"How strange and foolish is man. He loses his health in gaining wealth. Then to regain health he wastes his wealth. He ruins the present while worrying about the future, but weeps in the future by recalling his past. He lives as though death shall never come to him, but he dies in a way as if he were never born."
"We all know that Islam advocates formal interaction and respectful separation (hijab) between the opposite genders, in order to even block the means to the evil of zina. Allah Most High says, "Do not even go close to fornication. It is indeed a shameful act, and an evil way to follow." [Qur'an 17:32]
However, this does not mean that when the need arises to converse with a member of the opposite gender, you be rude, insensitive and unsociable. Indeed the content and manner of your conversation must be appropriate and not flirtatious, but you can still be polite and cordial. There is a fine line between the two!"
In the court of Hajjaj bin yusuf 3 men were sentenced to death.
A lady came and requested him to forgive them.
The king felt pity. He said,'' I'll forgive one person. Choose who do you want to be forgiven''.
These 3 men were her husband, son and brother. She thought for a moment and said.
''Me Lord, shower mercy on my brother''
The king was astonished at her choice. He asked her the reason.
She said,'' I can re marry to get my husband. I can have more children from another husband but my parents are dead. I don't have another brother.''
The king was pleased with her choice and left all 3.
''Keep your relations with your brothers/sisters at any cost. If needed, give all your property to them to avoid the dispute in property but don't break this relationship. Allah سبحانه وتعالى will give you better rewards''
My elder brother marhoom Hasnat Uz Zafar (May Allah swt forgive his sins. When he passed away he was 29 years old. I was sitting by bed when he was taking his last breathes in emergency ward of Medical College Aligarh. He was a highly noble person) wrote these following lines on a chess board:
Al-Hasan Al-Basrî:
"The believer does the best deeds yet is most fearful [that his deeds will not be accepted]. If he were to spend a mountain of wealth [in charity], he would not feel sure [of the reward] until he sees it. The more righteous and pious he becomes, the more he*fears.
But the hypocrite (munâfiq) says, 'There are so many people, I will be forgiven, no problem.' So he does wrong and evil deeds, yet holds foolish wishes about Allâh."
(Al-Dhahabî,Siyar A'lâm Al-Nubalâ` 4/586)
Imām Al-Zuhrī said:
"Verily, knowledge has calamities [that afflict it]. One of its calamities is when the scholar is left, until he goes away with his knowledge. Another calamity is forgetting [knowledge]. Yet another calamity is lying about [knowledge], and this is the worst type."
(Ibn 'Abd Al-Barr, Jāmi' Bayān Al-'Ilm article 684)
Hamdun al-Qassar:
"If a friend among your friends errs, make seventy excuses for them. If your hearts are unable to do this, then know that the shortcoming is in your own selves."
*(Imam Bayhaqi, Shu`ab al-Iman, 7/522)
Shaykh as-Sa'di:
"The person who makes fun of others is oftentimes worse than them. To make fun of people only springs from a heart that is full of bad characters."
(Taysir-ul-Karim, p. 801)
''For those of us who are offended by others or who witness others committing wrong deeds, 3 options are open to you/us, namely:--
1. Seek retribution as set by the Shari'a, by retaliating in the same manner
that you were offended, or
2. Have faith in Allah's Predestination and forgive the wrong done to you. This
is better than No. 1 above, or
3. Adopt the IHSAN (Goodness) option by not only having faith in Allah's decision,
but you are pleased with whatever situation you find yourself. Thus you know that
Allah ALWAYS DOES GOOD. So, you forgive the wrong that was done to you and
also extend goodness to the one that has done wrong to you, thereby removing
any enmity.
Sheikh Ibrahim Niass
"RUHUL ADAB-Spirit of Good Morals"
''Do not blame others. When you have a secret, its under your control, but when you tell someone else, that control is not yours anymore. People fall under different factors and pressures, so do not blame others''
This cannot be undone and I am sure it will be greatly appreciated.
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