Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: September 30, 2008
Assalamu Alaykum... As i see the sun setting indicating the end of Ramadhaan, i my heart feels constricted and tears flow from my eyes, bidding farewell to a month of abundant goodness! A str...
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: October 06, 2008
Every woman takes great pride in decorating and taking care of her home in this world; and rightly so. However it is worth considering that when we spend so much time and take great care in bea...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: December 03, 2008
One day a farmer's donkey fell down into a well. The animal cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, he decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasn't worth it to retrieve the donkey. H...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: May 25, 2009
Says Hadrat Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat, (May Allah protect him and grant him a long and happy life) Jayse roshni ke aane se taariki khatam hojaati hein wayse ishqe Ilaahi ke dil mein aanese saari razaail khatam hojaati hein The way darkness disappears on the ar...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: June 02, 2009
THE GOOD & THE BAD Our Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam has described who amongst us are of the khayr, i.e. the good, and who amongst us are of the shar i.e. the bad. In one of his inspiring lectures Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat explains that belief in t...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: September 19, 2009
May Allah accept all our ibaadah in this blessed month and grant us the steadfastness to continue all of these good deeds throughout the year. May He make all of us from the maghfoor (forgiven) on this night of Eid.Aameen
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: September 29, 2009
The following is a Hadith I have read in a book called "The Miracles Of The Messenger, Peace be upon Him. This is a Darussalam publication (Salafi) which I got from Madina. "whenever a people sit in a meeting-place (Fee Majlis Yadhkuruna-Allah) and remember Allah, they a...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: September 29, 2009
Al Bayhaqi relates from ibn Umar (radiallahu 'anhu) that Allah's Messenger said: "For everything there is a polish, and the polish for the hearts is the dhikr (remembrance) of Allah. There is nothing more potent in saving a person from the punishment of Allah than the dhikr ...
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Author: crazy-muslims | Published: October 16, 2009
Bismihi Ta'aalaa, Something I came across today. It's been a while since I posted an entry here but this one really makes me laugh and feel annoyed at the same time. Naturally, the result of good behaviour is a gift or prize. Similarly, the result of a bad behaviour is...
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Author: rumi | Published: December 30, 2009
Some people may be wondering what i mean by the title, "if the label show's your intent, wear it". I will be discussing some points below. There are some people who say that "i may not show it but my heart is in the right place", now when someone does actually say this, i...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: February 16, 2010
I came across this and thought I'd share it here. I know it's a bit late but... Better late than never.
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: March 06, 2010
Words worth pondering over The nature and temperament of the Allahwala (special friends of Allah) is like that of fragrance which floats in the atmosphere due to which all those around cannot help but be perfumed. Musk emanates a scent by itself, it needs not the ...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: May 06, 2010
(1) Hadhrat Abu Maalik Ash'ari (radhiyallahu anhu) says that he heard Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) say: "Most certainly, there will be in my Ummah people who will make lawful fornication, silk, liquor and musical instruments." (Bukhaari)
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: May 12, 2010
(37) Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu anhu) narrates: "Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said: 'Verily, the bell is of the musical instruments of shaitaan." (Muslim and Abu Dawood) (38) Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu anhu) narrated that Rasulullah (sallallahu ...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: May 27, 2010
Tour of Al Haram[h] Expansion on the Mosque Description and locations of the Pillars inside Tour Masjid al Nabawi, Peace and Blessings Be Upon Our Beloved Rasul. Part 1 [youtube] Part 2
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: June 25, 2010
(1) Hadhrat Abu Maalik Ash'ari (radhiyallahu anhu) says that he heard Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) say: "Most certainly, there will be in my Ummah people who will make lawful fornication, silk, liquor and musical instruments." (Bukhaari) (2) In another vers...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: July 23, 2010
The story of Tamim Dari and the Dajjal The story of Tamim Dari which follows, answers the first and most important question, is the Dajjal alive? and whether Tamim Dari and his companions have seen him when they were thrown by the waves on to some remote Island. Fatima...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: September 18, 2010
by JULAYBIB (sunniforum) As Salaam Alaykum. This thread is intended mostly as reminder for myself I hope Inshallah that others will also derive benefit, and contribute with their thoughts on self reformation. A man was on his death bed, Someone asked him to give some wis...
