in a Syrian prison who used to teach the hifdh to prisoners. When the shaykh was not able to teach them, The Prophet (saw) would come in their dreams and like that they completed their hifdhs. (Something along those lines)
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#254 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 15:21
abu mohammed wrote:
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ALLAH knows best as to the veracity of this dream... We do have some first hand accounts from Brother's who have been imprisoned, indeed also Sisters. But most of the time the dreams pass through several hands and go through numerous changes.
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#255 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2024 15:24
Dreams like gossip gets additions as they are passed from one person to the next.

Like the story mentioned by Shaykh Hassan Ali in the following clip.
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