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Aamar Shonar Bangla (Our Golden Bengal)

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#61 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 09:38

Good luck Bangaladeshis. Your simple life style inherited from sahabah will bring success. Our duas are with you. go ahead.

according the World Bank and Human Development Indicators, Bangladesh in life expectancy at birth at 72, compared to India at 69.1.

On the infant mortality rate (per thousand live births) Bangladesh scores better at 25.1, compared to India’s 31.5.

Bangladesh is ahead in terms of women’s literacy, making a powerful comment on evolving social systems.

India, now in the throes of an economic slowdown, does not need to look very far for a robust and healthily growing economy. Neighboring Bangladesh has just put in 8.1 per cent growth (financial 2019), a rate that has been rising steadily since the 6.6 per cent achieved in 2015. This was powered by an industrial growth rate of 13 per cent, aided by exports growing at 10.1 per cent.

(Authorizer Edit: Link updated for ease of readers)
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#62 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 10:02
Anonymous wrote:
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jazakallahu khair admin sab
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#63 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 10:53

Anonymous wrote:
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What behavior?I said Sorry, apologized for whatever ills "I did" to anyone and told them to get on with their enjoyment.

Maripat wrote:
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I just said, "Enjoy being the wife of the Indians". Don't care if the Brother is Bangaldeshi or not its the statement of their Foreign Minister.

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#64 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 11:45
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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As simple as that "the statement of a minister need not be the voice of crores of Muslims of Bangladesh.

Take back your claim that all BDs are wives of Indians.
I am an Indian Muslim.
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#65 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 12:01

Anonymous wrote:
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As I said, it does not matter whether you are from Bangladesh or Mars...

 Its not my statement to take back, I did not say this.

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#66 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 12:51
Muadh_Khan wrote:
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you said "enjoy being wives of India". Take back that.
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#67 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 14:02

Anonymous wrote:
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Its a statement by the Foreign Minister of the country. It is something he is proud of, once again your anger and frustration is entirely misplaced.

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#68 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 14:27
In my opinion, the quote was regarding two Nations being Husband and Wife - Not it's people

So being a wife (wives) is incorrect :)

So much confusion in marriage - You need to be understanding for it to work :)
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#69 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 15:34
I give up!!!!

May Allah forgive our brother.

Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, "I guarantee a house in Jannah for one who gives up arguing, even if he is in the right"
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#70 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 15:46

Preparing to leap into information technology
Yes, you may be surprised, but Bangladesh is preparing to leap into the IT industry after learning from India. In early 2000, some people from Bangladesh arrived in Bangalore called IT City. There he saw his work in Infosys and other big software companies.
When he returned from India after some time, the foundation of the IT industry in Bangladesh was laid. Now there are around 120 such companies in Bangladesh, which have become one billion dollars. These have been the work of software exports from 35 countries. If you look at the report published in the newspapers of Bangladesh, there is a plan to leap five times in the IT industry by 2025. Bangladesh government has started focusing on developing it. Special zones are being made for this.

According to IMF data, the per capita income in India in the year 2019 is $ 2199. If this situation remains, then in the next one to two years it is possible that Bangladesh should overtake us in this matter.

The average age of people in Bangladesh is 72 years while in India 68 years and in Pakistan 66 years. On many fronts, this country has surpassed not only Pakistan but also India. He has left India behind even in child mortality and gender equality. The World Bank and other international institutions say that Bangladesh, with a population of 16 crore, has also done a great job in terms of population control.

Digital Bangladesh was started in the year 2009. Now it is the second such country in the world, where most people work online. Money transactions from banks are largely done through digital means. About 30 percent of Bangladesh's population uses digital transitions.
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#71 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 15:51
I am an Indian and this make me happy to watch a muslim nation grow.

Major work in the generic drug sector:
Although India is still number one in the field of generic drugs and other types of medicines, Bangladesh has become the second largest country in the manufacture of generic medicines. It is exporting its medicines to at least 60 countries. Blue print has been prepared in Bangladesh to take a big leap in this sector too.

The most favorable place for investment is that:
Chinese companies are setting up manufacturing units in Bangladesh by covering their businesses on a large scale. Bangladesh is emerging as the best place for investment not only for China but also for India, Japan and many European countries. In such a situation, it can be understood what the picture is saying.

Professor David Lewis, who has written a book on Economy, Politics and Civil Society of Bangladesh, believes that the country's economy is strong and the reason for its strong export strategy. For this reason, Bangladesh is also emerging very fast.

hindi dot news18 dot com
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#72 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 16:16
The Queen of England's Tower of London (Home of Kohi Noor) is in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets - Highly populated Bengali area. The Bengali's rule that borough :)

One of Europe's largest Mosques is in Tower Hamlets, London.

More than 32% of the population of Tower Hamlets is Bengali.

Even the Queen of England's neighbours are Bengali.

Alhumdulillah - They are doing very well.
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#73 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 16:26

Anonymous wrote:
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Anonymous wrote:
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Nobody is Jealous or intimidated or upset at the worldly progress of people of Bangladesh and may Allah Ta'ala take them from strength to strength (Ameen).

It is insecurity and some sort of complex which is projecting these feelings upon others.

I did not make any statement from my own accord at all. I am saying that Foreign Minister is making an official statement that they have a husband/wife relationship with India and they are H-A-P-P-Y & P-R-O-U-D about it. The official statement got turned into Pakistani oppression, Astaghfirullah, May Allah Ta'ala forgive etc etc etc, these are all distractions.

People of Bangladesh are wives of Indians, they are proud of their relationship and this relationship has produced significant worldly gains and they are produced of those gains (as a result of the relationship). I am happy for the people of Bangladesh on their joyous and happy relationship and I am happy that their relationship is bearing fruit for them.

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#74 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 16:29
abu mohammed wrote:
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Masha Allah
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#75 [Permalink] Posted on 9th October 2019 16:55
Bangladesh is making rapid progress in manufacturing sector. In the textile industry, Bangladesh is second only to China. In the recent decade, Bangladesh's economy has grown at an average annual rate of 6%. This growth rate reached 7.86 percent in the month of June 2018.

After a terrible famine in 1974, Bangladesh with a population of more than 16.6 crore has become self-sufficient in the matter of food production. Since 2009, per capita income in Bangladesh has tripled.

This year, the per capita income rose to $ 1,750. A large number of people in Bangladesh are living in poverty, but according to World Bank figures, there were a total of 19 percent of people who live their lives for $ 1.25 per day, which is now 9 percent.

Bangladesh's annual GDP growth rate surpassed that of Pakistan by 2.5%. Eminent economist Kaushik Basu says that Bangladesh will overtake India in growth rate.

The average age of a person in Bangladesh is 72 years, which is more than 68 years in India and 66 years in Pakistan.

According to World Bank data, in 2017, 34.1 per cent of the people in Bangladesh who have a bank account did a digital transaction, which is an average of 27.8 per cent in South Asia.

About 2.5 million Bangladeshis working abroad also have a big role in Bangladesh's economy. Those who send and earn money from abroad are increasing by 18% annually and reached $ 15 billion in 2018

The technology sector in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka is also expanding. The CEO of Dhaka wants to compete with India's IT sector.

w w w dot bbc dot com/hindi/india-46728148
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