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Author: gulsaeed | Published: September 20, 2010
Most Muslims begin any religious speech or sermon by reciting a traditional prayer and praise to Allah, and the Prophet (S) and his family. In this prayer, the following words are constantly heard: "Maee yahdihillahu fala mudilla lah, wa maee yudlilhu fala haadiya lah." ...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 18, 2010
It is a duty upon every sane person to be prepared for his departure (from this world), for one does not know when he will be served by his Lord's commands (to take away his soul) nor does he know how long it is going to be before he will be summoned (for the Day of Judgment...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: December 02, 2010
[color=#000000]Allah, the Exalted, says:[/color] [color=#FF0000] "And the remembering (praising) of (you by) Allah (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising) of Allah in prayers]'' [/color][color=#000000](29:45)[/color] [color=#FF0000]"...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: December 11, 2010
1) Who is the creator? (40:64) Allah, it is he Who has made for you the earth as a dwelling place and the sky as a canopy. and has given you shape and made your shapes good (looking) and has provided you with good things. That is Allah, your Lord: so Blessed be Allah, the...
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Author: muslimah101 | Published: December 15, 2010
[u]1. Her Obedience to the Creator:[/b] A practicing Muslim man loves to have a practicing Muslim wife; who knows that the life of this world is nothing but a test from her Lord; giving her an opportunity to come closer and closer to Allah, doing more and more good deeds ...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: December 31, 2010
I found the following words quite beautiful...(from THE GULISTAN OF SA'DI) There is a tradition of the prince of created beings, the paragon of existing things, the mercy to the inhabitants of the world, the purest of mankind and the completion of the revolving ages, Mu...
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Author: faithfulmuslimah1 | Published: January 02, 2011
Poem Our Beloved (S.A.W) How wonderful the way he entered Madeenah Sweet little girls singing Tala'al Badru Alayna And with the help of the Ansaar He built a Masjeed for Rahmaan Using stones and even trees
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 03, 2011 "Verily, As-Salat (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahsha' (i.e., great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse) and Al-Munkar (i.e., disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil, wicked deed).'' (29:45)...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 10, 2011
The real orphan The real orphan is unruly yet he thinks he acts coolly He loves to rant and rave; is it attention he craves? Who has produced one so errant?
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 14, 2011
The year is a tree, the months are its branches,
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 16, 2011
When none believed me, Khadijah (R.A) did. She made me a partner in her wealth.Those are the words of our Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu-Alayhi-Wasallam) about his wife the great Muslim lady,...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 21, 2011
Reward of the Leper A pious man relates that a friend of mine was suffering from leprosy. He was affected by it so much that he had lost his fingers and toes and was rendered blind. I took and left him ...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 22, 2011
Taraweeh Salaah Night 13 By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia Canada In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful Tonights Tarawee consists of the whole of K...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 29, 2011
Nasiruddin was the slave of a king, and very fond of hunting. One day he came across a very pretty baby deer and picked it up and rode away. The mother deer saw Nasiruddin take her ...
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Author: faithfulmuslimah1 | Published: February 02, 2011
Angel Jibrail (as) told Rasulullah (peace be upon him) the follwing incident about a man in the past who worshipped Allah Ta'ala continuously for 500 years. He was granted a shelter on top of a mountain that was surrounded by salty water. However, Allah caused a stream o...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: February 05, 2011
Before giving proceedings of this and other meetings let us have a look at the Church of Saint Peter and the monastery and see what happened to the monk of the monast...
