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The life of the Akabireen – Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki (rah)

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#46 [Permalink] Posted on 6th July 2019 19:31
Attached is a Naat (I call it Munajat) to this post

Munajat Khadim Khas.mp3

The reciter is a close friend, and a mureed of Hadhrat Aqdas Mufti Syed Javed Hussain Shah (db) and a khadim khas of my Shaykh.

This was during a yearly event of Naat, where Mashaykh such as Mufti Syed Javed Hussain Shah (db), Maulana (professor) Ali Asghar Shahid (db), Maulana Muhammad Sadiq al-Ameen Sahib (db) and so forth etc. gather and Murideen of different salasil come such as Murids of Mufti Syed Mukhtar uddin Shah (db) and so forth etc came to recite Naat.

This friend is a young person, attention was not given to him much and he got the chance at the end to read. He started off with easy and then went down to this Munajat, to which Mufti Shah Sahib (db) asked in between 'is it fulan fulan?' [due to his old age but he recognized him from his voice].

The munajat was felt to be inclined towards Qadiri Mizaaj, and the sound may not be that clear since were far from speaker. Quickly took out the recorder and started recording it, and this is the part of the total recording of the Naat he recorded.

Sorry do not have the lyrics and do not know what is the name of the Munajat, if anyone figures out do inform.

Munajat Khadim Khas.mp3
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#47 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2019 18:58
[Taken from Irshadat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه, page 103/104]

One (Hadhrat Aqdas Maulana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi رحمة الله عليه) mentioned:

A person came in presence of Hadhrat Imam Jafar as-Sadiq رحمة الله عليه and requested:

'Hadhrat, I came to learn Ism A'zam,' to which he made promise to him and said:

'Meet me at the corner of the Fulan river and on Fulan day'

So the person, as per the instructions, went in the river and kept saying his (Hadhrat Imam Sahib رحمة الله عليه's) name to the point the water reached above the level of his navel. With courage, the person continued to progress further and finally (came to a point that) he started to drown as he reached in the middle (of the river).

Out of worry/distress he stopped taking then name of Imam رحمة الله عليه and without control (out of reflex) started to take called out 'Allah Allah.' He reached towards the end of the river while calling out the name of Allah.

At that moment Imam Jafar as-Sadiq رحمة الله عليه stated that Ism A'azam is this name mubarak Allah Allah. The condition is that it should come from the heart in such a way just like from your lips while you were drowning.

After (mentioning) this incident, Hadhrat Imam Rabbani Qadus Sirrahu stated:

'So Mian, it is something (koi baat hai) in having khuloos in the path of God.'

[Just extra, I think Hadhrat Shaykh Maulana Zakariya رحمة الله عليه also mentioned somewhere while discussing the Ism A'azam, mentioning that Ism A'azam is when a person is like on the verge of collapse and it comes from the heart (such state or condition) - however this faqir is facing difficulty in locating it to confirm this. If anyone knows please do share here.

Another incident this faqir is finding difficulty in locating is the anecdote of a king and an alchemist. How the king left his kingship and went in disguise, did khidmat of an old alchemist to learn alchemy without the old man knowing. If someone also knows where it is mentioned, then please do share.

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#48 [Permalink] Posted on 18th October 2019 19:53
Just extra, I think Hadhrat Shaykh Maulana Zakariya رحمة الله عليه also mentioned somewhere while discussing the Ism A'azam, mentioning that Ism A'azam is when a person is like on the verge of collapse and it comes from the heart (such state or condition) - however this faqir is facing difficulty in locating it to confirm this. If anyone knows please do share here.

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#49 [Permalink] Posted on 19th October 2019 09:11
Jazakallahu Khair for finding it. It was from no other book other than Fadhail A'amal of Qutub al-Aqtad Shaykh al-Hadith Maulana Zakariya Khandalwi رحمة الله عليه.

In the chapter of Fadhail Zikr, while discussing on the Hadith No. 29. Hadhrat Shaykh رحمة الله عليه mentioned:

'...Allamah Shami رحمة الله عليه has quoted Imam Abu Hanifa رحمة الله عليه as saying that Ism A'azam is the word 'Allah.' He also stated that Allamah Tahawi as well as other scholars supported this view. The great mystics and Sufis have also reached the same conclusion, and that is why the Zikr of the Holy word is practiced more than anything else by their followers. The leader of saints, Hadhrat Shaykh Abdul Qadir Jilani (may Allah enlighten his grave), is also of the same view that 'Allah' is the Ism A'azam, provided that at the time of recitation there is nothing but Allah in one's mind. He further advised that during its recitation ordinary people should think of His grandeur and fear Him, while the specialists in zikr should also concentrate on His attributes, and the selected few should have in their minds thought of nothing else except Almighty Allah. He also stated that it was for this reason that this blessed name is mentioned so many times, in fact two thousand three hundred and sixty times, in the Holy Quran.

