Recently we heard about the demise of Shaykh ul Hadith Moulana Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه who was from the few of the top living khulafa of Hazrat Qutub Al-Aqtaab Shaykh ul Hadith Moulana Zakariya Khandalvi رحمة الله عليه. There is not a single doubt that he was one of the few living mashaykh in this era who had a strong authority in both external and internal knowledge.
Just to understand as to what caliber Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه was, one just needs to open the book Aap Beti, which is written by Shaykh ul hadith Moulana Zakariya Khandalvi رحمة الله عليه, to notice how much duas and attention did Hazrat Khandalvi رحمة الله عليه gave him and to what level of trust Hazrat Khandalvi رحمة الله عليه had upon him. Not only that, even Mufffakir al-Islam Shaykh Abul Hasan Nadwi رحمة الله عليه has mentioned similar instances about Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه in Sawanayh Hazrat Shaykh.
In this thread, iA I will be putting forward some extracts from the collected sayings of Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه in one of his Khanqahi travels to Pakistan. It was given forward to this faqeer few days after the demise of Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه from someone related to the collector, the full risala is called ‘Deen Islam main Sulook wa Ihsaan ki Ahmiat’ collected by Hakeem Muhammad Kafeel ur-Rahmaan Shaad (db) who is a khalifa of Shaykh رحمة الله عليه.
Please do forgive me for any shortcomings towards translating the parts in the book, as I am a person who is likely to make mistakes.
Our Akabir
Our Akabir, from Hazrat Mujadid Alf-Thani رحمة الله عليه to his khulafa and students, then Hazrat Shah Waliullah رحمة الله عليه, then his children and students Hazrat Shah Abdul Azeez رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Shah Abdul Qadir رحمة الله عليه, Shah Rafiudeen رحمة الله عليه and their students, then Hazrat Nanotwi رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Shaikh ul-Hind رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Raipuri رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Moulana Yusuf رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Moulana Inaam ul-Hasan رحمة الله عليه, Sayyed Atta-ullah Shah Bukhari رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Moulana Habeeb ur-Rahman Ludhiyanwi رحمة الله عليه, Sayyed Anwar Shah Kashmiri رحمة الله عليه, our Hazrat Shaikh رحمة الله عليه. All of the akabireen were collective in Shariat and Tariqat.
Their fields were different, some them would be observed putting their lives for the work of jihad, politics, Taleef and Tasneef, Dars and Tadrees, Dawat and Tabligh, work against false sects. For different Akabir you will observe their work were in different fields. But you will surely witness that all of them were collective in Shariat and Tariqat. You will not find anyone who has not traversed the path of Tariqat. Every person after acquiring knowledge of deen did bayyat in the hands of their Shaykh رحمة الله عليه and traversed the path of sulook, and after they were fully acquainted with sulook then did they put themselves forward for the work of deen.
Sorry to post this story at the wrong place. But as a guest I can post here only.
Cricketer Saqlain Mushtaq narrated this story.
When he met Hafiz Patel sab RA, they discussed about hazrat's knee pain. Saqlain said his physio has suggested some exercises for him for similar pain, he would like to share that. Hafiz Patel sab asked him to meet after eisha at around 8:00 PM.
After eisha when he went to his place, he saw him doing dua. He waited for hafiz patel sab to end the dua. It didn't happened till late 1:30 AM in the night. He thought, let me also pray tahajjud. He completed tahajjud and returned to see Hafiz patel sab continuing with dua.
He said "I gave up"
We see their day's a'amal, night, only their khaliq and mahboob knows.
If you were to observe Hazrat Nanotwi رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه and Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه, they were mountains in knowledge. But they did bayyat with Hazrat Haji Imdadullah Muhajir Makki رحمة الله عليه, even though Haji رحمة الله عليه was not a mustanad aalim but he was an Imam of Tassawuf. He was Qutub Al-Aqtaab of his time; hence the three figures did bayyat with him. The letters of Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه and Hazrat Nanotwi رحمة الله عليه written to their Shaykh رحمة الله عليه are still available, you should read them. It seems as if a beginner talib e ilm is writing letter to a big Allamah Shaykh. Asking every small matter before taking any steps, the letters are available do motala of them.
