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The end is near. Pray for aleppo

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abu mohammed
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 12th December 2016 19:10

This may very well be the last message from our brother abdul kareem who has been providing authentic news from shaam for past few years. You can hear the bombs relentless going off behind him.

For those who think at least the war and bloodshed may now end dnt be fooled. Bashar russia and the rawaafid with the ahle sunnah a blood bath..Allah protect them and help them
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Rajab's avatar
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 00:09
O Muslims of Aleppo, you were firm on your religion and won. It is us that have lost.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 00:11
Aleppo is not Gaza so the Arabs & Muslims buried their heads & the so called "leftists" called the white helmets "propagandists"
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 00:13
We decry the silence of the international community over Aleppo tragedy. But the most shocking silence comes from Arab & Muslim countries.
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 00:16
mkdon101 wrote:
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He has not posted since, may Allah keep him safe and accept all his efforts in raising awareness.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 10:02
mass killings are taking place as we speak, 1000s of men have disappeared. i barely slept last night. all i could think about was aleppo. history will judge me and all of us accordingly. if i am ever asked about syria on qiyamah i really have no defence. i feel literally sick. on every single level muslims have failed islam and the people of shaam. what scares me more is other tyrants will be encouraged with the inaction of the muslims and we could see more aleppos all over the world
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Zubayr's avatar
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 12:22

Still can't believe imams do not make it a habit to read qunoot nazilah outside of witr; given all the mess our ummah is in.

Maybe too scared to disturb hanafi fanboy culture.

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WifaqulUlama's avatar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 15:39

As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh

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Wifaqul Ulama along with millions of Muslims is deeply concerned about the plight of Muslims in Syria.

We suggest British Muslims to carry out the following to address the issue:

  1. Turn to Allah in repentance and Duas.
  2. Request your local Mosque and Imam to start and continue with Qunut Nazilah.
  3. Urge your local MP, Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP and Alison McGovern MP to continue to apply pressure on British Government to use all diplomatic means to ensure that the issue is urgently addressed.
  4. Use Social Media to continue to raise awareness and apply pressure on all parties concerned.

All the background work and reasearch has been done for you.

Please take 10-15 minutes of your time and act!      

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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 16:50
WifaqulUlama wrote:
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i will be going to the demo today inshALlah and skip my weekly dars with mufti abdur rahman, it would be nice if ulema could too attend these events. i accept it may not change much but it would be a great boost for morale. i can tell u one of the main reasons there is so much resentment for scholars these days as everyone sees them as unconcerned and just offering lip service. i got a few mates who used to be hanafi and now become salafi orientated. whenever i speak to them they ask me what our my scholars doing about xwz or do they even talk about in their bayans.

if anyone wifaqul ulema scholars could attend it would be great but if they dont Allah is sufficient. i will attend regardless.

another thing which is making me burn is how so many muslims seem to love clowns like george galloway. this moran OPENLY celebrates assad killing civilians. i dont get some of these 'lefty liberals'. how can anyone who be against israels crimes and americans aggression in ME but be happy with russia and bashar? am i missing something
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Rajab's avatar
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 20:58
Ceasefire has been agreed but not clear whether only rebels will be allowed to leave or the civilians as well.

Alhamdulillah brother Bill AbdulKareem is safe.
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 21:08

mkdon101 wrote:
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Live Eemaan Channel Coverage:

  1. 20:00: Live with Imam Qasim, Shaykh Zahir Mahmood, Shaykh Suliman gani, Azad Ali Saeed Al-Ghadi
  2. 21:00: Live from Protest at the Syrian Embassy
  3. 22:00 Emergency Appeal from UK Charity Alliance
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 13th December 2016 23:40
Alhamdulillah just got home from the demo. Was pleasing to see over a thousand people come. I was hoping shaykh zaheer would of done a speech but alhamdulillah there were alot of speakers. We had live link with bilal abdul kareem and tauqie. Shaykh haitham did final speech. Message all were givinnwas unity steadfastness and returnin back Allah.
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 14th December 2016 11:03

After the pitiful debate in Parliament today here are 12 actions all UK citizens can call for and things you can do against Assad and his supporters.
I. Attend the demonstration outside 10 Downing Street at 6:30-8pm
II. Attend the demonstration in front of the Syrian Embassy in London tonight at 9pm. If you are unable to attend then you can watch it on Eman Channel on Sky 857 and online at
Protest on a regular basis against Assad and his allies’ interests, buildings in your country, including Russia.
III. At 10pm there will be an Emergency Appeal from an alliance of UK Charities. Join Eman Channel on Sky 857 and online at
IV. All Imāms should engage in Qunūt in the obligatory prayers in mosques (click here for details)
V. Ask governments around the world to freeze and block all property and financial assets of key members of the Assad regime and key people who support it. Analyse and highlight the grave threat that Putin and Russia pose to the Western world.
VI. Ask governments not to trade with the Assad regime. Do not buy any food and products from Assad-controlled Syria, Russia and countries that supported and aided him.
VII. Send a message to your MP using and sign this petition:
VIII. The Grand Mufti of Assad was allowed into the UK. No Muslims called for him to be barred. Ask for all prominent Assad supporters to be denied entry to the UK and other European countries.
IX. Refuse to share a platform with any known supporters of the Assad regime.
X. Analyse and expose the vile propaganda and conspiracy theories coming from supporters of Assad and his allies. Their propaganda has unfortunately been adopted by many people in the UK, some even at a political level.
XI. Call for Assad and members of his regime to be indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity and brought to justice internationally. Log and collect evidence and identify those who have committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in Syria and call for them to be indicted. These people should be pursued for however long it takes, even decades.
XII. Email the following or something similar to
Dear Sir,
I am writing to request safe passage for the remaining civilians and humanitarian workers in Aleppo, Syria in light of the message from them below:
‘We are calling on the international community to provide a safe passage out of Aleppo for the remaining 100,000 people. We know that the UN has a plan to get us out across the four kilometres of Western Aleppo to safety; with a few dozen buses and lorries we could all be evacuated in twenty four hours. However, we need the international community to guarantee the safety of their workers and our own.’
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 14th December 2016 11:30
mkdon101 wrote:
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Muslims on social media are more obsessed with the Boxer Amir Khan and his family drama then with Aleppo.
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 14th December 2016 11:32
as i feared the ceaesfire failed to hold and the khinzirs have resumed their relentless bombing of haleb. saw a brief interview with bilal abdul kareem on al jazeera a few moments ago he had to cut the interview short as bombs were very close to his location and had to move.

to brother @wifaqululema are you an officla spokes for them or part of them? if so would you think you be able to email all the imams who are with them and ask if they can do dua qanoot. i will ask my local imams if they can do when i see them inshAllah.
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