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Raising Children

posted by ubuntu on 29th September 2012 - 0 comments
[b]“Fear Allah, and deal justly between your children.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî (2587) and Sahîh Muslim (1623) [/center] Assalamu Alaykum, Children are an Amanah and it is our duty to raise our children with love and righteous manners. Children with their tender hearts can be molded into righteous people with a positive approach. Children become what they see and hear. It is quite common for parents to become so immersed in this world that they forget the importance of the upbringing of their children. Earning for them is not the only important thing with regards to their upbringing. Raising them with love, care and giving them the attention they require is more important. Prophet Muhammad never held back his love for the children and always expressed his fondness to them. In one hadith Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) narrated: I went along with Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) at a time during the day but he did not talk to me and I did not talk to him until he reached the market of Banu Qainuqa`. He came back to the tent of Fatimah and said, “Is the little chap (meaning Al-Hasan) there?” We were under the impression that his mother had detained him in order to bathe him and dress him and garland him with sweet garland. Not much time had passed that he (Al-Hasan) came running until both of them embraced each other, thereupon Allah’s Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “O Allah, I love him; love him and love one who loves him.” (Muslim)

Quick Learners

posted by ubuntu on 28th October 2009 - 0 comments
[i]Children are like sponges and quickly absorb what they see practiced around them.[/center] Assalamu Alaykum, Once young toddlers begin to imitate sounds, expressions, words and acts etc, we must be very careful with what we say and do and also take care of whose company we leave them in. From the age of about 18 months, my child began to repeat many words that she'd hear. Whether it was something that I or other family members said or something she had heard out on the street. We must try and develop a clean atmosphere at home for the sake of our children at least and put utmost effort in to this. [i]Numayr ibn Aws said, "They used to say, 'Correct action is a gift from Allah, but Adab (respect) comes from the parents."[/center]

Learning to Walk

posted by ubuntu on 18th October 2009 - 0 comments
Assalamu Alaykum It's been a very long time since I last posted an entry on this blog. I realize how busy a toddler can keep it's mother and how much attention a toddler requires. The only time you can take your eyes and mind off a toddler is when they're asleep. Walking Walking is a huge step towards independence for children. From crawling to standing to walking with support to walking independently to running. As a parent myself, I understand how concerned parents may become if their toddler has not began walking whilst other children of similar age have. It doesn't help when adults compare little children and put it down to the lack of effort from the parents as that may not always be the case. quite Most babies take their first steps sometime between 9 and 12 months and are walking well by the time they're 14 or 15 months old. Don't worry if your child takes a little longer, though many perfectly normal children don't walk until they are 16 - 17 months old.

Baby - Toddler

posted by ubuntu on 30th April 2009 - 0 comments
Assalaamu Alaykum, Miracle of Life There are many things that we see in our daily lives that recall the power and might of our creator, Allah (SWT). From all the many things that make us feel that way I feel that the developement of a baby in the womb of the mother and the whole procedure of pregnancy and child birth is an absolutely amazing formation that clearly indicates the will and power of Allah the Almighty. It takes the period of 9 months for the drop of the male and female to grow in to a full-term baby, in the warmth of the mother's womb. This only happens if and when Allah has appointed it to be. When the baby is ready, Allah wishes for it be born into this world through the process of child birth. Baby 0-6 months Along with the happiness that a new addition to the family brings, come along many concerns that might make a new mother feel a little anxious and distressed. This happens to many new mothers naturally because of what the body and mind has been through within the past couple of months. As a new mother you will get much helpful advice from experienced friends and family along with unwanted comments and remarks that make you upset and disheartened. At times like that, you have to remember that the child Allah has blessed you with, is yours. We, as the parents of the child are responsible for our own little ones. We will be questioned for our upbringing, teachings and responsibilities, not anybody else. Therefore, we should do what we feel is right.

The 40 Days

posted by ubuntu on 14th March 2009 - 0 comments
Where does the '40 Days' superstitions originate from? The blood that passes from a woman's vagina after giving birth to a baby is called Nifaas (Postnatal bleeding). The maximum period for this bleeding is 40 days. What is the longest that nifaas (post-partum bleeding) can last? Praise be to Allaah.

