" The person who is satisfied with his own actions, will have many who dislike him (because some of his actions may be abjectionable or harmful to others)."
Life is about timing.
Winners never quit and quiters neva win.
Success is where preperation and opportunity meet.
In order to succeed, ur desire to suceed should be greater that your fear to failure.
"Meet people in such a manner that if you die,they should weep for you,and if you live,they should long for you"- Ali ibn Abu Talib (radiAllahuanhu)
It was narrated that someone once saw al- Junayd (may Allah have mercy on his soul) after his death in a dream. Al-Junayd was asked: "What news do you have, Abu'l- Qasim?" He replied, "Perished are the speeches and vanished are the allusions; nothing benefited us except the prostrations which we made in the middle of the night."
"Oh Allah, how may i call unto You, when i am but a sinner, Yet how may i not call unto You, when Your are The Most Gracious" -Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad, damat barkatuhu in Love for Allah
"Allah gives and forgives, man gets and forgets..."
"When you prostrate, tell him all your secrets and don't let anyone, nearby, hear you. Confide him with your tears for him he's the owner of your heart"
"..And thus God the Exalted called: 'O nation of Muhammad!' And they all answered with one voice, from within the loins of their ancestors: 'Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk! [Here we are, O God! Here we are!]' And God the Exalted said: 'My blessings and peace are upon you; My Mercy has outsripped My Wrath; My Forgiveness has outstripped My Punishment; I forgave you before you even asked for My forgiveness; I answered you before you called upon Me; I gave to you before you asked of Me! Those of you who will meet me bearing witness that there is no god save God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God, I will forgive them their sins.'"~The Lives of Man that Wane and Perishtranslated by Mostafa al-Badawi
"The 'ashiq desires that the Beloved subhaanahu wa ta 'aala look at him with love. He anxiously awaits the mercy of the Creator of the Universe. He knows that his aim would be fulfilled with a single glance from the Beloved subhaanahu wa ta 'aala." ~Hazrat Zulfiqar Ahmad Damat Barkatuhu
In Your Light I Learn How To Love. In Your Beauty, How To Make Poems. You Dance Inside My Chest, Where No One Sees You, But Sometimes I Do, And That Sight Becomes This Art.-Rumi, Rahmatullahialai
Shaykh Abdal Qadir al Jilani Rahamtullahialai says:
Give priority to the hereafter over this world, because you will then gain both of them together. If you give this world priority over the hereafter, you will lose both of them together, as your punishment for having preoccupied yourself with something you were not put in charge of.
In the words of Ahmad Shawky regarding Mercy unto the Worlds, The Light Personified, The Elevated Intercessor Saiyyidina Muhammad Mustafa Sal'Allahualihiwasalam:
"The sun of guidance was born, and the entire universe was illumined. A smile appeared on the lips of time, and his praises were sung. "
"If you take pride in your physical strength, remember that the mule, the donkey, and the bull are stronger than you and better suited to carrying heavy loads. If you feel vain about the lightness of your running style, remember that the dog and the hare surpass you in this field. It is extremely curious that rational beings feel proud of something in which they are surpassed by dumb animals."~Ibn Hazm Al'Andulasi, Rahmatullahialay
"Lower your gaze, it's a way of life, it's a way of life, it is a way of life. Unless you make it your way of life, you will never lower your gaze. If you make it your way of life, you will automatically end up lowering your gaze."-Maulana Kamaluddin Ahmed www.tasawwuf.org/khulafa/shaykh_kamal.htmMaulana
Sufyan ath- Thowree[rahmatullahialay] said, "I have never nursed something more rebellious than my intentions."- Al-Ja'mi' li akhlaaq al-Raawee, by Al-Khateeb al-Baghdaadi.
"...again the past is important, 'cuz it tells you what level you can reach, but you can't hang on to that and assume thats gonna get you into Jannah, your current state is the most important thing that you should be reflecting on..."~Shaykh Husain Abdul Sattarin this mini talk: www.madrasaprogram.org/audio/general/living_past.ram
"The Sunnah is like the sky, always with you. For guidance, look to it."-Maulana Kamaluddin Ahmed
Life is a jewel that man must polish until it shines. The heart is illuminated and purified when we observe Islamic law [shari'ah] in every aspect of our life.
The purification of our inner being is directly related to our avoidance of blameworthy acts. Examine and test yourself against this standard. Prostrate with humility in the court of Allah subhaanahu wa ta 'aala. Tears flooding from the eyes purify the heart. Hazrat Zulfiqar Ahmad (db)
Whether you are fast or slow, eventually you will find what you are seeking. Always devote yourself wholeheartedly to your search. Even though you may limp or be bent double, do not abandon your search, but drag yourself ever toward Him. Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi (rahmatullahi 'alayhi)
The traveler gets sores on his feet from traveling in this world, while the traveler in the spiritual realm gets sores on his heart. Shaykh Zulfiqar Ahmad (db) "Wisdom for the Seeker"
Know, disciple, that the heart commits sins which are uglier, fouler and more offensive than those committed by the senses: a heart remains unfit for the gnosis of God and for His love to descend into it, until it rids itself of all such things. Imam Abdallah ibn Alawi al-Haddad (rahmatullahi 'alayhi) "Knowledge and Wisdom"
"My dear hart never think you are better than others. Listen to their sorrows with compassion. If you want peace, don't harbor bad thoughts do not gossip and don't teach what you do not know. "
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