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Author: muslimah101 | Published: February 08, 2011
Hadhrat Salman Farsi (may Allah be pleased with him) went outside of Madain and with him was a guest. Deers were running and birds were flying through the forest. He said, Out of you one deer and one bird, come to me! Because a guest has come to me, who I have to entertain...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: February 15, 2011
On sending Durood upon our beloved Nabi sallallaahu alayhi wasallam (from Ibn Aabideen) which has made such an impact on me that I wished to share it with others Insha Allah. When we send As-Salaat up...
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Author: faithfulmuslimah1 | Published: March 01, 2011
This nasheed and story is a favourite of mine hope you like and and think about it it show how helpful our beloved rasoolallah (saw) was.
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: March 27, 2011
It is said that a young man was making tawaf of the Kaba. At the same time he was engaged in sending Salaam on the Prophet (SAW). A man on hearing this inquired, Do you know of any benefi...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: April 06, 2011
THE MESSENGER (SALLALLAHU ALAIYHI WASSALLAM) OF ALLAHS DREAM: The Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah dreamt that he entered Makkah and did tawaf around the Kabah. His Com...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: April 13, 2011
Salaam, this blog will direct to the forum discussion regarding stories on the Beard. A beard is Fardh upon men if they have facial hair. It is a sin for them to shave or trim it less than one fist length. A man without a beard is a woman basically. http://www.mufti...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: April 15, 2011
Performing 2 Rakaats before Maghrib Salah
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: April 21, 2011
Expressing Condolences and Sympathy 9.3 EXPRESSING CONDOLENCES AND SYMPATHY When offering condolences about a plight that befalls a relative, friend or acquaintance, it is kind to pray for the dead. Say a prayer s...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: April 27, 2011
The matters of a believer are truly amazing! Every condition is beneficial for him. When good happens to him he is (meant to be) grateful & so it is...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: May 19, 2011 Deliverd by Shaykh Ahmad Ali
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Author: muslimah101 | Published: May 29, 2011
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: May 31, 2011
To gain closeness to Allah taala a person should do the following things: [1] A believer should make it his/her habit to recite a portion of the Holy Quran every day. Recital of the Quran is...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: May 31, 2011
Allamah Isfaraini (Rahimahullah), the teacher of Imam Ghazali (Rahimahullah) supplicated for thirty years to Allah to make him sinless. He wanted to be completely free from all types of sin. This was a special ...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: June 01, 2011
This means that one should accompany the deceased up to his grave. On this he will be granted entry into paradise together with a reward of 2 Qeerats. Hadhrat Thawbaan (R.A.) narrates t...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: June 30, 2011
Differeces between Hanbalees & Salafees from brother Muadh. This talk will prove how and why Shaykh ibn Taymiyah and co went wrong and drifted away from the Hanbali school. HANBALI VS SALAFI [youtube] Lectur...
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: June 30, 2011
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: June 30, 2011
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: July 16, 2011
Prepare for Ramadan Many of us have been counting the days remaining up to the holy month of Ramadan. Five days, four, three, two and the next thing you know here it is. For a believer the name of this month Ramadan gives the thought of joy, rewards and a feeling of A...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: August 03, 2011
[h]Live Makkah on YouTube[/center]
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: September 28, 2011
[colour=lightpink]If you love me, dont confess your love to me, this wont please me and will keep me away! Love words dont attract me. If you love me, wait for me and I will knock on your door in the right time. Dont give me privileges which I dont deserve....
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: September 29, 2011
[b][colour=lightblue]An Amazing Dua in Poetic Form[/b][/colour]
[colour=lightpink]Wash All The Filth Away And Change My Dead Heart Make Me Alive Again,Give Me a Fresh Start So Change My Heart Please And Wa...
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: October 15, 2011
AssalamuAlaikum wr wb. Register for a free online class conducted weekly via and educate yourself about the beautiful Zaahiri (of the body) and Batinee (of the heart) sunnahs of our Beloved Master Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam). We read from the book an...
