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Success lies in Deen & ‘Ilm is Deen

18th March 2013

Success lies in Deen & ‘Ilm is Deen

Our individual and collective success and our success of this world and that of the Hereafter lies in the Deen of Allah subhaanahu wata’ala. It is through Deen that a person becomes successful and there is no Deen without ‘Ilm (knowledge).
Muhammad ibn Sereen (Rahimahullah) said, “Indeed this ‘Ilm is Deen.” Without ‘Ilm, Deen has no existence as Deen only exists with ‘Ilm.

If ‘Ilm is correct, complete, reliable and authentic then Deen is correct, complete, reliable and authentic and if ‘Ilm is incorrect, unreliable, incomplete and unauthentic then the Deen will be incorrect, unreliable, incomplete and unauthentic.

Therefore attach yourselves to the God-fearing authentic Scholars with a sound chain leading to our Rasool salallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam. Acquire ‘ilm and practice upon it.


Our little Children the Path of Allah subhaanahu wataÂ’ala Everyday

One who leaves home in the quest of ‘Ilm will be in the path of Allah subhaanahu wata’ala until he/she returns home. And if this person was to die during this time, then he/she will be a martyr.

A child is in the path of Allah subhaanahu wataÂ’ala from the time he/she leaves home until his/her return home and the reward which they acquire will also be acquired by the parents.

Those children who study at Darul ulooms are away for months and they remain in the path of Allah subhaanahu wata’ala even while they’re resting, eating etc. because they have left home for the acquisition of ‘Ilm.


Fortresses of Knowledge

Our Predecessors had great attachment to acquiring ‘Ilm. From the time of the Khayrul Quroon (The time of the Companions, Taabi’een and Tabi-Tabi’een) we find a great attachment to the institution of learning and teaching. They travelled far and wide to acquire ‘Ilm. Hazrat ibn Mas’ood (Radhiyallaahu ‘anhu) resided in Kufa. He would take up a corner of the Masjid and people would flock in hundreds and sit with him to learn and understand the knowledge of Fiqh.

To acquire ‘ilm one has to sit in one place with a teacher and learn. This is Ta’leem and Tazkeer is when one travels far and wide to bring the Fikr (concern) of Deen in the hearts and minds of people. Our Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam visited areas to do just this. Once the concern is generated in the heart then one goes out in search of ‘Ilm, when one will sit in the Masjid/Madrasah and learn from a teacher. Teachers are not mobile. They remain in one place preparing lessons while students would travel to them to acquire the knowledge. The Madaaris are the fortresses of safeguarding ‘Ilm. With the efforts and sacrifices of the Ulama of the past the ‘ilm of Nubuwwat has been preserved, and it will continue to be preserved with the continuing efforts of the Ulama.

Each student at these Madaaris are firmly attached to the chain going back to the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu ‘alayhi wasallam. The Madaaris are the fortresses where Deen is safeguarded.

What does a person take with him to his grave?

A’amaal (Good deeds) are what a person takes with him/her when he/she leaves this world. Acquisition of ‘Ilm (learning), propagation (teaching) and practicing are all a’amaal. One’s whole life is a’amaal if one learns, teaches and acts on what he/she learns.


Muftis & Ulama in every home (not to mention Mufti Google)!
Everyone has an opinion. In any gathering where a discussion takes place everyone is a Mufti with a personal opinion and when we do consult a Mufti, we accept what suits us and throw aside what does not. Then there is Mufti Google which is the most dangerous method of acquiring knowledge.

The internet and other modern devices can disconnect us from Allah subhaanahu wataÂ’ala. Yes of course they have their benefits but each one of us should be our own judge on how much benefit we derive from these modern gadgets. How much of it do we use for good and how much for bad and how much is neither good nor bad (i.e. LaÂ’yaani)?

Not only are children connected, but the older generation as well and as for the youth, Allah alone knows how their time is spent on these devices! Even the Ulama are not immune from the harms of modern gadgets.
If in danger take precautions. Do not be alone when on the internet. Be around people as we fear people more than Allah subhaanahu wataÂ’ala which is a lesser degree of Hayaa (Modesty) because one who has no Hayaa then one does what one desires. The dangers cannot be stressed enough. People can listen to incorrect Aqeedah (Beliefs) and drift away from Islam.

Therefore disconnect the internet if it is not necessary and spend time in the Masjid attending lessons or listening to talks. Consult Ulama regarding the forbidden and permissible and consult Mashaikh regarding the inner self issues. Correct yourself through them and make your hearts Thaakir (Hearts which remember Allah subhaanahu wataÂ’ala).


ShaykhÂ’s (Hafizahullah) final plea

Value the Ulama who are with us. Acquire knowledge from them and act upon it.
Graduation is not the end. Remain a Talibul ‘Ilm (Student of Deen) till death.

Advices from the speech by Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (Hafizahullah) at the 16th Annual SisterÂ’s Gathering held in Leicester (March 2013)
Tags: success
posted by ummi taalib on 18th March 2013 - 0 comments


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