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6th March 2010
Words worth pondering over

The nature and temperament of the Allahwala (special friends of Allah) is like that of fragrance which floats in the atmosphere due to which all those around cannot help but be perfumed.

“Musk emanates a scent by itself,
it needs not the seller to describe it”


“A man went to the rose garden in search of beautiful blooms.
But found the beauty he craved in the face of the gardener”


On suffering:
The potter threw the pot to break it saying he would re-shape it to a better form.
Thus when the heart is broken, it becomes the receptacle of Allah’s mercies and divine reflections.


Shaykh Maseehullah Khan’s arrival in Jalalabad was described thus:
The disruption of the nightingale breathed new life into the garden.
Otherwise every bud was entranced in the stupor of sleep.


Someone paid the following tribute to Haji Muhammad Faruq sahib ra after his death:
“In my abode of darkness the night of sorrow still prevails.
There was one lamp to herald the dawn, but that too has now gone out”
“The wall that cast such cool shadows has now collapsed”


The characteristic of fire and the characteristic of the love of Allah subhaanahu wata’ala is the same. Fire burns from house to house and the love of Allah subhaanahu wata’ala from heart to heart.


A fish will only find ease, comfort and rest when in water; water above it, below it, in front of it, behind it, around it. Even if one part of it is left out of water it will remain restless until it dies. Similarly one whose single limb or organ is involved in sin one deprives it of enjoying immersion in the sea of proximity to Allah subhaanahu wata’ala and it causes one’s soul to be in constant agitation, lacking in solace, ease and comfort.


Those who have a connection with Allah subhaanahu wata’ala have no fear of anyone. A goat who has a lion’s protection in the jungle will not fear a tiger or an elephant.


Everything God made valuable in the world is covered and protected;
Pearls are found deep down at the bottom of the ocean, protected in a shell. Women’s bodies are sacred, far more precious than the pearls and they should be covered.


Only a fool saves himself from major sins and not from the minor ones, when both lead to the fire.
Only a fool saves himself from a burning coal and not from a spark when both can start a fire.


Only a fool would stand and watch someone else’s ship sinking while his own is in the same situation.


“The only thing a traveller has in mind is his destination, not decoration”


“The human heart is a ruler if you opt to be ruled and a slave if you opt to rule”


Tags: beautyrose
posted by ummi taalib on 6th March 2010 - 2 comments


DMS wrote on 7 Mar 2010

A very insightful collection. May I ask where these are sourced from?
ummi taalib wrote on 7 Mar 2010
unfortunately i cannot say as i have had a habit for years of jotting down things that affect me from books, lectures, articles etc. (Alhamdulillah, all from Ulama-e-Haqq) and the blog gives me an oportunity to share them.
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