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Getting kissed by an angel

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abu mohammed, Taalibah, Naqshband66, Acacia, User Invalidum, AishaZaynap
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 8th November 2013 14:23
( I think this is suitable here )

Ever Been Kissed by an Angel Before?

حدثنا أبو أحمد محمد بن أحمد الغطريفي، حدثنا عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن المغيرة، حدثنا أبي، حدثنا بشر بن الحارث، حدثنا يحيى بن اليمان، عن سفيان، عن حبيب بن أبي جمرة قال: إذا ختم الرجل القرآن قبله الملك بين عينيه

Habib ibn Abu Jumrah said, "When a man completes the recitation of the Qur'an, an angel kisses him between his eyes."

(Hilyah al-Awliya, pg 1524)
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 8th November 2013 14:49
So beautiful جزاك الله خيرا for posting.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 10:09
364,521 views already ?

Surely this must be an error.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 10:13
It's because it was split from a thread that had 364,000+ views (the words of wisdom thread). There's no feature currently to reset the views. This was done because initially a lot of the splitting was done to organise posts and many posts were very very old so a post that's a few years old didn't seem right to lose its views. But now looking at this, maybe a reset views feature should be added. جزاك الله خيرا
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 10:16
Alright that makes sense

جزاك الله خيرا for the clarification Maulana
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 11:51
Are there any more references for this, like Hadith books etc.
(Sometimes trying to say something to certain people is simply not possible, especially with references with the word "Awliya" in them)

Beautiful nevertheless!

جزاك الله خيرا
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 11:58
abu mohammed wrote:
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Hilya al-Awliya is a book, This is a 'qawl' akhi and not an ahadith, however 'Hayatus Sahaba' has a few pages on Sahaba رضي الله عنه interacting with the angels etc

The rest Allah knows best.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 12:01
I understand, but the type of people I deal with ask me for evidence of kissing the Quran and call it Biddah, so you know where I'm coming from!
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 12:09
abu mohammed wrote:
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I get you bro, I guess with them kind of people it's best to not even to converse about such matters and when they mention it act like you've never heard it before :p

Debate only is of benefit when both sides are open and willing to learn, but that's rare as everyone is an expert these days.

If you want me to post up the extracts from Hayatus Sahaba about angels and Sahana, in this thread then I'll do that akhi and Hayatus Sahaba is fully legit so they can't pick holes in that.
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 12:10
Who is Habib ibn Jumrah ?
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 12:22
umar123 wrote:
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I don't know akhii , Allah knows best

Clarification: these kinds of reports are not mentioned as something that we base our aqidah on, but rather it is in the field of fada'il (encouragement to do good deeds). Since it's not a hadith, it could be true or it could not, and whether you choose to accept it or not is up to you.

In any case, the following is a hadith:

'Ali radiyallahu 'anh narrated that the Prophet (saw) said, "Indeed, when a slave [of Allah] uses a miswaak and then stands in salah, an angel stands behind him and listens to his recitation. It then draws closer [and closer] until it places its mouth on his, such that nothing exits his mouth of [the recitation of] the Qur'an, except that it enters the chest of the angel. So cleanse your mouths for the Qur'an!"

(Related by al-Bazzar, al-Baihaqi in as-Sunan al-Kubra and ibn Majah related part of it.)
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 9th November 2013 12:33

Hadhrat Salam bin Atiyya Asadi reports that when Hadhrat Salmaanرضي الله عنه was in the throes of death, a man came to see him. "Dear angel," Hadhrat Salmaan رضي الله عنه said, "Please be gentle with me." The angel replied by saying, "I am gentle with every Mu'min." Abu Nu'aym in his Hilya (Vol.1 Pg.204).

Hadhrat Anas رضي الله عنه reports that Hadhrat Ubay bin Ka'b رضي الله عنه Once made a resolve saying, "I shall go to the Masjid, perform salaah and then praise Allaah in such terms that none has ever done before." However, when he sat down to
praise after performing his salaah, he heard a loud voice behind him saying, " 0 Allaah! All praise belongs to You and all kingdom belongs to You. All good is in Your control and all actions will return to You, whether they be done publicly or secretly. All praise belongs to You and You have power over all things. Forgive all the sins I have committed in the past and protect me in the remaining part of my life. Inspire me to do pure deeds that You will be pleased with and accept my repentance." When Hadhrat Ubayرضي الله عنه reported the incident to Rasulullaah(saw) said, "That was Hadhrat Jibra'eel(as)
[ lbn Abi Dunya in his Kitaabudh Dhikr, as quoted in Targheeb wat Tarheeb (Vo1.3 Pg.101).]

Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri رضي الله عنه reports that Rasulullaah (saw) once said, "Whoever dislikes Umar رضي الله عنه dislikes me and whoever loves Umar loves me. Verily, Allaah boasts about mankind in general on the eve of the Day of Arafah, but boasts specifically about Umar. There has been a Muhaddath in the Ummah of every Nabi that Allaah has sent and if there is one amongst my Ummah, he must be Umar." " 0 Rasulullaah (saw) the Sahabah رضي الله عنه enquired, "Who is a Muhaddath?' Rasulullaah(saw) explained, "He is a person on whose tongue the angels speak." [Tabraani. Haythami (Vo1.9 Pg.69) has commented on the chain of narrators.]

Hadhrat Abu Sa'eed Khudri رضي الله عنه reports that one night when Hadhrat Usayd bin Hudhayr رضي الله عنه was reciting Qur'aan in his silo, his horse started to skip about. When he again started to recite, it started skipping about again. (He again stopped and) When he started reciting for a third time, it again did the same. Hadhrat Usayd رضي الله عنه says, "Because I feared that the horse would trample (my son) Yayha, I got up to see to her, but was surprised to find something like a cloud above my head, with what resembled many lanterns inside it. It then flew up into the sky until I was unable to see it." He went to Rasulullaah (saw) early next morning and reported the matter saying, "0 Rasulullaah (saw) I was reciting the Qur'aan late last night in my silo when my horse started to skip about." "Recite, 0 lbn Hudhayr," Because his son Yahya was again close to the horse and he feared it would trample him, Hadhrat Usayd stopped reciting and again he saw the cloud with what resembled many lanterns inside it. Again it flew up into the sky until he was unable to see it. To this, Rasulullaah (saw) remarked, 'Those were angels who were listening to you. Had you continued reciting, they would have been visible to everyone and would not have hidden themselves from view." [Bukhaari and Muslim.]

The rest Allah knows best
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