The Jazba of Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه
A jazba arose in the heart of Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه that my Shaykh’s Khanqa in Thana Bawan is empty and work should be done in making it alive. Immediately he wrote a letter to his Shaykh, Hazrat Haji رحمة الله عليه, that ‘there are these urges in my heart, if permission is granted then I shall shift to Thana Bawan by leaving my current place so that the empty Khanqa becomes living.’
Hazrat Haji Sahib رحمة الله عليه did not forbid him, but rather he replied saying ‘my opinion is that you do istikhara, and if Allah Ta’ala wills then again think carefully about it.’
Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه stated that I used to daily do istikhara but the jazba simply increased along. After a few days my kayfiat became such that I could not handle it, and the jazba overcame me to the point that I thought to myself that if I again sought permission from Hazrat Haji رحمة الله عليه, and if the permission was not granted then I would not be able to tolerate this kayfiat. Therefore I again read the previous letter and thought to myself that Hazrat Haji رحمة الله عليه did not forbid me – and Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه stated that I should first start working on making the Khanqa alive, and then I will write a letter to Hazrat رحمة الله عليه seeking forgiveness. And off he went to Thana Bawan leaving everything behind.
There in Khanqa, Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه cleaned the place, started the mamoolat and zikr azkar of masjid, ilmi and Khanqa. When the work was started in both infradi and ijtimai level, then a letter was written to Hazrat Haji رحمة الله عليه. In that letter Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه sought forgiveness like he has done a great sin.
In reply to the letter Hazrat Haji رحمة الله عليه wrote ‘That time I wrote to you about istikhara, it was because the way you asked with muhabbat, it did not had strength. So then I thought the conditions here are such that you would not be able to handle them, so it would be unnecessary for you to come– or else it is was my own wish that you came and now it is also the decision of Allah rabul izzat, hence Allah rabul izzat had put this passion in your heart. May Allah rabul izzat give you Jaza Khair.’ – And Hazrat Haji رحمة الله عليه also gave many other duas to Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه.
In the biography of Hazrat Shaykh ul Hind رحمة الله عليه, it is mentioned when his peer o murshid Hazrat Imam Rabbani Moulana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi رحمة الله عليه was alive, it was the habit of Hazrat Shaykh ul Hind رحمة الله عليه on Thursday after teaching his lesson he would to leave for Gangoh from Deoband paidal (on foot) near the time of Asr. Every week he would travel a distance of more than 40 km paidal to his Shaykh رحمة الله عليه’s place and would reach by night time.
Often the door of the Khanqa used to be open. But at times the door would be closed and Hazrat Shaikh ul Hind رحمة الله عليه would not knock the door but he would start offering nawafil at a side. Or he would lay down his chaddar (clothe) and lie down. And when the dharban would open the door, he would regret and apologize to Hazrat.
The dharban also used to say ‘Hazrat you should have knocked the door, and I would have opened it.’ And Hazrat would reply ‘It is not my mizaaj that I would knock my Shaykh’s door, and people would get disturbed because of me.’
And in this way, Hazrat Shaykh ul Hind رحمة الله عليه would pray Juma the next day and return back to Deoband. As long Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه was alive, this was the mamool of Hazrat Shaykh ul Hind رحمة الله عليه.
Hazrat Moulana Hussain Ahmed Madani رحمة الله عليه
After graduating from Dar uloom Deoband, Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه did bayyat in the khidmat of Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه. Then Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه informed [Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه] that our Shaikh Hazrat Imdadullah Muhajir Makki رحمة الله عليه is alive, attend to his khidmat, ask for the mamoolat and do them.
So Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه took the mamoolat from Hazrat Muhajir Makki رحمة الله عليه, but after few days Hazrat Haji رحمة الله عليه passed away. After that Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه continued to do mamoolat under the permission of Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه.
