There are those that discuss whether or not the beard is waajib but fail to realize that Rasoolullah has mentioned it among the list of fitrah of a man.
A small snowball will always end up larger at the bottom of the mountain, imagine how many large snowballs you will see at the bottom if you threw many small ones from the top.
A small snowball will always end up larger at the bottom of the mountain, imagine how many large snowballs you will see at the bottom if you threw many small ones from the top.
The small snowballs are like small sins which each grow on the timeline of life which is the mountain. Just as we are physically able to stop those snowballs from rolling we are able to stop the sins from rolling through Istighfaar.
A small snowball will always end up larger at the bottom of the mountain, imagine how many large snowballs you will see at the bottom if you threw many small ones from the top.
The small snowballs are like small sins which each grow on the timeline of life which is the mountain. Just as we are physically able to stop those snowballs from rolling we are able to stop the sins from rolling through Istighfaar.
Similarly the snowballs can represent good deeds, the whole point of this analogy is to prove that we should never dismiss a deed however small it may be.
The biggest mufti is the heart.
(Note:For the literalists, this does not mean that what you feel you make a ruling according to that. Rather the heart can tell that what you are doing is right or wrong.)
May our allegiance be only to Allah and his Rasool
My success and your success lies in the following the commandments of Allah shown through the way of Rasoolalah and then by his blessed Sahaba رضي الله عنه
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