Shaikh Ismail Farghani رحمة الله عليه relates:

'I had, for long time, a keen desire to learn this Ism A'azam and for this purpose I had undergone great hardships. I would fast for days together, so much that sometimes I would fall senseless on account of severe hunger. One day I was sitting in the mosque in Damascus when two men entered there and stood besides me. To me they looked like angels. One of them said to the other:

'Do you want to learn Ism A'azam?'
'Yes,' replied the other, 'Please tell me.'

On hearing this conversation I became more attentive. The former said:

'It is the word 'Allah', provided it is recited with Sidq Lija which according to Shaikh Ismail رحمة الله عليه is the state of mind comparable to that of a drowning person when there is nobody to save him, and he calls Almighty Allah for help with extreme sincerity...'
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#50 [Permalink] Posted on 11th December 2019 18:29
I could not find any place where Haq Ta'ala was not Present

It was once mentioned:

'When Hadhrat Shahab al-Din Suhurwardi رحمة الله عليه started doing Dhikr (and) Shugl after doing Bayyat with his Shaykh, after the passing of 20 days his Shaykh started to entertain and value him. When he would present himself, he would be told (by his Shaykh) to be sat on a good place, on a chair or such. And (his Shaykh) would converse with him with compassion and attentiveness.

Some Khudam got jealous and could not find this service to be tolerable. (They thought to themselves) That we have spent and lived for 15 to 20 years and have been deprived of such favors whereas a person who recently came have been given such compassion and enjoyment.

It came to notice of Hadhrat Shaykh about these whispering. He gave a Chicken to every Dervaish of Khanqah along with Shaykh Shahab al-Din رحمة الله عليه and instructed to bring to them to me sacrificed (slaughtered). But every person should slaughter his Chicken in such a place that no one is present.

So they all went to isolated place in a Jungle, where no one man was present, and brought back their Chicken after slaughtering. But when Shaykh Shahab al-Din رحمة الله عليه arrived, he stood silent with his alive Chicken pressed in his hand. The Dervaish started to ridicule, that such a task could not be done. When all of them laid their slaughtered Chicken in-front of their Shaykh, then Murshid questioned Hadhrat Shahab ad-Din Suhuhrwardi رحمة الله عليه:

'Brother, you did not brought the Chicken Slaughtered,'

With great Adab, he said:

'Hadhrat it was your command to slaughter in such a place where there is no one present. I could not find any place where I did not found Haq Ta'ala not present.'

On this point, Hadhrat Shaykh mentioned to the Talibeen that look this is the difference of the capability between you and him. So why should he not be valued?

Whichever green grass was intended to break, it was found to be engrossed in Dhikr illahi

Another time, Hadhrat Shaykh رحمة الله عليه instructed all the Khudam to bring green grass from a plain. All of them rushed for jungle and dug the green grass and came back. When Shaykh Shahab ad-Din Suhurwardi رحمة الله عليه arrived, he stood with dried grass pressed in his fist. People around laughed at him, and mentioned that across the whole jungle he could not acquire a fist amount of green grass. Shaykh questioned him, to which he said:

'Hadhrat what should I say? whichever green grass I would intend to break I found it engrossed in Dhikr illahi. I could not find the courage to stop Dhikr illahi with my own hands, in one place I found this amount of dried grass which was ghafil of Dhikr hence I have brought this.'

[Taken from Irshadat Gangohi, Page 88-89]

Just an extra:

Sharing a quote, as someone said:

'We cannot attain the presence of Allah because we are already totally in the presence of Allah. What is absent is the awareness.'

If the heart is continuously awake, and the mind is aware that Allah Ta'ala is watching us. Then would we have the courage to sin even when we think no human being is watching us?
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#51 [Permalink] Posted on 10th March 2020 20:40
A jewel on a worn finger ring
[Kuliyat Imdadia - Shaykh Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki رحمة الله عليه]

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#52 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd April 2020 16:22
Attached is a brief biography of Hadhrat Aqdas Maulana Syed Alaudeen Jilani رحمة الله عليه. May Allah Ta'ala reward the respected brother who took the effort to compile this biography.

