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Quizzes Taken 100% Score
1 tmalya 303 85 3657
2 Aisha95 267 63 3155
3 the_muslimah 203 79 3141
4 Aboo Hafsa 196 73 3037
5 atifsayyed 281 77 2857
6 nizamshaikh 245 59 2836
7 Muslimah50 226 56 2706
8 umme khadijah 180 75 2634
9 hajra patel 176 71 2615
10 Taalibah 202 33 2336
11 tankarvi 154 80 2253
12 princess89 179 38 2208
13 sweetmuslimahk1 255 36 2150
14 khadija_94 159 37 2149
15 Taqwah 172 32 2098
16 ishfalahee40 154 38 2075
17 ahkar 156 35 2055
18 soyef 161 33 2036
19 muslima 152 31 2020
20 muslim4life 161 25 1974