Many years passed in Masjid Nabawi in state of giving dars of Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqah and uloom Deenia. And at times in one day he used to give dars 17-17 times. After 8.9 years, a letter came from Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه to Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه that ‘my heart desires that you should come to Gangoh to traverse the stages of sulook’
On this, Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه sought the permission of his father, and he was granted. The next day the father of Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه came home at 10-11 o’clock and asked ‘Where is Hussain Ahmed? He was asking for permission to go on safar, call him so that I can do mashwara with him.’ The people of household informed that he had left since Fajr with his samaan, and he was telling that you had already given him the permission. His father said ‘he did not take anything from me to cover the expenses for safar.’
Because he had three sons, and it was the mamool of all three sons that whatever they would earn would be given to their father. And then their father would overlook the expenses of the house.
So Hazrat Madani’s رحمة الله عليه father searched for an intelligent person to hand over the things needed for safar, because at that time ships were needed to travel by sea. So the person was sent to ensure that the cost of safar of Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه would be covered.
Now you can guess how much was the jazba of Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه that he forgot to take the money for safar expenses. He did not even stay on night and could not tolerate such, just how much was the Fannayiat? Such was the muhabbat of his Shaikh رحمة الله عليه, that he left right after receiving his command.
It took about 3 months for Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه to reach Gangoh. And when he reached, there was no dars of Tafseer and Hadith. The only work he had to was to look after few sheep, put woods in toilet, do khidmat of guests and live in the khidmat of Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه.
And the room which Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه was staying in was a mihrab, where hardly a single person can live in, and there Hazrat Madani رحمة الله عليه did qiyyam for 6 month. And it was there he used to pray tahajudd, do zikr azkar and traverse the stage of sulook. And after 6 months he got ijzat and khilafat, and then he came back.
Hazrat Moulana Yahya studied Hadith from Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه. After studying hadith, he gave himself over to his own Shaykh رحمة الله عليه and also did bayyat with him. His brother, who was Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه, had some books left to be covered. It was his intention that once he will come back from Gangoh, he will study the rest of the books.
But it got decided that he had to live with his Shaykh رحمة الله عليه. So he wrote a letter to his father that to send Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه here, to Gangoh. There is mahol here as well, and we will be able to do khidmat of Hazrat and do ziyarat of other ulama and sulaha who visit here. Also we will study the books. So his father sent Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه to Gangoh.
…Next post will be about Moulana Ilyas رحمة الله عليه, and will be a big one iA.
After coming to Gangoh, Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه covered the books in 2-3 year time. And did bayyat with Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه during the days of Talib ilm, even though Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه did not used to do Bayyat to any Talib ilm. But special dealing was done with Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه, and was said ‘Ilyas is exception in this.’
In fact during his takhlia, [Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه] gave Hazrat Moulana ilyas رحمة الله عليه ijazat to come. ‘You should come when I am even alone, no difference is made with you.’
After studying books, [Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه] stayed with his Shaikh in Gangoh’s Khanqa for about 9-10 years. After Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه passed away, he did Tajdeed Bayyat with Hazrat Moulana Khaleel Ahmed Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه who was the Ajal Khalifa of Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه.
Hazrat رحمة الله عليه quickly gave ijazat to Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه, and then the two brothers came to Saharanpur and became Mudarris in Mazahir al-uloom, and started to live in the khidmat of their Shaikh. Then Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه gave Khilafat to Hazrat Moulana Yahya رحمة الله عليه but Hazrat Moulana Yahya رحمة الله عليه passed away soon. After few years, [Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه]’s big brother, Moulana Muhammad رحمة الله عليه also passed away. Together they were three brothers – Moulana Muhammad رحمة الله عليه, Moulana Yahya رحمة الله عليه and Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه.
During this time, he was the Imam of Bangla Wali Masjid Nizamudeen Awliya. In reality it was the masjid of Moulana Ismaeel رحمة الله عليه, who was the Imam, Shaikh and Pir of this masjid. After him it was his big son Moulana Muhammad رحمة الله عليه. And after that [after the demise of Moulana Muhammad رحمة الله عليه] the people of Delhi came to Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه and said ‘It is the place of your father and brother, please come so that people can benefit from you.’ Both people of Delhi walai and Mewat walai.
Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه said ‘I have already given myself to my own Shaikh رحمة الله عليه, if my Shaikh رحمة الله عليه will give hukm then I will go’
They said: ‘We will get the permission’
He رحمة الله عليه said: ‘Not permission, he should give me hukm then I will go’
They said رحمة الله عليه ‘It is the place of your father and brother’
He رحمة الله عليه said: ‘I have fikr of my own self, and my Islah will happen through my Shaikh رحمة الله عليه. I have given myself fully to my own Shaikh رحمة الله عليه. And if my Shaikh رحمة الله عليه gives me hukm, then I will have no issues’
So they went back to Delhi. There were elders in Delhi who were bayyat to Hazrat Gangohi رحمة الله عليه and were peer bahi of Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه. They asked the elders to go to Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه and make the request. So 2-3 elders went to Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه and requested him.
Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه said, ‘There is ijazat from me’
The elders said, ‘He [Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه] does not seeks ijazat, he says that if my Shaikh رحمة الله عليه gives me hukm then I will go, or else I am not going like this’
Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه said, ‘If this is the case, then let me do mashwara then we will decide’ So Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه called Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه and asked what is this matter.
He [Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه] said, ‘I have clearly told them that I have given myself to my own Shaikh رحمة الله عليه. Hazrat wherever you give me the hukm to go, I will go there. You know what is better for me, I have given myself 100 percent to you. Whatever hukm you give, this person is present. Without your hukm I will not go anywhere.’
On this Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه said, ‘My opinion is that take one year off.’ Because Moulana Muhammd Ilyas رحمة الله عليه was a regular Mudarris. ‘Go there for one year and see if people benefit from you, and if they do then do mustaqil work there.
So on the hukm of his Shaikh رحمة الله عليه, he took one year off. And went to Bangla Wali Masjid, which today is the Markaz of Tablighi Jamaat, and lived there. The people of Mewat also used to come there. There were many students of his father and his brother, who were also bayyat to them. So everyone did rujoo towards him [Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه]. There were people of Delhi also who did rujoo to him. And the one year went really good.
After a year when Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه came, he asked ‘What is the Mahol?’
Hazrat Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه told, ‘MashaAllah the year went really good. And now whatever is your hukm.’
So Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه said, ‘My opinion is that take another year off.’ So Hazrat took another year off.
So when the second year also passed then Hazrat Saharanpuri رحمة الله عليه came or Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه himself went, and the conditions were asked to which the good Karguzari was told. And after hearing good Karguzari. [Hazrat Saharanpuri] said ‘Now give resignation.’
My purpose of telling this is how much effort did these people put, and how much was their Fanayyat of Shaikh.
[Note: Since the last post was about Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه, I thought to further add few more things that can be taken from the same book but under different section named as ‘Islam mai Sulook wa Ahsan ki Ahmiat’]
The Ahitimaam of our Akabireen for Zikr Jahri
Our Shaykh ul Hadith رحمة الله عليه say that, from our Akabireen two buzurgs are such that Allah rabul izzat gave them very high rank, but despite this throughout their whole life they never gave up on the zikr of Bara Tasbeeh. Until last breathe, [they] did Islahi zikr, from them is Imam Rabbani Hazrat Moulana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi رحمة الله عليه and the other Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه, Bani Jamat Tablighi.
The Zikr of Barah Tasbeehat in Silsila Chishtia
La illaha illalah 200 times, Ilallah 400 times, Allahu Allah 600 times, Zikr of Allah isme Zaat 100 times. Just like this, [they] did not leave Islahi zikr until akhir dum. We have heard from some Tablighi buzurg, Hazrat Moulana Saeed رحمة الله عليه and other buzurgs that they said to Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه ‘Hazrat you have aged, you are weak now. You do not need to do this much Mujahidah.'
So Hazrat Moulana Muhammad Ilyas رحمة الله عليه said, ‘Through the blessings of such thing which I have attained such a very big rank and gained the Qurb of Allah, how can I leave it?’
