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Swimming in the Sea of Reason & Intellect

posted by ummi taalib on 25th February 2018 - 0 comments
Maulana Rumi (R.A.) says: "It is completely useless to swim about in the sea of Reason and intellect. There is need for the ship of Nabi Nooh (A.S.) - i.e. The help of the friends of Allah. Look how Nabi Nooh's (A.S.) son - Kan'aan depended on Reason alone saying: "The high mountains shall save me from this storm". He considered the ark of Nabi Nooh (A.S.) as being despicable. The result was that the ship was saved during the deluge and reached the high mountain while Kan'aan was drowned. Maulana Rumi (R.A.) says: "When you do not look with proper sight, then you look upon the love and company of the saintly ones and their obedience i.e. their ship as despicable, and you look upon your imitation of the people of Europe as the high mountains of Intellect and Reason. But, beware, do not look upon this ship as being of no value and a thing to be despised.It is true that the Ah-Iullah, the saints are usually dressed in old and tattered clothes and live simple lives, but do not look at the simplicity of their lives and consider them lowly and despicable. Instead look at the Grace of Allah that is with them. Look at the splendour of the one who arrives through the ship and do not look at the heights of the mountains of Reason. The power of Allah is such that with one wave, He can turn the ship upside down. But the ship which travels in the shadow of Allah's Mercy, in spite of its outward weakness and the evil intention of Shaytaan, it will pass through all the trials in safety. If one is not going to follow this advise, then in the end one will have to admit the shortcomings of the intellect.Hence, if a person needs to find safety from faults and sins, he will have to become closely connected in love with the saints of Allah. Then he will not suffer losses. People who wish to travel on the path of deen with only reason are breakers of their 'tobah'.

A Valuable Analogy in understanding Bay`ah

posted by ummi taalib on 21st November 2012 - 0 comments
A Valuable Analogy in understanding Bay`ah Bay`ah can be described as a kind of captivity, with a unique outcome. That outcome is Freedom. Strange as it seems, it is a reality, and it will be the experience. Reflecting over this point, we will come to understand that there certainly is freedom in captivity. We will also come to realize that there is captivity in freedom. As an example: If a student is in the 5th year, and lives in ‘captivity’ of his studies: strictly attending classes, diligent in completing his homework and sincere in his efforts, that student gets “freedom” - meaning, he is the successful one because he passes ‘with flying colours.’ As for the student who lives in freedom: He does not attend classes, he is indifferent to his studies, and makes no effort to complete his homework, then he becomes ‘captive’ in that same class : meaning, he fails. He does not make the grade, and does not qualify. In a similar vein, the captivity of Bay`ah will free us – will be the means and medium of our success, in both worlds. Moreover, Bay`ah serves to remind us of our captivity to Allah Ta’ala and Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam), since our bay`ah has already been established with the Kalima, with “La ilaaha illallaah Muhammadur Rasoolullah”. We should not fear losing our freedom with Bay`ah, rather, we should trade our freedom for this ‘captivity’. And experience true freedom. Moving outside this example, we find the well-known Hadeeth, which conveys this reality, on a different level; in the context of dunya : Rasulullah (Sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam) said: The world is a prison for the Believer and a paradise for the disbeliever.

Make your Heart a Fruit-bearing Orchard

posted by ummi taalib on 6th November 2012 - 0 comments
Imaan is our greatest wealth and the means of safeguarding this great wealth of Imaan is adopting Taqwa, i.e. to abstain from sins and to fear the displeasure of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) and in order to be able to adopt Taqwa we should seek the company of the “Saadiqeen” (the Truthful). Therefore the key to the security of Imaan is adopting Taqwa and the key to adopting Taqwa is to be with the Saadiqeen (to spend time with and to consult a qualified Shaykh). For attaining full benefit from the company of the Shaykh remember five things: 1. Have ‘Azmat in the heart for the Shaykh due to his close connection with Allah subhaanahu wata’ala 2. Have Muhabbat [Love] for the Shaykh.

Bringing Life into the Heart

posted by ummi taalib on 29th October 2012 - 0 comments
When a hen lays enough eggs, her effort is then to incubate her eggs, and we observe how she sits on the eggs, and is so committed to the process, that she only leaves her eggs for a few minutes in a day, when she needs to eat and drink. As is well-known, it takes 21 days for the eggs to hatch - that is, if they were properly incubated by the hen. So for almost all that time, the hen sits on the eggs, and the embryo develops inside the egg in that period of time, until a chick pecks its way out of its eggshell and is hatched. When life comes into that chick, the chick does not require any assistance to come out. It does not wait for its mother to crack the shell so that it may come out. It is able to crack the shell itself. Once the eggs hatch, the hen continues to stay on the nest for weeks thereafter, occupying herself in raising her chicks. She teaches them survival skills and how to look for food.

