Tweet"Ek to hein Du'a karnaa awr ek hein Du'a karaanaa (Maa/baap se, Ulama/Mashaikh se). Du'a karo awr Du'a karaao. Lekin us se unchaa hein Du'a lenaa. Du'a lene waale bano"
"One is to make Du'a and one is to ask others (Parents, Pious Ulama and Mashaikh etc.) to make Du'a. So make Du'a yourselves and ask others too to make Du'a However higher to this is to get the Du'a of others (By being deserving of someone's heartfelt Du'a - and this entails "Dilo ko Raahat pohchaanaa awr kisi tarah ki takleef na pohche - i.e. to be such that no one feels any form heartache or inconvenience and feels nothing but peace and tranquility) So become of those for whom Du'a is made."
I have heard this from my Shaykh many times. May Allah subhaanahu wata'ala make (Me first) and all of us of those for whom Du'a rises up spontaneously from the depth of the heart of others without our having to even ask them, especially our beloved parents, family and our beloved Mashaikh ...and may Allah subhaanahu wata'ala safeguard (Me first) and all of us from such actions which prevents those heartfelt Du'as from welling up and even worse, from the wabaal (Bad consequences) of those whom our unconcerned words and actions cause Takleef (inconvenience ofany kind) and pain, especially our parents and Mashaikh, Aameen.
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