Shaykh ul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariya رحمة الله عليه
Our Shaykh رحمة الله عليه has written in his kitaab ‘Shariat wa Tariqat ka Talazum’ that during the time of Akabir, let alone the state of khawaas but even the awaam thought it was must through for Shariat and Tariqat and without this there was no chara. And we have heard multiple times from the tongue of Hazrat, that he used to say – during the times of Akabir that was it was in the mind of normal person that if he was called or if he had the desire to take part in the work of deen, and if he was Bayyat to any Shaykh رحمة الله عليه then he would take part under their [Shaykh’s] watch. And if they [the normal people] were not Bayyat to any Shaykh رحمة الله عليه then they would first do Bayyat then they would take part in that deeni work. It was in the mind of everyone that if I did not do fikr of islah of my Qalb, then it may be because of me that there could be harm in the work of deen.
Malfooz of Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه
Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه used to say, if anyone says that fulan buzurg is ahead of your Akabir in tafseer then we do not deny. Our akabir may be ahead in tafseer, hadith, fiqah but we say one thing with dawa that in Taqwa, Khashiat illahi, Ikhlas and ilahiat there is no Thani of our Akabir.
Hence doing of Allah Allah, Khashiat illahi, Ikhlas was the imtiyaz of our Akabir. Due to Fitnah and Fasaad, our Shaykh ul hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariya رحمة الله عليه used to say, as many of these Fitnah and Fasaad are being spread is because of our Khanqahi Silsila has become weak. We need to do fikr of this. Then Shaykh did ibtidai of Zikr Majlis, and now Al hamdullilah in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Burma, America, Africa, Europe, every country the Khanqah have became abaad with the Fazl and Karam of Allah. And the countless thousands Majalis of Zikr have been Qayim.
May Allah ta’ala accept this our Ijtima, Allah ta’ala accept us all for this. And now Zikr majlis will commence, one thing is always have to be said that this Zikr is not to be done by oneself. One should learn from their own Mashaykh, the islah of heart done through months of aam zikr, that inshaAllah through this Zikr Jahri if we learn from our Mashaykh and do with according to their guidance and do with consistency, in days the islah of heart will be done. May Allah ta’ala give us the taufeeq of amal. (Ameen).
The fikr of Shaykh ul hadith Moulana Zakariya Khandalvi رحمة الله عليه
Our Shaykh ul Hadith رحمة الله عليه in the end of part of his life had only one fikr – in fact it was only his one cry that the silsila of Zikr Azkar and the Khanqahi Nizaam has become very weak. These things should be a norm just like in the time of Akabir. Since Hazrat Shaykh رحمة الله عليه has seen the three Khanqah of our Akabir, he saw their rising times. First Khanqah Gangoh of Imam Rabbani Hazrat Moulana Rasheed Ahmed Gangohi رحمة الله عليه where Hazrat Shaykh رحمة الله عليه grew up and was Khadim Khaas. The condition of this Khanqah was such that there was used to be only zikr during the days and night, especially during the night when everyone would wake up by 1-2 AM and would do zikr of Allah until fajr, and loud zikr would take place.
Countless people used to be near the Khanqah, there was a river where the water was clean and the Dhobi used to come by 3 o’clock. It was habit of the Dhobis that when they used to turn the clothe around some would make noise, others would whistle or they would make any noise. Since in Khanqah Gangohi there used to be a lot of zikr of Allah, the atmosphere used to be spread far and wide. And because of that when the Dhobi used to turn over the clothe they would make the Zarb of Allah, in which some of them used to be Hindu and mostly Muslims. So all the Dhobi used to do zikr of Allah.
Then Hazrat Shaykh رحمة الله عليه saw the Khanqah of Hazrat Thanwi رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Shah Abdul Raheem Raipuri رحمة الله عليه which became empty for some few years – Shah Abdul Qadir Raipuri رحمة الله عليه made the Khanqa active again where people like Abul Hasan Nadwi رحمة الله عليه, Maulana Manzoor Numani رحمة الله عليه, Sayyid Attaullah Shah Bukhari رحمة الله عليه, Maulana Habeeb Ar-Rahman Ludhyanwi رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Shah Nafees رحمة الله عليه were made.
