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Baby - Toddler

30th April 2009
Assalaamu Alaykum,

Miracle of Life
There are many things that we see in our daily lives that recall the power and might of our creator, Allah (SWT). From all the many things that make us feel that way I feel that the developement of a baby in the womb of the mother and the whole procedure of pregnancy and child birth is an absolutely amazing formation that clearly indicates the will and power of Allah the Almighty.

It takes the period of 9 months for the drop of the male and female to grow in to a full-term baby, in the warmth of the mother's womb. This only happens if and when Allah has appointed it to be. When the baby is ready, Allah wishes for it be born into this world through the process of child birth.

Baby 0-6 months
Along with the happiness that a new addition to the family brings, come along many concerns that might make a new mother feel a little anxious and distressed. This happens to many new mothers naturally because of what the body and mind has been through within the past couple of months. As a new mother you will get much helpful advice from experienced friends and family along with unwanted comments and remarks that make you upset and disheartened. At times like that, you have to remember that the child Allah has blessed you with, is yours. We, as the parents of the child are responsible for our own little ones. We will be questioned for our upbringing, teachings and responsibilities, not anybody else. Therefore, we should do what we feel is right.


I've heard of a few cases where a new mother is discouraged to breastfeed her newborn baby by her very own family members. This again is nobody's choice but the mother's. Allah provides this milk for a newborn baby as soon as the child is born then why deprive the child of what is best and chosen for it? If anything, new mothers should be encouraged to breastfeed their newborn like the way the doctors and midwives do. Up until the newborn baby is 4-6 months old, breast milk is sufficient for its healthy growth.

Feed your baby on demand. Most newborns breast-feed eight to 12 times a day — about every two to three hours. Within two to three months, your baby may be satisfied with six to eight feedings a day. Eventually your baby will fall into a fairly predictable feeding schedule, taking in more milk in less time at each feeding. If you feed your baby formula, you'll need to feed a little less often because formula digests more slowly than breast milk does.

Trust your instincts — and your baby's. Parents often worry that their newborn isn't eating enough. But babies usually know just how much they need. Don't focus on how much, how often and how regularly your baby eats. Instead, look for contentment between feedings, alertness, good skin tone and steady weight gain — about 4 to 7 ounces a week for the first month.

Once your baby is about 4 months old and demands more feeds or seems hungrier than usual, then it might be time to introduce a little amount of solids. Midwives generally advise that it's best to keep the baby on just milk and fluids until they are 6 months old and ready for solids.

Baby 6-12 months
Life becomes more fun and exciting for those mums that like to try cooking different meals, once your baby is old enough to eat solids. Ready meals are also available in the supermarkets for babies of this age and are convenient for mothers that are busy and short on time. I prefer to cook my baby different meals myself for many reasons. Main reasons are that I know exactly what I am feeding my child and it is not as costly as ready meals.

Solid foods in the early stage are meant for practice. Solids are not meant to provide for baby's nutrition as breast milk and/or formula are.

There is no "set-in-stone" guideline or chart of exactly how many jars of baby food or how many 8 ounce bottles of formula each baby should be receiving. This is simply because each and every baby is different. Babies will eat as much food and drink as much milk and/or formula as they need.

Offering a well balanced diet of solid foods will help ensure that your baby is eating the right amount of the right nutritious foods. A healthy well-fed baby should be producing wet diapers regularly as well as producing a bowel movement or two during the day.
posted by ubuntu on 30th April 2009 - 0 comments


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