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: October 18, 2011
[size=2][colour=purple]By Hazrat Maulana Yunus Patel Saheb (رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْهِ)[/size][/colour] It is said : [colour=lightblue]The room in ...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: October 31, 2011
The Fiqh of Eid From Heavenly Ornaments of Imam Ashraf al-Tahanawi (Allah have mercy on him) EID PRAYER 1. The first of Shawwaal is known as Eid ul-Fitr, and the tenth of Zil Hijjah is known as Eid ul-Ad'haa. Both these days are days of festivity and celebration in ...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: October 31, 2011
TAKBEER-E-TASHREEK (Exaltation and Glorification of Allah) The origin of Takbeer-e-Tashreek dates back to the time when Hazrat Ibraheem (Alayhis-Salaam) made Hazrat Ismaeel lie down. Allah Ta'ala ordered Hazrat Jibraiel (Alayhis-Salaam) to take along a ransom (fidyah) to...
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Author: eislam | Published: November 03, 2011
Virtuous Deeds During Zul Hijjah The Takbeeraat of Tashreeq It is Wajib (incumbent) for every adult Muslim male to recite the Takbeeraat of Tashreeq after every Fardh Salaat-performed with Jamaat or individually from the Fajr of the 9th of Zul-Hijjah to the Asr o...
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Author: shahdb7 | Published: December 27, 2011
A Man Named Rashed This is a story about a man named Rashed. He tells his story as follows
I was not more than thirty years old when my wife gave birth to my first child. I still remember that night. I had stayed out all night long with my friends, as was my hab...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 02, 2012
Perfect I always wonder; is it ever worth it? To try and strive to be ever so perfect? Who determines what perfect is and what isn't? Who truly is so happy and lives so pleasant? Who has never cheated, lied, hurt or has been hurt Yet still is sweet and kind, and ...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: January 24, 2012
[color=#000000]In the Name of Allah
يقول ابن القيم رحمه الله : عن فضائل عائشة...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: February 03, 2012
The month of Rabi-Ul-Awwal is considered to be amongst the most special and significant months, because mankind was blessed with the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). Regarding this special event Allah (swt) has stated in the Holy Quran We have sent him (Muham...
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Author: shahdb7 | Published: March 01, 2012
Story of Real Love & Devotion For Allah
♥ After performing Salat Al Maghrib, she put on her make-up, wore her beautiful white dress preparing herself for her wedding party, Then she heard the Adhan of Ishaa and she realized that she broke her Wudu
she told her...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: June 20, 2012
"Ek to hein Du'a karnaa awr ek hein Du'a karaanaa (Maa/baap se, Ulama/Mashaikh se). Du'a karo awr Du'a karaao. Lekin us se unchaa hein Du'a lenaa. Du'a lene waale bano" "One is to make Du'a and one is to ask others (Parents, Pious Ulama and Mashaikh etc.) to make D...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: July 09, 2012
When a beloved is returning from a journey (a wife/husband awaiting each others return, little children awaiting their parents return etc.), and it is known that the plane has left and they are on their way, older people will keep looking at their watches and little chil...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: July 25, 2012
Your Lord is [b]Ever-living and Generous. He is unwilling to turn away empty the hands of his servants when he stretches them before Him.[/center] Abu Daud, Al- Baihaqi & At-Tirmidhi
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: July 29, 2012
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: August 06, 2012
The title must make you think "Why in the world is he Laughing out Loud"? Or "Why is he LOLing"? Well it all comes from a little lecture I heard yesterday. (If Admin can upload it) It was very good little talk and the gist of it was "Dont get carried away with your Pho...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: August 28, 2012 This is a brilliant talk about the first question many people are asked. Shaykh Mumtaz ul-Haq gives a brilliant talk and expalins the Hadith about the question of Whre is Allah and he goes on to give great details and shows wh...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: September 13, 2012
True story told by Shaykh Abdul Mohsen al Ahmad, it happened in... Abha (the capital of Asir province in Saudi Arabia) After performing Salãt Al Maghrib, she put her make-up, wore her beautiful white dress preparing herself for her wedding party, Then she heard the...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: September 19, 2012
When visiting the sick ('Iyaadah) or consolling the bereaved (Ta'ziyah) do we become the means of comfort and help or do we in fact comfort oursleves by feeling we have done a great deed? When these visits are not according to the beautiful sunnah of our beloved Rasool s...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: September 21, 2012
[center]The Best sallallāhu alayhi wasallam By Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullah
Indeed, there is a beautiful example for you in the Messenger of Allā...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: October 01, 2012
Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorats invigorating and stimulating words of advice on the current situation speaking at The Dawah Conference held by At-Taqwa Academy (London 30th September 2012). The following is a short but very important summery of the talk. Warafa...