He was the leading khalifa of Hadhrat Aqdas Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Abbasi Madani رحمة الله عليه who in turn was one of the senior most khalifa of Hadhrat Gharib Nawaz رحمة الله عليه [Peer Fazli Ali Qureshi رحمة الله عليه]

Currently his successor, Hadhrat Maulana Hafiz Nasiruddin Khakwani (db), is leading this branch of Naqshband. At Khanqah Darussalaam, Sheikhupura, Lahore. It is more of a Mai-khana, a place where Ashiqeen come across the world to satiate their thirst for Divine love of Allah Ta'ala.

May Allah Ta'ala accept his effort of Deen. Ameen.

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#53 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd April 2020 18:16
Interesting wrote:
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Brother interesting,
Jazakallah khairan for this.

Was pir fazal qureshi ra also known as hazrat gharib nawaz ra?

Was maulana abdul ghafoor abbasi ra the leading Khalifa of pir fazal ali qureshi ra?

There is a blog online which looks mentions that someone called khwaja abdul Ghaffar fazali was the main Khalifa.
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#54 [Permalink] Posted on 22nd April 2020 20:15
eastmidlands wrote:
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1. Yes

2. I have edited the post from:

'the senior most' to 'one of the senior most.' Yes he was one of the leading.

However there should no be doubt on the aspect of being one of the senior khalifa. One may refer to the book: Maqamat Fazalia by Sayyid Zawwar Hussain Shah رحمة الله عليه, where he wrote:

'It was as if he was the sun on sky, and the rest kings were the stars on sky
When the sun rises, the stars diminishes in other words their brightness becomes dim'

So all the Khulafa [successors] of Hadhrat Gharib Nawaz رحمة الله عليه [i.e. Pir Fazli Ali Qureshi رحمة الله عليه] were shinning stars, but the stature of Hadhrat Madani [i.e. Maulana Abdul Ghafoor Abbasi Madani رحمة الله عليه] was excellent. Hadhrat Gharib Nawaz رحمة الله عليه would say about him that:

'I have been told O Qureshi! the expansion of your Silsilah accross the whole muslim world will from the existence of your Khalifa Abdul Ghafoor رحمة الله عليه, who would reside in Madina al-Munawwara'

[Maqamat Fazalia, page 152]

3. We should neither fall for Ghulu [exaggeration], nor should we think low about others. This, itself, comes under the disease of spiritual heart known as Kibr [pride] and Ujub [self-conceit].

Whatever was said is out of love and respect, and one should think good about their teachers or Shuyookhs. If the blogger is promoting about another Shaikh, then he is doing out of love as long the boundaries of Shariat are not being broken.

In Tassawuf, thinking good about one's Shaykh or respective Silsilah is also a means of Faydh as much as reading the letters or the book. Now if one wants to open a debate or argue how is it possible, then I will quote from Risalah Muhabbat of Hadhrat Aqdas Sufi Iqbal Muhajir Madani رحمة الله عليه:

'This path of Ishq [love] is known as Tassawuf, Ma'arifah [gnosis], Jazb [attraction] and Sulook. To which its beginning is, 'verily actions are by intentions' and the ending is 'to worship Allah as if you see Him.' This is what is known as Ikhlas [sincerity] and Ihsan [excellence].

Many people have the desire to understand the path of Muhabbat [love] and Ma'arifah [gnosis], but the way of understanding this path is different from understanding other things. Because, generally, one learns the knowledge about something then there is explanation about it, after that one acts followed by achieving results.

Here, first comes the act to achieves the results then one understands. Because here, the arguments are based upon conditions and state of emotions which can not be explained without achieving them. But through the means of feelings and witnessing the effects of this path, by giving examples, can be emphasized and explained.'

[Muhabbat, page 54]

In other words: The understanding of this path of Divine Love is based upon experience, experience will come through by practically taking steps in this path.

Maqamat Fazalia pg 152.jpg
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#55 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd May 2020 11:13
Please remove this

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#56 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd May 2020 20:08
.[delete this please]
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#57 [Permalink] Posted on 21st January 2025 18:47
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What is qadiri mizaaj?
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#58 [Permalink] Posted on 21st January 2025 18:48
What is the meaning if a chishti or a qadiri mizaaj ?
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