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Inspiring Stories & Anecdotes (4)

posted by ummi taalib on 6th October 2009 - 0 comments
SHAYKH ANDALUSI’S IMAAN AT STAKE The great Shaykh along with his many followers was travelling to perform the Hajj when they happened to pass through a village. In need of water they found a well where they made ablution. Shaykh Andalusi however, seemed to be taken by a beautiful young Christian girl who was nearby. So taken with her was the great Shaykh that he ignored his companion’s advice to perform ablution and in fact even refused to continue the journey. With heavy hearts the rest of his group left leaving Shaykh Andalusi behind. He declared his love for the girl and asked for her hand in marriage upon which the girl’s father said he would have to become a Christian. He did so, married the girl and lived in the village (this of course is not the usual happy ending where they lived happily ever after). Some time later the Shaykh’s companions returned from Hajj and decided to look up their beloved teacher and mentor. Upon enquiry they were told the Shaykh was to be found on the outskirts of the village looking after pigs. On reaching him they greeted him and enquired about what he remembered from the Qur’an and Hadith. Of the ocean of knowledge he had possessed he remembered one single verse of the Qur’an and one single Hadith. At this they sadly took their leave. As they travelled out of the village, suddenly they spotted Shaykh Andalusi ahead of them, thoroughly wet as he had just emerged from a nearby stream. They hurried to meet him and found him as before and asked for an explanation. He said that as they had entered the village they had passed a place where some Christians were worshipping the cross and for a second he looked down upon them with the thought that he was better than them. At that instant he said he had felt his iman leaving and they knew the rest of what occurred. After they visited him he had felt regret and Allah subhaanahu wata’aalaa had blessed him with his previous status. He left the village and washed himself in the stream and this is when they had found him. Happily they travelled back home (a scary story with a happy ending)!

Inspiring Stories & Anecdotes (3)

posted by ummi taalib on 19th September 2009 - 1 comment
Continuing the stories i've heard from the lectures of Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat... SULTAN NASIRUDDEEN’S EXAMPLE Shaykh related the story of Sultan Nasiruddeen who was once busy writing a passage of the Qur’an while seated with his ministers. A passer-by, who was not a Haafiz of the Qur’an, came and stood watching him. The passer-by pointed out that the Sultan had repeated a word twice. The Sultan picked up a pen, circled the word that was repeated and thanked the person. After the person left the Sultan started scraping off the circle he had made. At this the ministers enquired why he had made the circle in the first place since the repetition of the word was not a mistake. The Sultan replied that it was easier to scrape off the mark of the circle made on the paper; the waters of the seven seas would not have been enough to wash off the mark of embarrassment caused by his tongue if he had told the passer-by in front of all the people that it was he who was mistaken. Posted on (25 Nov 2007) TRUE SACRIFICE

Inspiring Stories & Anecdotes (2)

posted by ummi taalib on 26th July 2009 - 1 comment
(from lectures of Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat ) MAJNOON’S LOVE STORY Many will be familiar with the famous heart rending love story of Majnoon and Laylaa. Majnoon was in fact Qais ibn Aamir and he was a pious young man. When he fell in love with Laylaa he wanted to marry her but unfortunately (or fortunately, depends on how one sees it) their families stood in the way of their being united. It is said that he used to walk down her street, touch the walls and even the dog which wandered the area as everything connected to his beloved was beloved to him. After a long time of pining for his beloved Laylaa, once at the time of Tahajjud, he could bear the pain no more and falling into sajdah he cried to Allah thus, “O Allah, today grant me either one of two things. You certainly have power to grant me my beloved and You also hold power over my heart. Either grant me Laylaa or remove her love from my heart”. So praying and begging, he fell asleep and in his troubled sleep he heard a voice saying, “O My slave, I certainly have power to grant your du’a but if I grant you Laylaa or remove her love from your heart, will you then come to Me and turn to Me, cry and beg as you do? O My slave, your worshipping Me in this manner is most beloved to Me”. THE FROG & THE TORTOISE TO THE RESCUE

Inspiring Stories & Anecdotes (1)

posted by ummi taalib on 25th July 2009 - 0 comments
(from lectures of Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat ) SHAYKH SHIBLI RELATES: Whilst in Tawaaf of the Ka’bah he heard a person’s “Labbayk” being rejected over and over again with a voice from above pronouncing “laa laka labbayk”. He caught hold of the person and asked whether or not he heard the voice from above. On receiving a reply in the affirmative, he asked the man why then he continued calling out Labbayk. The reply was, [i]“agar is dar ko chordu to kis dar pe jaawu”[/i] i.e. where else is there for me to go and who else is there for me to call if I leave this house? Saying this he continued and this time the voice from above declared, “Labbayk yaa ‘abdi labbayk- I am here O my slave, I am here”!
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