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Author: ismail34pk | Published: November 20, 2012
[b]MAKE YOUR BELIEVE AND FAITH STRONG:[/h] We people use many things to learn and spread Islam. I want suggest and share some thing with all of you that how do we improve our believe and faith with the help of Quran and Hadees. I listened that from Molana Saad Sb (belo...
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Author: graphicjunction | Published: February 04, 2013
Allah has many names, some said they are three hundred, some said one thousand and one, and others said they are one hundred and twenty four thousand, which is the same number as the Apostles; it was also said that they are uncountable. The most acceptable is what came in th...
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Author: 2ak | Published: February 07, 2013
[color=#800080]10 Benefits of looking at the sky... 1. Distress is lessened 2. Evil thoughts are reduced 3. Doubt and fear are dispelled 4. Allah is remembered 5. Allahs greatness fills the heart 6. Evil anxieties are reduced 7. Cures diseases to do with black bil...
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Author: 2ak | Published: February 10, 2013
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Author: 2ak | Published: February 19, 2013
I really like this true. [b]"I believe in islam like the rising sun, not because i can see it, but because by it i can see EVERYTHING."[/center]
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Author: 2ak | Published: March 08, 2013
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Author: 2ak | Published: March 08, 2013
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: May 01, 2013
هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَّكُمْ وَأَنتُمْ ل...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: June 30, 2013
Biting The Hand That Feeds We are often offended when someone we have spent our valuable time and energy to help, accommodate and please, dont return the same, or show any sign of gratitude in return. We forget that all our actions and show of kindness towards any of Al...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 02, 2013
Every Illness Has A Cure Shaykh Ahmad Ali explains to us the love and mercy that Allah swt has for each and every one of us, even though we sin and are neglectful, SubhaanAllah! beautiful words.
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 02, 2013
Losing A Loved One Powerful Reminder
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: July 13, 2013
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 13, 2013
A short *funny* audio; by Maulana Tariq Jameel..."Why are you praying Salah when you are comitting sin?" ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT OF ABOVE AUDIO "ALCOHOL & SALAH" Never leave Salah, Whatever its quality even if it's done quick...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 13, 2013 A truly inspiring analogy of a Light house, which holds many lessons for us: -Indeed just as a lighthouse keeps blinking guidance, we Muslims should keep blinking righteousness and carry on delivering the message whether...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 17, 2013
How To Get What You Want From Allah
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 22, 2013
[b]IN TIMES OF DIFFICULTIES[/center] written by Taalibah In times of Difficulties when we have tried everything that has been possible within our means to resolve our troubles, and searched every avenue and every route possible for a solution, and we are none the wiser....
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: July 23, 2013
In a poem written by Imam Shafi', he states some very true facts about life! Taken from a talk delivered by Shaykh Sulaiman Mulla.
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 24, 2013
[b]ENDLESS GIFTS We walk on our feet for miles and miles we can reach, A simple action of movement that takes us wherever we please, Who should we thank for this capability? In gratitude and humility on our knees, we kneel to pray To fulfil our obligation, so we can...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 27, 2013
This is a very powerful and emotional clip where Maulana Tariq Jameel explains the ayah where Allah says; (click on read more, if you cannot view audio link) "Where are you going?" It is such a powerful explanation, which pierces the heart, leaving one humbled and repe...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 29, 2013
"By refraining from food and drink and by abstaining from conjugal relations with ones spouse, ones fast will be deemed as sufficient according to the requirements of fiqh. But this needs to be combined with struggling against ones desires and refraining from all sins....
