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20 Sunnah’s to do on Eid

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abu mohammed
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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 8th July 2022 23:41
20 Sunnah’s to do on Eid

1. To awaken earlier than usual

2. To brush the teeth with Miswaak

3. To have a bath (Ghusl)

4. To be dressed in one's best clothes (Doesn’t necessarily have to be new)

5. To be dressed modestly in an Islamic manner.

Note: Care should be taken that we do not incur debts or transgress the limits of modesty regarding the clothes we purchase and wear on Eid day as is seen in many Muslim communities of today. Many of our brothers are seen with unsuitable haircuts and inappropriate clothing and many of sisters are seen dressed provocatively attracting unwanted attention and the gaze of strange men upon them. What would happen if we were to die in such a state? Therefore we should adopt modesty in every aspect of our lives particularly the way in which we dress.

6. To use Attar (Perfume)

7. To perform the Eid prayer at the Eidgah (An open ground)

8. To avoid eating before Eid-ul-Adha prayer and to eat an odd number of dates or anything sweet before Eid ul Fitr prayer.

9. To go to the place of Eid prayer early

10. To walk to the place of Eid prayer (If it is within walking distance because every step is reward)

11. To read the “Takbeerat” on the way to Eid-ul-Adha prayer loudly and on the way to Eid-ul-Fitr prayer silently:

“Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar Laa ilaaha illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar walillaahil hamd”

(Allah is the greatest; Allah is the greatest; there is no god but Allah; Allah is the greatest; Allah is the greatest; and to Allah belongs all praise.).

12. To use different routes to and from the place of Eid prayer

13. To frequently recite the takbeer's throughout (Loudly for Eid Ul Adha and softly for Eid ul Fitr)

14. To pray the Eid-Ul-Fitr prayer later and the Eid-ul-Adha earlier.

15. To pray the two rak’ahs Waajib Salaatul Eidain without any Adhaan (call to prayer) or Iqaamah

16. It is Mukruh (disliked) to pray Nafil (voluntary) prayers before or after the Eid prayer but Sunnah to pray two rak’ahs Nafil prayer upon reaching home.

17. To give the Sadaqatul fitr (Compulsory charity) before praying the Eid prayer.

18. The khutba (Arabic sermon) of both Eids are Sunnah but to listen to them is Wajib (Compulsory). It is totally prohibited (Haraam) to walk around, talk or even read Salaah whilst the khutba is in progress.

19. To shake hands and hug one another on happy occasions like Eid is Mubaah (permissible). The general principle of a Mubaah act is not to regard the act as compulsory so one should not regard the meeting on the day of Eid as compulsory and an inseparable part of the occasion.

20. To greet one another with the following greeting:

Jabyr ibn Nufayr (Ra) said: 'When the companions of Allah's Messenger (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) met on the day of Eid, they would say to each other:

'Taqabal-Allahu minna wa mink

(May Allah accept from us and you)." [Al Mahamiliyyat; hasan isnad; see Fath ul Bari 2:446]
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 10th July 2022 08:10
تَقَبَّلَ الله ُمِنَّا وَمِنْكُمْ

Taqab-balal-lahu minnaa wa minkum
May Allah accept (the worship) from us and from you!

Eid Mubarak
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 10th July 2022 23:48
Asalamu Alaikum Warahmathullahi Wabarakathuhu,

Taqabbal Allahu Mina Wa Minkum - May Allah accept it from us & you.

May he forgive us for minor & major sins & our short comings.

May he enable us to sacrifice our desires in order to gain closeness to him.

May he save us from the punishment of the grave & the Hereafter.

May you & your families have a wonderful, happy & blessed Eid! Ameen. Eid Mubarak to all Muftisays forum members!
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