TweetWe become and associate ourselves with People of Tasawwuf, Students of the Deen but unfortunately, This is only as long as everything is in order and in line with our desires.
As soon as one gets into an argument, Tasawwuf disappears and ilm also departs. When this happens, one becomes ignorant again. What use is this religiosity then? Is this what Deen teaches us?
Note how many husbands there are that use the most derogatory language for their wives on the smallest of matters.
Note how many people there are that backbite their own brothers only due to minor differences. People cast accusations and in fact, don't even hold themselves back from slandering their own brothers. Do they forget Tasawwuf and all of the teachings of Deen during these instances? Is this really Deen? On top of it all, they say that They want to take revenge. Know that this does not befit a believer.
Islam teaches us that even if you want to seek revenge from someone, you can only do so to the extent of wrong that was committed against you and no more than this. Moreover, If you forgive, this is much better for you. These are the teachings given to us.
Page 106, Volume 15 - Khutbaat e Faqeer
posted by wuquf-al-qalbi on 3rd June 2014 - 0 comments
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