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: August 05, 2013
Which E-numbers are halal and haram ? Which E-numbers are allowed by Islam ? Which products contain ethanol and are haram ?
These three questions are related and are discussed here combined.
Forbidden additives
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 06, 2013
Temporary Pleasures of Sin The life of one who is cut-off from Allah swt is like that kite whose string has been severed and is fluttering aimlessly in the air. By merely looking at a person who is wallowing in the muck of haraam pleasures, one realises that this unfor...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: August 15, 2013
The words translated here as, "Fear Allaah," are اتق الله. That is, one should have "taqwa of Allaah." Taqwa is one of the most important concept...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 20, 2013
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 27, 2013
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: August 28, 2013
A reading of the Qur'an will demonstrate the great importance of taqwa, how pleasing it is to Allaah سبحانه و تعالى and how Allaah سبحانه و ت...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: September 02, 2013
Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi رحمه الله states that the key to attaining taqwa revolves around ten matters. If a person takes these matters seriously the result should be a true taqwa in his heart: 1) Fear of ...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: September 06, 2013
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: September 12, 2013
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Author: junaidshah | Published: September 15, 2013
Beauty of Belief in Allah If He Doesn't Give You When You Ask... He Will Surely Give You When You NEED IT. IN SHA ALLAH
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Author: junaidshah | Published: September 18, 2013
ISLAM IS BEST Life is Test, Islam is best, Namaz is must, Aakhrat is for rest, World is only dust, If Quran is in chest, nothing need next, Obey ALLAH first.
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Author: junaidshah | Published: September 18, 2013
7 Rules to Be Happy 1) Never Hate 2) Don't Worry 3) Live Simple 4) Expect a little 5) Give a lot 6) Always Smile 7) And Keep In Touch With Allah.
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Author: Taalibah | Published: October 08, 2013
Link updated Too beautiful not to share :-)
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: October 09, 2013
THIS IS A REAL LIFE INCIDENT (some wording has been changed as to not give away the location of the person)
I take the metro train everyday and a girl would get on in the same carriage, day in day out and we would both get off at the same station where ...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: October 16, 2013
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Author: Taalibah | Published: November 12, 2013
[b]THE BLIND FOLLOWING THE BLIND[/center] [b]written by Taalibah[/center] To be sitting in the Masjid al-Haram in Makkatul Mukarramah, is one of great gifts of honour and reverence from the Almighty Allah Subhaanuhuwataaala, and a feeling of overwhelming awe and grateful...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: November 18, 2013
Shaykh Ahmad Ali explains to us the love and mercy that Allah swt has for each and every one of us, even though we sin and are neglectful, SubhaanAllah! beautiful words.
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Author: Taalibah | Published: November 26, 2013
"...If he draws nearer to me a hands span, I will draw nearer to him an arm's length, and If he draws nearer to Me an arm's length, I will draw nearer to him a fathom length, and if he comes to Me walking, I will rush to him at (great) speed." (Bukhari and Muslim Shayk...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: December 11, 2013
Friends! I am addressing you with a heart filled with pain. What I am presenting you with is the epitome, the summary, and the essence of my seventeen years of service to Shaykh Shah Abdul Ghani r.a. It is not something acquired at ease. It is by the blessing and Grace of Al...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: December 15, 2013
It is required of us to humble ourselves and cry in the court of Allah سبحانه وتعالى: "O Allah, in the battle against the nafs (base desires) and Shaitaan I am repeatedly defeated, this is an indicat...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: December 20, 2013
Will Allah Subhaanuhuwata'aala be happy with you?