Concern for Islah in Bygone Days

posted by ummi taalib on 28th April 2012 - 0 comments
In bygone days people’s fikr (concern) for islah (rectification) was deep and genuine. They handed themselves over to their chosen Shaykh like a stick in the carpenter’s hand. The stick will not say to the carpenter, “Make me into a table and nota chair”! “Blind Following” of the Shaykh In every matter an expert is sought for advice and guidance. One who has no experience has no choice but to blindly follow the expert in any field. Yet for one’s Islah which concerns success or failure in the Hereafter, there are objections raised regarding taking advice from a Shaykh. A doctor will refer a cancer patient for chemotherapy. It is an established fact that chemotherapy is necessary to treat cancer patients and the doctor is knowledgeable and experienced. Now the patient cannot ask the doctor to cure him without this treatment. Therefore for his own good the patient will have to accept the prescription and blindly follow the doctor’s advice. Another example is that of a learner driver who on his instructor orders has to indicate in a certain direction. He cannot say that he will not “blindly follow” the instructor. He has no choice but to follow instructions even if it be against his judgement otherwise he will end up harming himself and the instructor. We give ourselves up to the expert in every field yet we raise objections when it comes to following the instructions of one’s Shaykh. It stands to reason that one does not follow a Shaykh who is seen to be sinful and who advices accordingly. In this case there will be no blind following. This is the reason we are advised to be careful when choosing a Shaykh before making the pledge.

Hold on to the Elders

posted by ummi taalib on 28th March 2012 - 0 comments
Shaykh Sa’dī Shirāzi (Rahimahullāhu) relates an incident of his childhood.

Once my father took me to an `īd function. It so happened that due to the huge crowds I got separated from my father. I began to cry out aloud. My honorable father also became extremely worried and began searching for me. Upon finding me he caught my ear and said: I warned you not to leave my shirt (kurta) but you were negligent!

Shaykh Sa’dī Shirāzi (Rahimahullāhu) comments: This incident of my childhood guided me my entire life; the one who leaves the shirt (kurta) of the elders and pious wanders lost and astray in the fair of this world.

Dar al- Mahmood

Shaikh-murid relationship

posted by ummi taalib on 20th March 2012 - 1 comment
Hakim al Umma Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him) said, ‘The analogy of the company of pious is like planting a sour-flavored mango sapling beneath a Fajri (better quality and sweet tasting) mango tree. And then grafting a branch of Fajri on its stem. It is quite evident that (now) this (sour-flavored) tree will bear Fajri mangoes.’ Majeed al Majeed, page 33 The pious elders commonly use the analogy of plant grafting when discussing the Shaikh-murid relationship. In order to understand this better we discuss the technical part of this plant grafting first. Thereafter, we draw the similarities between them.

Become proactive and reactive

posted by ummi taalib on 2nd March 2012 - 0 comments
Before Shaytaan attacks, become proactive. Keep away from everything which leads to sin (i.e. bad company, evil places etc.) and be constantly aware that Allah subhaanahu wata’ala is watching. This is being proactive. Fight him before he even begins his attack. In other words be aware, be alert constantly.

Now if per chance he does win in his efforts then become reactive. In other words take action and repent.

Yeh heinTasawwuf kaa khulaasaa (This is the essence of Tasawwuf)

Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (Hafizahullah)


Solitude in the Crowd

posted by ummi taalib on 1st March 2012 - 0 comments
Originally posted by Brother dr76 on Ma'arif Mathnavi by Airf Billah Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Muhammed Akhtar sahab damathum barakatuhum. Translated by Maulana Yousuf karan sahab of Cape Town. Page 164 -166" The Romans and Chinese In decorating Once some chinese told a king : "we are very well known for our ability to decorate and adorn buildings". then some Romans said : " we are able to produce more splendid decorations and adornments". thereupon the king said: "All right, we shall test your abilities to see who is best".

The Choice is Yours!

posted by ummi taalib on 2nd January 2012 - 0 comments
[i]You have a choice: You either become a slave of Allah subhaanahu wata'ala or the slave of everything & everyone else.....[/i]
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