So when the last year of Hazrat Shaykh رحمة الله عليه came, Hazrat’s last year of teaching was during the year 1968 and then he left Tadrees. And after that Hazrat gave all his time in this [Khanqah]. When Hazrat saw all three Khanqah empty, he would get a lot sad and would cry whenever he would mention about them. Also he would get worried, so he thought if Khanqah are not being made active then Ahtimaan of Zikr Majalis should be made.
Then Hazrat wrote letters to Hazrat Qari Tayyab رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Maulana Sayyid Muhammad Yousaf Binori رحمة الله عليه, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Shafi رحمة الله عليه and other Akabir. That this Khanqah silsilah which has became weak, and the atmosphere of Zikr Azkar has nearly finished. It should be made active again.
The first majlis that was conducted by Shaykh ul Hadith رحمة الله عليه was in the Madarassa of Hazrat Sayyid Muhammad Yousaf Binori رحمة الله عليه, where Maulana Muhammad Yousaf Ludhyanwi رحمة الله عليه and Hazrat Maulana Yayha Madani رحمة الله عليه used to be there. All of these Hazraat were Mujahizeen of Hazrat رحمة الله عليه. Mufti Shahid رحمة الله عليه, Maulana Zubair رحمة الله عليه, all of these used to participate.
After that Zikr Majalis started in many places. Whenever Hazrat رحمة الله عليه would travel in any country or city, targheeb of Zikr Majlis used to be given.
Just about this week I arrived back from Pakistan, after some khanqahi mahol. It was fazl of Allah rabul 'izza that my stay in Pakistan was long enough to get a place to take part in my Shaykh's Ijtima. That involved mashaykh like Hzrt Maulana Prof. Ali Asghar Shahid (db) and Hzrt Shaykh ul Hadith Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Al Ameen (db) [his shaykh is the same shaykh of Hzrt Shaykh Maulana Hafiz Nasir uddeen Kakhwani (db), so peer bahi of his].
But just to relate it to this thread, was also fortune to meet Khadim Khaas Hzrt Shaykh Muhammad Ali (db) of Hazrat Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه, who did khidmat of his Shaykh for over more than 12 years. In appearance he truly looks like a person who is a khadim, thin with sada kurta and lungi. And a side clothe which he would use for personal use or tie an imamah around his very sada topi. Very frank and talkative, even though he was dark skin but his face was next level. And how can it be not when he has done khidmat of a big Shaykh for a long time?
He first came to my Shaykh's Madrassa, from there me, along with my Shaykh we went into the Khanqah. Was lucky to see what was going between both of them, as this faqir was only the third person looking and listening. Both were down to Muraqba, few communication but rather it was like they were not there but in some other place. Khair, witnessed incident of Kashf at that point etc etc
Then after that, it was majlis of my Shaykh where first loud zikr was done. I do not know why but Hzrt Khadim Khaas came behind me, where I could see enough what he was doing. I noticed he was going through multiple zarb of ilallah on different lathaif, and it was so swift. While beginners did one one zarbi of ilallah on the qalb, in the same time he managed to do multiple zarb.
During the serving of dinner, Hzrt Khadim Khaas was sitting on a plate and looking in a way to indicate to sit next to him. There he started to speak few secrets of Hzrt Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه, but he stopped and said we will go all nighter and talk more in detail. I could not manage to, was exhausted and went home. Actually I forgot that Hzrt Khadim Khaas mentioned to stay back, then next morning at 8 AM he ranged and mentioned I was waiting for you all night since he wanted to speak about Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه. Personally had to apologise since he was not a normal Shaykh himself, he said 'Maaf tub karon ga jab apkay pass chai hogi' [I will forgive you once when I have chai with you]. To which I said 'Ji Hazrat.'