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Author: Taalibah | Published: January 02, 2014
A Maturing Connection Shaykh Shah Abdul Ghani (RA) used to say, "When Allah سبحانه وتعالى attracts someone, his own heart will come to the conclusion and bear testimony to the fact that Allah ...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: January 24, 2014
Shaykh Rumi (rah) has expressed: O people of the world! Jalal ud Deen Rumi has dug in his heels and lowered his head. Do not cast my feet in chains. Do not ensnare my feet with worldly chains. Those who breed animals are well aware that when an animal lowers its head...
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Author: Ahmad121 | Published: January 25, 2014
OIP provides you the huge collection of latest Urdu, English and Arabic Islamic content. You can find here Video Naats, Islamic Nasheeds, Recitation of Quran, Speeches, Islamic Wallpapers, Islamic and Hadith Books.
[url=]video naat youtu...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: February 13, 2014
IN THE COURT OF ALLAH O' dear servant I've been expecting you, come a bit closer so I can deal with you, Is it true what the angels say,that your scroll of bad deeds heavily outweighs? [color=#0000FF]O' Allah let me explain, it is true many of thy commandments I d...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: February 17, 2014
What to do at the Time of Natural Catastrophes by Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh Everyone is aware of the devastation that natural disasters bring with them. Many lose their lives, hundreds of thousands lose relatives, entire communitie...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: February 20, 2014
Allah سبحانه وتعالى Splendour Allah سبحانه وتعالى is able to make the impossible, possible. His splendour is very lofty. Nothing...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: March 04, 2014
Belonging to Allah (swt) When Allah (swt) attracts someone towards Himself, the combined forces of the entire universe cannot succeed in drawing him away. When the identity tag around the collar neck of a cat bears the ownership of a head of state, a commander-in-chief...
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Author: Coloratura | Published: March 22, 2014
I don't hear these hadiths pretty common. But they are very inspiring. Enjoy! 1) Whosoever would be delighted to be delivered from the Hellfire and entered into Paradise, then let him die while he witnesses that there is no God but Allah and that Muhammad is His serva...
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Author: MomenaMinhas | Published: April 21, 2014
Every Muslim believes in the Supremacy, Authority and Lordship of Allah Almighty. They regard Him as the Ruler and as the Creator of the whole universe. Therefore, there can be no doubt in the fact that Muslims submit to Allah only and for them He is the only personality wor...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: May 08, 2014
The Infinite over the Finite [b]Say: "O my servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, for Allah forgives all sins, for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Az Zumar 39:53)[/i] The value of this ayah (verse) can be gauged by...
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Author: Qurantext | Published: May 23, 2014
The purpose of Islamic beliefs is to connect the people (Muslim) spiritually & morally in their common goal of serving and maintain their life in proper way According to Holy Quran and Sunnah Rasool. Therefore, it is compulsory for every Muslim to learn and understand the Is...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: June 18, 2014
'as Samad' When the forceful flow of Allah (swt) mercy begins, one grounded in kufr (state of disbelief) not only becomes a Wali (saint) but within seconds is elevated to the higher realms of sainthood. There is an incident of a Hindu in India who for ninety-nine years wo...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: August 07, 2014
The Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Be in the world as if you were a stranger or a traveler along a path." [1] This hadith shows that a believer ...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 25, 2014
A Shepherd made jazb (attracted) by Allah (swt) Shaykh Rumi (rah) mentions that there was a shepherd herding a flock of goats, he was made jazb (attracted) by Allah (swt). While attending to his herd, he was preoccupied with Allah and began assuming a conversation with th...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 31, 2014
On the authority of Sayyiduna Abu Huraira رضي الله عنه who said: "The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, ...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 03, 2014
One of the first things that every human should realise is that this creation as a whole and humans in particular have not been created in vain and without a noble purpose. Allaah سبحانه و تعالى sa...
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Author: TalibatunNoor | Published: December 28, 2014
Written by: TalibatunNoor Happiness; The one thing the world is searching and yearning for. Some assume their happiness lies in wealth, whilst others drown their desire for happiness in fame and fortune. Truth is, happiness is the meaning of a number of things. Accepti...
