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"The person who stays in the company of kings and the rich becomes involved in wordly (Dunya ) affairs."
(Hazrat Ali)
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"Severe poverty is the brim of (leading to) Kufr."
(Hazrat Ali)
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"The person who saves himself from vulgar language will find Falah (success)."
(Hazrat Ali)
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"Every act that is beneficial is charity. (Sadqah )"
(Hazrat Ali)
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"Many outside (strange) people are better than your own relatives."
(Hazrat Ali)
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"Many of the drowned are those who have been sunk in the sea of ignorance."
(Hazrat Ali)
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" Many are the learned (ulama ) whom the world has destroyed."
(Hazrat Ali)
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"The best of your wealth is that which is of most benefit to you in times of need."
(Hazrat Ali)
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Be for ALLAH as He wants u,
He will be for u better than u want.
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"Generosity is giving more than you can , and pride is taking less than you need ."
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For those who realize that everything is from God,
everything is the same.
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Islamic history has been written in two colours;
black for the ink of the scholars,
and red for the blood of the martyrs
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" A Fool is one who says everything he has heard"
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"Whoever loves this world, he is in reality,
accumulating (his wealth) for others."
(Hazrat Ali)
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"To do good (deeds) is Farz ,
and during the day man's actions are always changing (sometimes good, sometimes bad)
So appreciate those days in which you are able to do good."
(Hazrat Ali)
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