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Opportunity Lost by US

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 8th September 2016 15:59
A Historical Mistake on Part of the US

Now that the US is a waning super power of the world we can take stock of some of its actions.

In the history of the world US might be the one global power that made most mistakes in their dominating role.

One of the gravest of their mistakes has been their attitude towards the Muslim world.

They simply continued from where the Europe, mainly the British and the French, left. US simply adopted the crusading mantle.

This need not have been the case. It is all the more surprising because the west had shunted Christianity out of her life owing to the grip of materialism. In that context the last nail in the coffin was hit by Hitler. Christianity has simply surrendered to the shame ensuing from Nazi actions.

Be that as it may the fact remains that Christianity is not at the fore in western affairs. Hence crusading mentality too should have taken a back seat. It did not.

The US has been pursuing the crusading agenda by reflex, almost in a Pavlovian manner. It is most ironic.

In his infamous book, The Clash of Civilisations and the Coming World Order, Samuel P. Huntington admits that as a super power the US is in a state of decline. Such a state is precisely the one in which one must be careful before creating new enemies.

The US still has the opportunity to adopt a less abrasive posture towards the Muslim world. They are not the inheritors of the crusaders and they should not behave in that manner.

Of course a Muslim saying such things, particularly when the Muslim world is at the receiving end at the global level, does not carry that much weight as it normally would. But abnormal times are the most crucial ones to take sane decisions.

US adopting a positive attitude towards the Muslim world will not only be beneficial for the latter but the former too. Some things in life are obvious and this one is one of them.
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 28th March 2018 06:40
Killing Afghans for Sport

US soldier admits killing unarmed Afghans for sport
Jeremy Morlock, 23, tells US military court he was part of a 'kill team' that faked combat situations to murder Afghan civilians

Paul Harris in New York @paulxharris

First published on Wed 23 Mar 2011 23.17 GMT

This article is over 7 years old

Jeremy Morlock
US Army Specialist Jeremy Morlock, who admitted being part of the 'kill team' that murdered unarmed Afghans. Photograph: Reuters

An American soldier has pleaded guilty to being part of a "kill team" who deliberately murdered Afghan civilians for sport last year.

Army Specialist Jeremy Morlock, 23, told a military court he had helped to kill three unarmed Afghans. "The plan was to kill people, sir," he told an army judge in Fort Lea, near Seattle, after his plea.

The case has caused outraged headlines around the world. In a series of videotaped confessions to investigators, some of which have been broadcast on American television, Morlock detailed how he and other members of his Stryker brigade set up and faked combat situations so that they could kill civilians who posed no threat to them. Four other soldiers are still to come to trial over the incidents.

The case is a PR disaster for America's military and has been compared to the notorious incidents of torture that emerged from the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. This week the German magazine Der Spiegel published three pictures that showed American soldiers, including Morlock, posing with the corpse of a young Afghan boy as if it were a hunting trophy.

Some soldiers apparently kept body parts of their victims, including a skull, as souvenirs. In a statement issued in response to the publication of the photos the US army apologised to the families of the dead. "[The photos are] repugnant to us as human beings and contrary to the standards and values of the United States army," the statement said.

Morlock has told investigators that the murders took place between January and May last year and were instigated by an officer in his unit, Staff Sergeant Calvin Gibbs. He described how elaborate plans were made to pick out civilian targets, kill them and then make their deaths look like they were insurgents. In his confession Morlock described shooting a victim as Gibbs tossed a grenade at him. "We identify a guy. Gibbs makes a comment, like, you know, you guys wanna wax this guy or not," Morlock said in the confession.

Morlock now stands to be sentenced to at least 24 years in jail but with eligibility for parole after seven years. That has come about because Morlock struck a plea bargain that will see a lighter sentence in return for testifying against his fellow soldiers.
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Source : Guardian
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2018 06:52
Maripat wrote:
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Childhood memories die hard.The end of crusades was the beginning of renaissance in Christian west.The air was thick with hatred for Muslims. The modern western civilisation grew up in that atmosphere and therefore hatred for Islam and Muslims became part of their collective psyche. American civilisation was nothing more than an extension of the larger western civilisation,history and values.The enemity towards Muslims passed on to them in their ‘genetic codes’.Anything else was not expected.

