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Abu Fauzi's avatar
Abu Fauzi's avatar
#1 [Permalink] Posted on 18th December 2024 14:51
As-Salaam alaikum,
As we have seen it in the Holy Qur'an, the Divine Power to create by language manifests through the command KUN (Be!). Allah Ta'ala says : "Our Command to a thing when We will it, is to say to it Kun and it is" (16:40). Several verses attest to this mode of creation : (2:117, 3:47, 6:73, 16:40)..

A Prophet may also be endowed with Allah's permission, with the miraculous power to bestow life as seen in Qur'anic reports concerning Ibrahim and Isa, may peace and Allah's blessings be upon them: both were able, the one calling out (2:260) and the other through breathing (3:49, 5:110), to bring dead and inanimate birds into life.

ABD al-Wahab Sha'arani, a 16th century Egyptian Sufi master, in his hagiographical Kitab al-Tabqat al-Kubra (The Book of Great Generations), ascribes to al-Rufa'i a citation of a divine tradition (hadith qudsi) in which Allah says: 'O sons of Adam, obey Me and I shall obey you, and I shall make you say to a thing' Be'! and it will be'... even with this privilege Allah gives to some of His Servants, it is still approached with the reservation demanded of good manners towards Allah.

The courteous among Allah's men, who may have the power to dispose, or some other supernatural ability to operate upon something, so so by means of their religious deed, not by means of KUN. They do this largely by means of BISMILLAHI RAHMANI RAHEEM (In the Name of ALLAH, the Merciful, the Compassionate).

For such men full of Adaab, full of courtesy and respect to the Divine Court, with regard to bringing something into existence, the formula of BASMALA is like KUN for Allah, by its means certain men bring forth what they will into existence, says Ibn Arabi in his 'Futuhat Makkiyyah'.

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abu mohammed's avatar
abu mohammed's avatar
#2 [Permalink] Posted on 18th December 2024 16:39
For such men full of Adaab, full of courtesy and respect to the Divine Court, with regard to bringing something into existence, the formula of BASMALA is like KUN for Allah, by its means certain men bring forth what they will into existence

By it's means, i.e. there any evidence of such things happening. i.e. Has anyone bought things into existence by their own will and by the permission of Allah?
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