After Birth Care

posted by ubuntu on 14th March 2009 - 18 comments
Assalamu Alaykum, After a woman has just been through the process of giving birth to a baby, she will be very weak, tired and she will feel very uncomfortable too. She will need all the help that she can get in looking after herself as well as her newborn baby. Postnatal care is just as important as prenatal care. It is these first few weeks where the new mother will be very sore and in need of lots of rest and it is the same few weeks where the newborn baby needs the mother and her attention the most so it can be very difficult for the new mother to get her rest especially if she has no help or other family living with her. Many new mothers prefer to spend their first few weeks with their newborn baby, at their mothers home. This is so that they can rest and gain a quick recovery while they have their mothers taking good care of them and good care of the new baby too. However, in recent times and certain communities it has become more of a tradition and a must for the new mother to spend the first 40 days after giving birth, at her mothers home. Also, in those 40 days one must not leave the house and must not take the baby out either and many other things people believe that one must not do in those 40 days. Okay... not to take the newborn child out for the first few weeks in fear of the baby catching a cold etc.. understandable because it's for health and safety reasons but not to take the baby out because it has not yet been 40 days?? It really makes no sense whatsoever. This thing about going to stay at the mother's home is taken so seriously, that one does not even think about her own husband because it has been accepted as a must, like it's common sense. People.... What is wrong with us? It is not compulsory or even preferable in Islam to leave your husband for 40 days and go spend time at your mum's house because you've just had a baby. I mean, there's nothing wrong with going to ones mother's house for her to help you and take care of you, what is wrong is displeasing one's husband if he is not happy with it and accepting that it is something that has to be done. Here is a question I found on the website related to what has been mentioned above:

Benefits of breastfeeding (Article for mothers)

posted by ubuntu on 10th March 2009 - 0 comments
Breast milk From the moment your baby is born, your body starts producing the perfect mix of nutrients in your breast milk for him. While formula milk contains essential vitamins and proteins that a baby needs, it doesn't have all the benefits of breast milk, such as antibodies that strengthen your baby's immune system. Good for the baby Research shows that breastfed babies are significantly less likely to suffer from ear infections, vomiting, diarrhea, pneumonia, asthma, diabetes, and urinary-tract infections, as well as from food allergies and eczema if your family has a history of either. Nursing may also boost babies' brainpower. Mother's milk also helps protect babies from becoming obese later in life, and girls who are breastfed are also less likely to develop breast cancer as adults. Good for the mother


posted by ubuntu on 9th March 2009 - 1 comment
Rewards and virtues of breastfeeding [u]Hadith[/b] Tabarani relates in his Mu'jam al-Awsat: Anas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated: Salamah, the wetnurse of Ibrahim, the son of the Prophet, peace of and blessings of Allah upon him, said, "O Messenger of Alah. You give tidings of all the good to the men and you don't give tidings to the women." He said, "Did your female companions induce you to this?" She said, "Yes." He said, "Will one of you not be pleased that when she is pregnant from her husband and he is pleased with her that she has a reward like the reward of the one who fasts and prays in the way of Allah? Then when she is in labor, none of the people of the heavens or the earth know what is hidden for her of [pleasures,] soothing to her eyes. And when she delivers, no mouthful of milk flows from her nor a [child's] suck except that she has a reward with every mouthful and with every suck. And if [her child] keeps her awake during the night, she has a reward similar to the reward of freeing seventy slaves for the sake of Allah." [b][u]Hadith[/u]

Soothing a crying baby

posted by ubuntu on 9th March 2009 - 2 comments
Every Parent has been there, Your baby is crying, you have no clue how to soothe her, and you'd give anything to have someone tell you how to stop it. Fortunately, there are several things you can do to calm your baby and make both of you feel better. Here are a few things that can help soothe a crying baby. 1. The one that worked majority of the times for my baby was playing some calm recitation of the Qur'aan. She would just listen to it and eventually fall asleep but she would almost always stop crying. In my case, Surah Dukhaan by Shaykh Ibrahim al-Jibreen. Also noting, I listened to this recitation many times during pregnancy. 2. Divert their attention to something outside the window or herself in the mirror or a new toy. they might just forget about their cranky mood. 3. Taking off her clothes and giving her a massage with baby oil. Touch stimulates receptors in the brain that calm your baby, and research shows that long, smooth strokes tend to work better than short, brisk ones. Try caressing your infant's cheek, back, legs, or stomach. 4. The baby might be fussy because he/she misses 'the first home'.

Crying Baby

posted by ubuntu on 9th March 2009 - 0 comments
Babies cry. That's a fact of life. How much we let them cry, that's a fact of parenting, and it's easily one of the most confusing, emotional and even disruptive times. One parent may insist that the baby is in need of something whilst another may argue that if you're always at the baby's every call the baby will adapt to that which will make life difficult. The advise from child development specialists is to to respond to a crying baby as quickly as possible especially if it is under 3 months old but including up to 6 months old. As a new parent you may get very frustrated to find that your little baby cries the moment she is put down. Many newborn babies will be like this for the first couple of months which will make it very difficult for the mother to get anything including household chores done especially if the mother has no other help. The baby has been attached to the mother for 9 months feeling safe and secure in the warmth of her womb. Babies are bound to take a little time to adapt to the new world outside of the womb. This is why some babies will want to be held close all the time because they want to feel safe. Babies do not stay babies forever. I know it is hard when your baby is little, but babies don't cry without any reason, If he/she could talk and ask you to cuddle him/her you wouldn't refuse would you?
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