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#106 [Permalink] Posted on 14th December 2019 16:22
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#107 [Permalink] Posted on 16th December 2019 21:43
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#108 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd January 2020 16:27
Sadguru on CAA and NRC

Sadhguru Vasudev Jaggi is a south India Hindu holyman whose comments on CAA and NRC have been discussed in India very extensively. The non-Saffron segment of people has been critical while the Saffronite have taken it as a sort of Gospel.

In this video he talks of a genocide of Hindus in 1971 Bangladesh to the tune of 3 million.

If such an information is hurled at me suddenly then I shall not know how to deal with it.

I checked the Wikipedia and lo and behold there is a page on 1971 Bangladesh genocide! RSS is completely designed towards spreading misinformation but they might have created such successful mythologies is beyond my imagination.

I did check one of the pdf document referred to in that page and thankfully a Bengali researcher does express the opinion that genocide is not a good terminology to describe the events of 1971.

This has still left me in the cold.
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Muadh_Khan's avatar
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#109 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd January 2020 17:13

Maripat wrote:
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Forget Sadhguru, we have Muslims from Bangladesh who believe in Genocide and rape of millions by Pakistani Army and no amount of fact checking can convince them because their "Aunty" witnessed it!

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#110 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd January 2020 17:22
Maripat wrote:
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Professor sab. Last six years every issue is based on lies. Does Islam allows to defeat lies by spreading lies. An atmosphere is created where people laugh when we present truth. Their religion allows them to lie a million times.
Or is it a mini dajjal in action?
Or can we use half truths. white lies etc.
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#111 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd January 2020 17:30
Anonymous wrote:
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These are their teachings:
Q: Is lying adharma? What do Kṛṣṇa and others say about it?
Ans: Lying by itself is not adharma. The intent behind the lie is important in determining whether it's dharma or adharma. There are other examples like Yudhiṣṭhira lying in the battlefield to deceive Droṇa who seemed invincible when he was launching an array of weapons on the Pāṇḍava army.
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#112 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd January 2020 18:04
professor @Maripat sab kindly read this:

I am sorry, Admin sab, I cannot translate this perfectly so writing in Roman urdu.

Hakeemul ummat RA ki naseehath:
Aaj kal Islam ka nohah asha'ar mein pada jata hai. Waa'iz aur taqreeroen mein bhi ehi sabaq rah gaya ke dil kharash alfaaz mein islam aur muslmanoen ke zauf ko zahir kiya jaata hai. Halanke islam ki taleem eh hai ke masail mein musalmanoen ko isteqlal o sabaath ke saath rahna chahiye . kisi tareeqe se izhaar e gam karke apne kamzori ko tashth-az-baam na karna chahiye kyunke eis se gair aqwaam ke hausle buland hote aur musalmaan unki nazroen se gir jaate hain. Chunanche eh natayaj-e-bad ab eis harkat ke ab zahir hoe rahe hain. magar afsos eis mufsidah par kisi ki bhi nazar naheen hai.
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abu mohammed's avatar
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#113 [Permalink] Posted on 16th January 2020 09:04
Topic split. Please stick to the topic. This thread is not about an Ijtema or Tabligh
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#114 [Permalink] Posted on 18th January 2020 01:44
Bangladesh 2nd phase tongi ijtema is underway. Visuals indicate large gathering.
May Allah make it easy.
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#115 [Permalink] Posted on 19th January 2020 08:46
Today Islamic conference at Tongi, Bangladesh ended with prayers by honorable scholar Mr Jamshed sab from New Delhi. No major Incident ...
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#116 [Permalink] Posted on 19th January 2020 10:26
India’s new citizenship law unnecessary, says Bangaladesh PM Sheikh Hasina.

Thank you mdam!!
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#117 [Permalink] Posted on 19th January 2020 10:35
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#118 [Permalink] Posted on 19th January 2020 10:38
Maripat wrote:
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Can someone communicate to madam. if given an opportunity, many people here including elites, intellects, engineers, scientists will migrate to BD. They will be big asset to them.
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#119 [Permalink] Posted on 19th January 2020 10:42
Anonymous wrote:
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All these issues are because government claims there are crores of illegal BD migrants. These elites will declare that they are BD migrants and request Indian govt to deport them to BD. Task easy.
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#120 [Permalink] Posted on 23rd January 2020 07:00
Bangladeshi brothers are prospering. Their IT sector is flourishing. May Allah SWT make it easy for them. Non-controversial, silent performers. They have learnt from their mistakes, while Pakistanis didn't and their problems are multiplying.

Br MuadhKhan's hatred towards Bangladeshi brothers must not take him to this extreme. It is not good. Can someone please communicate this to brother @MuadhKhan that the person who is using word Zih@@ad is not from Bangladesh. This person is purely an Indian, his mother tongue is urdu.
If he is not convinced, I add "Wallah!!!"
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