Then after few days he rang again to ask how am I, gave few naseehat on what to do, and also asked why have you still not done shadi? after that I do not know what happened, maybe haal came over him that he started mentioning Hzrt Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه has done muraqba on the Mazaar such as of Baba Farid Ganj Shakr رحمة الله عليه while he was with him. Then later Hzrt Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه would mention how Baba Farid Ganj Shakr رحمة الله عليه was happy and said this and that etc etc He spoke about Zikr Khafi. In the end he mentioned that from time to time send him sms which makes one laugh or cry.
At times he would mention about observing tajaliyat such as in the Khanqah of the person who's book this faqir is translating.
The reason why I am mentioning this is not out of pride, but rather to show at what spiritual height was Hzrt Shaykh Abdul Hafeez Makki رحمة الله عليه was.
About ijtima, when I saw Maulana Dr. Ali Asghar Shahid who is one of the living Khulafa of Hzrt Sufi Iqbal Muhajir Madani رحمة الله عليه, he was quick in pace. Sharp and ready to hit the mark mashaAllah. He knew what what he was speaking about. While he was sitting at the back also saw him passing through multiple lataif very swiftly by doing light zarb like Khadim Khaas. And then the Naqshband are Naqshband, Hzrt Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Ameen (db) who is a different personality. He mentioned how he used to go to Hzrt Ali G Murtaza Dayrawi رحمة الله عليه and the marks on his fingers due to kasrat zikr by hitting danai walai tasbeeh which would go 'tuk tuk' while Hzrt G Ali Murtaza Dayrawi رحمة الله عليه would tassawur the Qalb doing Zikr of Allah.
I was hoping for Hzrt Mufi Javed Hussain Shah Sahib (db) to turn up but unfortunately he could not, and personally I feel those who have still not seen or sat with him are missing something great. He is at a point where great awliya Allah look towards him for guidance, even the likes of Maulana Prof. Ali Asghar Shahid (db) and Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Al Ameen (db).
Even during the Ijtima, Khadim Khaas rang and was feeling very sad that he could not turn up since the ijtima was not a normal one this time. He kept saying 'Allah mujay maaf karai...' like he has done a great sin. First he asked who was present, I mentioned Prof Sahib (db), Maulana Muhammad Sadiq Al Ameen (db) and as I mentioned his name he said 'wo jo naqshbandi? dekhlo' in a way to show how much nuqsaan has been made.
SubhanAllah look at us, we take these majalis so lightly but here after talking to Khadim Khaas I personally realised how important are these Majalis of zikr. But he still remembered his chai.
...Al hamdullilah all in all, we still have Mashaykh who are standing very firm at their muqaam.
Please keep writing Brother,your posts are like a fresh breeze....
The silsila of Shaikh Ul Hadeeth ra is composed of many salasil but chishtia nisbat is dominant. Another highly valuable nisbat of their silisila is from Syed Ahmad Shaheed through Mianjee Noor Muhammad ra and from Shaikh Nasiruddin ra through Hazrat Haji Imdadullah ra.So Naqshbandi colour (لون) is part of their overall nisbat. Then Sufi Iqbal ra was also a Khalifa of Shaikh Ali AlMurtaza ra,further consolidating Naqshbandi nisbat in that particular branch of the same silsila.
Javed Hasan sahib DB is from silsila Rashidia which is again a mixture of Qadri and Naqshbandi nisbats,hence they activate lataif through Zikr e jahr (loud Zikr).
Keep the good company and please keep us posted :)
Somehow your posts reminded me of Sunniforum مرحوم :)
While you may not find many admirers here on MS,your thread could have been an instant hit on SF...By now you could have received many replies and additional information on the subject. MS is more focused on the day to day issues of umma and the ‘essence’ rather than the ‘details’...and I believe people here have good reasons for such a policy.Tasawwuf is a huge subject and like any other art or science it has got its own ‘terminology’. Those who are not familiar with terms like ‘lataif’, ‘dharb’ and ‘multiple dharbs’ etc may find it hard to comprehend what we are talking about...
I like your posts though and thoroughly enjoying it :)
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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