At somewhat later stage,the recurrent military defeats suffered by Europe from ottomans presented Muslims as an adversary. That too became part of modern western history and registered Muslims in their minds as ‘enemies’ rather than friends.

Protestant movement gave birth to Jewish protectionism in Europe which in due course of time migrated to (and matured) in America as Zionism. ‘The Jewish-Christian alliance’ was one of the most significant events of modern history. Muslims and particularly Arabs were given a status of adversaries rather than allies.

The above events shaped the history of the world,the relationship between the west and Islam and the ‘mindset’ which we had to deal later.

One more thing,in due course of time the western civilisation gradually adopted the status of a ‘religion’ based on materialism,secularism,”capitalism dependant” democracy and ‘freedom from Devine guidance’.They may not like to admit it but the above values were practically treated as religion,an aura of holiness was created around them..and those not adopting to those values were considered ignorant who needed tutoring or else barbarians who needed to be eliminated. The only organised faith that could present itself as a better alternative and a complete code of life was Islam..and..the only other political and economic challange from within (at a later stage) was communism. Both were therefore considered ‘natural enemies’ worth fighting against...

The conflict between islam and the west is rooted deep in history,politics and ideology. There is no escape from it. Better prepare for it rather than try to avoid it.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2018 16:07
ALIF wrote:
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I agree with every word.

Why don't you help me in getting the theoretical formalism completed? Once we have sorted the whole scenario out in our mind we shall be ready to design a comprehensive plan to prepare the Ummah to address the problems we face.

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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2018 17:26
Maripat wrote:
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Why not ? We can certainly try whatever it’s worth may be...

Look Maripat,whenever we start thinking about solutions to our problem,two things come up as obstacles. ONE is obviously the enormity of the task and our own inabilities.. but more than that is the ‘variety’ of problems the umma face today. No single person is competent enough to address all the issues. We need a ‘think tank’ comprising of scholars, politicians, social workers, scientists, military strategists, economists..and so on....

I also considered a ‘regional’ approach. The Muslims of oil rich gulf region,for example, may not be suffering from economic problems like those in Pakistan.Their problems are more due to ‘excess of money’ rather than the lack of it. So we may try to consider each country or region separately and try to address the issues specific to them.

In the ultimate analysis, I came to one conclusion : “All the problems we face today are only symptoms of a disease process which has affected the whole body of this Ummah and its every system.” The symptoms are varied but the root cause is only ONE.

Shall we try then to pinpoint the root cause and try to address that first ? Please help me out.

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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2018 20:21
Let us forget the obstacles for a while and create an ideal situation in our minds :

* The first thing we need is ‘unity of command’ without that no further step would be possible. We call it the establishment of KHILAFAT in Muslim lands. As an initial step there should be one POWERFUL CENTRAL LEADER OF ALL THE MUSLIMS,helped by a shura (consultative assembly) which can initially be comprised of all the Muslim heads of states.

* The Khalifa with the help of shura May decide to organise multiple subcommittees for different fields of expertise,like ;

Committee for defence
Committee for economic integration and growth
Committee for commerce
Committee for education
Committee for foreign affairs
Committee for religious affairs
Etc etc

Each committee should include the best minds of entire ummah headed by the most competent amongst them. The recommendations of those committees should be presented to shura who in turn should give their final recommendations to Khalifa who may act accordingly or propose some changes and send the recommendations back to shura for further discussions.

* Gradual easing of borders between Muslim nations with the ultimate goal of eliminating the borders between Muslim states

* unification of resources,common currency,common foreign policy and one defence under a unified command
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2018 20:22
For the rest of reforms I would like to borrow from حجة الله البالغة of Shah Waliullah ra. According to Shah Waliullah ra the first step towards achieving the objectives mentioned below ( and above) is,in his words : “The first task is ‘Fakku Kul Nizam’ i.e. to dissolve and revolutionize every system”.

In summary :

1. The sole owner of land is Allah while the state acts as vice-regent of Allah . The citizens are like those staying in an inn. Ownership means that the other is legally prohibited to interfere in someone’s right of benefiting.

