Nowadays we have such beautiful, beautiful frames of some Qur’an or Hadith on the walls of the house. However, most importantly we must also hang those frames on the walls of our hearts
“Disputation in the Religion fosters self-display, does away with the light of the heart and hardens it, and bequeaths aimless wandering.” -Imaam Malik
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Even if the whole world is covered in sin, Taubah wipes it all out. Dynamite is small in size but can destroy huge mountains. Hazrat Hakeemul Ummah Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi RhA
"Allah Ta'ala protects the one who fears Him,
Suffices for the one who places his trust in Him,
Gives more to the one who is grateful to Him,
and recompenses the one who gives in His Name."
"Once you gain the friendship of Allah, there is no comfort and enjoyment equivalent to that. If the kings of the worlds understand the enjoyment of love, they will abandon the luxury of their couches and hunt for such love"
Is it at all reasonable
that one should strain every nerve to protect one's children from the heat of the sun, but leave them exposed to the fire of Hell?
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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