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abu mohammed's avatar
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#166 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2020 17:12
Why Does God Impose Collective Punishment? | Dr. Shabir Ally
Halalified YouTube Audio

Punishments Versus Tests - Nouman Ali Khan - Quran Weekly
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Allah can Punish you but He Forgives You - Mufti Menk
Halalified YouTube Audio

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#167 [Permalink] Posted on 12th March 2020 06:18
Aamar Shonar Bangla

It has been an excruciating experience to take stock of the situation of the Muslim Ummah today. I have been at it for more than a decade now. The situation was bleak at that time and the situation is bleak today. We are in serious trouble in India and we are in serious trouble in the rest of the world, expecially in the Gulf as well as Khurasan.

We in India, the Hindu Rashtra, are the biggest Muslim nation in the world. We faced riots immediately after the Partition in 1947 and since then we have faced them incessantly including Hashimpura that will not come in the riots search because it is classified in the case of police (PAC) brutality. And then we had the ghastly pogrom in Delhi just a couple of weeks ago. Somehow we Indian Muslims have not figured out that it is our responsibility to do something about it and work out a plan to devise ways and strategy so that Muslims of India can be protected.

But I digress.

My point in the present post is BD. Look at these demonstrations in BD. I am proud of them.

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#168 [Permalink] Posted on 12th March 2020 09:36
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#169 [Permalink] Posted on 12th March 2020 10:32
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Khuda rehmat kunad.....

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#170 [Permalink] Posted on 26th March 2020 13:15

Imran Khan sends congratulatory message on Bangladesh on Independence Day

বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা দিবস উপলক্ষে শুভেচ্ছা জানিয়েছেন পাকিস্তানের প্রধানমন্ত্রী ইমরান খান।

আজ বৃহস্পতিবার এক চিঠির মাধ্যমে তিনি প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনার নিকট এ শুভেচ্ছা বার্তা প্রেরণ করেন।

শুভেচ্ছা বার্তায় ইমরান খান বলেন, গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশের জাতীয় দিবস উপলক্ষে পাকিস্তানের জনগণ, সরকার ও আমার (ইমরান খান) পক্ষ থেকে আন্তরিক অভিনন্দন ও শুভেচ্ছা।

পারস্পরিক বোঝাপড়া ও শ্রদ্ধার ভিত্তিতে পাকিস্তান বাংলাদেশের সাথে তার সম্পর্ক আরও মজবুত ও জোরদার করতে চায়। দুই দেশের মধ্যেই আঞ্চলিক শান্তি, সমৃদ্ধি ও উন্নয়নের সাধারণ আকাঙ্খা রয়েছে।

এইসব সাধারণ বৈশিষ্ট্যের উপর ভিত্তি করে আমরা ভবিষ্যতে আমাদের সহযোগিতার সূচনা আরও মজবুত করতে পারি।

একইসাথে, বাংলাদেশের ভ্রাতৃপ্রতিম মানুষের জন্য অব্যাহত শান্তি, অগ্রগতি ও সমৃদ্ধি কামনা করি।

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Sh.A.Hansoti's avatar
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#171 [Permalink] Posted on 27th March 2020 00:32
All the UN world, including the Muslim tribes of the Ummah, are currently in the form of Westphalian states & thus follow that system. Methods of political organisation change.
Bangladesh was subsumed for many years & politically locked into the orbit of pagan population dominated Bengal & the loose changing borders of Al Hind wa Sindh.
Muslim Bengal is "relatively" free in comparison to the historical timeline. Just like other Muslim nations, it is under the cosh of neo-Colonialism. At least one of the numerically greatest Muslim tribes, the Bengalis have a finger on the steering wheel of their destiny, whether they choose better or worse, is surely primarily their free choice.
A rose by any other name smells just as sweet, so whether Bangladesh or East Pakistan, the practical borders exist.
It has chosen the 2 nation theory, or it would have been completely absorbed into the juggernaut of the rising pagan maha rashtra. In fact, politically & economically the ancient pagan hinterlands of Assam, seven sisters & West Bengal are pulling away from the centre & attempting to join the orbit of Muslim Bengal!
Why? Because, the independent tribe of Muslim Bengalis, freed of their shackles are beating the 56 inch chest thumper, drowning the Kissinger stereotype of the basket case, & have begun to create a successful South East Asian Tiger economy based upon exports, masha'Allah.
It exports robots & ships to First world nations & has a pro-active leadership who view their people as potentially productive capital generators & not a burden, so investing in the game-changing power of the human mind.
Of course, the pagan juggernaut cannot be ignored in order to weave a course towards independence, just like West Pakistan cannot ignore the pagans of China or the semi-Pagan New Babylon, America.
Gradualism & niyyat is the key to the reality of life's struggles.
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#172 [Permalink] Posted on 30th March 2020 04:23
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Google Translation

Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan on the occasion of Independence Day of Bangladesh.

The Prime Minister sent a greeting message to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in a letter on Thursday.

In a greeting message, Imran Khan said that the people of Pakistan, the government and me (Imran Khan) on the occasion of National Day of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, warm hearted congratulations and good wishes.

Pakistan wants to strengthen its relations with Bangladesh on the basis of mutual understanding and respect. There is a common desire for regional peace, prosperity and development between the two countries.

