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Alhamdulillah, this is a realy good novel way of increasing knowledge, I realised I have a lot to learn in this subject
Sobzrated 'Fairly Difficult'
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Taalibahrated 'Very Challenging'
very difficult
mualimahrated 'Very Challenging'
the quotationz were vry difficult
syahmitoorated 'Moderate'
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Yasinrated 'Moderate'
The month question, the year of battle question, the leader of tribe to syria question were not to do with Khulafa-e-Rashideen otherwise good quiz mashaAllah
Aisha95rated 'Fairly Difficult'
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Zizirated 'Moderate'
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no-usernamerated 'Fairly Difficult'
It's not all about the khulafaa-e-raashideen, so you'll have to brush up on your general seerah to ace it, in shaa Allah.
xx-angel7-xxrated 'Mind Blowing'
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tankarvirated 'Moderate'
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tmalyarated 'Mind Blowing'
Don't forget to make dua for me
sweetmuslimahk1rated 'Fairly Difficult'
good questions but hard ones so i got 53%
Aboo Hafsarated 'Fairly Difficult'
One of the questions was on an Islamic month, which caught me out because how does that relate to the Khulaafa?