2 - All human beings are equal. None reserves the right to call himself Owner of Country, King of people or consider himself the owner of the people and nation. Neither is it allowed for anyone to call the men of power by these names.

3- The status of head of state ( Khalifa) is like that of a manager of an endowment. If the manager of endowment is needy then he can take as much stipend as a common citizen needs for his sustenance

4-It is birth right of every human being without any discrimination of caste and creed to get bread, clothe, house, right to marry and get his children educated and nourished.

5-Every citizen, without discrimination of caste, creed and colour, has equal right to justice, security of life and property, protection of honour, freedom of ownership and uniformity in civil rights.

6-Every sect and group has fundamental right to preserve and promote its language and civilisation.

7- International securities:In order to get these rights it is imperative to form autonomous states which are free in their matters. Every unit should have such power that is sufficient to fight the aggression of the other states of same ranking. These units are attached by an international system which enjoys sovereignty as per military power. This system will not be allowed to attack any unit of particular religion or particular civilization.


a) The origin of religion and truth is same and their representatives are part of the same chain.
(b) There have been people in every nation and country who invited to Truth. They all must be respected.


a)The basic source of wealth is labour. Labourers and farmers are earning faculties.

b)Mutual assistance is the soul of civilization. Until a person is not working for the nation and people he/she has no share in the wealth of the country.

c) Gambling centres should be wiped out as they can not develop a righteous system of distribution of wealth,it can not generate national wealth and riches keep circulating between a few of the society

d)The labourers, farmers and those who do intellectual labour for country and nation deserve the wealth of country the most. Their development and prosperity is indicative of the development and prosperity of the country and nation. A system that suppresses such classes is bound to be destroyed.

e) Such systems which puts obstacles in the path of rightful circulation of wealth due to extravagance and squandering on part of a few amongst the privileged class deserves to be stopped immediately so that the sufferings of the people come to an end and they are given equal rights to earn.

f)A society that does not compensate labour or levies huge
taxations on labourers and farmers is the enemy of the state. Such an act is against the Basic Principles of Politics and the art of Government
and it should be terminated.

g)The consent of needy labourer is not counted until he is paid according to the generally agreed formula based on the usool of cooperation between members of society.

h) Any production or revenue which is not based on the
principle of mutual assistance is illegal.

I) The work time should be limited to a reasonable period. The labourers should have enough free time to be able to contemplate over their moral and spiritual growth and their ultimate success in akhira

J) Trade is a major source of mutual assistance; therefore it must be functioning on the basis of cooperation only. As it is not allowed for traders to affect the spirit of cooperation by black marketing and undue competitions. The government is also prohibited to impede the progress and prosperity of trade by heavy taxations.

K) Any business and trade that confines the circulation of wealth in any particular class of people is dangerous for a country.

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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2018 20:34
These were the thoughts of Shah Waliullah ra scattered in his books,particularly
حجة الله البالغة and البدور البازغه
It will not be out of place to state and if you like you can be proud of, that these thoughts were compiled in 1731 when the French Revolution, which is considered as milestone for revolutionists, was to come after half a century in 1789. The first teacher of communism, Karl Marx Was to be born after a century, while the machine age was to start in Europe after nearly 40 years.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 1st April 2018 07:06
I would add here something about the education system.

Institutions of deen and dunia have become ritual centers and the majority is practicing ritualism in every field.

Till 10th grade the education of all citizens must be regulated and standardized. After that the government or education ministry must give topics, problems and projects to explore and work on. It is the teacher’s choice to choose whatever book, whatever method, whatever time frame, whatever testing method and whatever standard for graduation he sets for his students. Education must be about becoming morally good and professionally efficient citizens instead of degrees and titles.

Scholars must prove their worth by introducing practical solutions to the problems of society instead of writing pointless papers on useless theoretical concepts.

Gain theoretical ilm in each science of deen through the best scholars of the state and eventually the world (i.e. students of knowledge travel to gain knowledge the same way tablighis travel to do dawah). Gain practical wisdom through travelling and keeping in contact with the local populace. Combine theoretical ilm with practical wisdom to find appropriate solutions for the ills of society.

Instead of focusing on buildings, systems and titles, we must focus on content, goal and the essence of education.

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