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Author: TalibatunNoor | Published: December 29, 2014
Written by TalibatunNoor Life throws all sorts at us. From heart ache, to regret, pain and difficulty. Throughout these times we sometimes feel were alone. I know I did. When youve fallen so deep that you cant stand up, you dont have the strength and you cant as...
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Author: Muadh_Khan | Published: January 10, 2015
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Author: TalibatunNoor | Published: February 01, 2015
When we're at our lowest, everything becomes impossible. Our problems seem like a mountain to climb, a better life seems too good to be true and our lives feel empty, with no sense of direction and no goal in sight. At times like these, we face two options. We can eithe...
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Author: Muadh_Khan | Published: March 21, 2015
Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,
وَمِنۡ ءَايَـٰتِهِ ٱ&...
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Author: TalibatunNoor | Published: June 24, 2015
Alhamdulillah, how fortunate are we to have been blessed with Islam as our religion, Allah as our lord, and the most purest of beings Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam) as our prophet. "A chain is no stronger than its weakest link and the link between Allah an...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 14, 2015
Allaah سبحانه و تعالى says,
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 23, 2015
After one truly knows Allaah سبحانه و تعالى b...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 26, 2015
Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 27, 2015
Many scholars, such as Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله and Im...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 03, 2015
Many materialists and pluralists today still believe in the existence of a Creator. After affirming the creational as...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 03, 2015
The acquisition of true knowledge normally leads to humility when approached in a sincere manner. One who acquires tr...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 04, 2015
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: December 03, 2015
Ask yourself about how much you share from the signs of beneficial knowledge, which are as follows:
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: July 10, 2016
Author: Muadh_Khan | Published: February 17, 2017
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: May 24, 2017
If you have an Ottoman bed then a word of advice do not try to open it without the mattress. If you're bed is open and and Stuck in that position then you've come to the right place, Follow this and you're bed will be functioning as per usual. (Inshallah) (Read ...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: July 31, 2019
In a famous poem, Imam Shafi رحمه الله says: You express the love of Allāh And yet You disobey Him This is very strange indeed If your love for Allāh was true then you would have obeyed him For indeed the one who loves, obeys the beloved ~~~**~~~
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: November 10, 2019
True love entails that remembrance of the Beloved be not restricted to special gatherings only "A true lover is far too restless to wait for such occasions" [i]From Attarbiyyah[/center]
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: December 24, 2019
Invoke no other god besides Allah. There is no god but Him. [b]Everything is perishable except Him. To him belongs the judgement and to him will you all be returned[/i] [Surah Qasas: 88] The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam was not a poet but he said, The truest ...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: February 17, 2020
Mulay al-`Arabi ad-Darqawi said, "Do not say, I am nothing; neither say, I am something. Do not say: I need such and such a thing; nor yet: I need nothing. But say: Allah! and you will see marvels." Letters of a Sufi Master
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: March 08, 2020
Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahimahullah) has given an example of a person who is a slave. He is bought in a bazar and commanded to do certain duties and thereafter leaving him in charge, his master leaves. In his master's absence the slave knows he is still a slave even t...
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Author: Muadh_Khan | Published: April 06, 2020 [url=] ShaâbÄn and the 15th Night from Qurâaan and Sunnah[/b]
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: June 28, 2020
A few interesting facts regarding America and New York City See more in the thread linked here From the Book, (400 page pdf) [url=
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Author: Muadh_Khan | Published: August 05, 2020
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 06, 2020
Shaykh Maseehullah Khan(Rahmatullah Alaih) mentioned, "Just as you whisper amongst yourselves privately, similarly, Shaytaan from his side whispers. He instills doubts, scattered thoughts and anxieties in the mumin (believer). The objective is to cause him to fall into despo...
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 23, 2020
Anas bin Malik (Radiallhu Anhu) reports, "Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was of a medium stature, he was neither very tall nor very short. He was very handsome, of medium built and his hair was neither very curly nor very straight (but was ...
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