Based on these common features, we can strengthen our collaboration in the future.

At the same time, I wish continued peace, progress and prosperity for the brotherly people of Bangladesh.
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#173 [Permalink] Posted on 20th April 2020 10:21
Muslims of Indian Subcontinent are distinct and different to Hindus in every conceivable way. This is the basis of two Nation theory. Muslims of Bangladesh reaffirmed it by creating a separate Muslim homeland in 1971 instead of merging with India.

The original proposed map of India was this:

Pakistan and West Pakistan (with 1000 miles of Hostile India) was not going to last and it did not.

Islam and unique identity of Muslims is forever and it is.
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abuzayd2k's avatar
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#174 [Permalink] Posted on 20th April 2020 12:08
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Sir, the Muslims of Bangladesh also rejected the two nation theory by splitting from Pakistan, in effect proposing a three nation theory. Or perhaps I'm missing something.
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#175 [Permalink] Posted on 20th April 2020 12:17
abuzayd2k wrote:
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You are right from the point of view of an "Indian Muslim" and this is the stance of "Indian Ulama" i.e.

Nation = Nation State

So Subcontinent today is:

Sri Lanka

The opinion of other Ulama (and Islam) is

Nation = Religion

So it is

Islam vs Kuf'r which is Two state Theory

So people of Bangladesh gained independence from Pakistan and formed another "Muslim country" which is consistent with the theory of "Two Nations" i.e. Islam vs Kuf'r

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#176 [Permalink] Posted on 20th April 2020 12:27
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Since the fall of the Ottoman Khilafah this is the single most spectacular event in world Islamic history - the establishment of Pakistan and later the rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Pakistan now needs a Saeed Nursi to bring an Erbakan to the office of prime minister. An Erdogan can then follow.

Also, is it true that Bangladesh has modified its constitution so that it is no longer an Islamic state but a secular state?
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#177 [Permalink] Posted on 20th April 2020 12:40
abuzayd2k wrote:
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Disagree with Said Nursi part and its relevance to Pakistan, although I am a huge fan of Said Nursi. Afghanistan and Pakistan are both on track to play their parts. These people have eaten grass and fought wars for thousands of years and they will go back to eating grass if the World economy collapses so no big deal. My forefathers came to India to fight and ended up settling...

When it comes to Bangladesh then I believe that we should distinguish between the present Government and the "People of Bangladesh" who are "Pro-Islam" and Muslims while the former isn't so I am not bothered as sooner or later this Government will be overthrown as it is inconsistent with the Nationalistic sentiments of people of Bengal.

The constitution of Bangladesh has been dead clear from day 1, see article 2A

Part I


The state religion

1[2A. The state religion of the Republic is Islam, but the State shall ensure equal status and equal right in the practice of the Hindu, Buddhist, Christian and other religions.]

India will implode and it is the writing on the wall.

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#178 [Permalink] Posted on 21st April 2020 15:59
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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Where and when did this map originate?
I know it's from mkbrilliantmaptxoqs.... But
Who came up with the names and when was it drawn up etc?
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#179 [Permalink] Posted on 21st April 2020 18:12
abu mohammed wrote:
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Yep, the map is pretty trippy.
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#180 [Permalink] Posted on 21st April 2020 19:28
abu mohammed wrote:
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The names are made up but the concept is sound. There was no proposal to call a country called "Bangistan" :lol

On a serious note, there was no demand of an independent country called "Pakistan", what they actually wanted was states with Muslim majority to have autonomy in Governance sort of like DEVO-MAX Scotland.

However, Muhammad Ali Jinnah (RA) and others discovered that Hindus cannot be trusted and once the British leave then Muslims will FOREVER be oppressed (e.g. events of today) so they asked for partition and got a smaller chunk of (Pakistan).

Hyderabad (Osmanabad in the Map) was taken by Indian Military and still occupied.
Kashmir was taken by Indian Military but due to Jihad, part of it was freed and became "Indepedent state of Azad Kashmir" and Buddhist part was swapped with China which became Aksai Chin, this means that Indian Army is check-mated in Kashmir and cannot take back Azad Kashmir (through Ladakh)
Northern India was taken by Indian Military but due to Jihad, all of it was freed and became Gilgit-Baltistan (Union Territory of Islamic Republic of Pakistan), China gave Muslim parts to Pakistan (see above). This means that Afghanistan has no land border with India and forever has a trade dependency on Pakistan.
East Pakistan became Bangladesh in 1971

India is forever trying to take back what it lost in Jihad because it is vital for the survival and integrity of India because it lost access to Central Asia and Tibet AND Indian state of Arunachal Pardesh is forever at the mercy of Chinese guns 24/7. Then China took over Tibet which means Indian Capital (Delhi) is in direct range of Chinese Nukes and their water supply is forever hostage to China.

India got pounded by China in 1962 and by Pakistan in 1965 and both China and Pakistan very quickly realised that they need each other militarily and strategically to counter India.

Pakistan lost "East Pakistan" in 1971 which was its weakness. India pounded China in 1967. Thus a "good idea" became the "need" for both militaries to rely on each other from 70s onwards.

This is the great game...

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