
Author: ummi taalib | Published: October 02, 2009
Commenting on the verse about friends turning to enemies on the Day of Judgement, Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat said that friendships can be one of four types. 1. ROOHAANI: in this type of friendship there is a spiritual connection which originates from the time when all...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: November 11, 2010
From the discourses of Arifbillah Shaykh Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar PRESENCE OF THE AULIYA (SAINTS) My dear friends, in every era when great Auliyaare alive and present, then people falsely believethem to be insignificant or not as significant ascompared to the Auliya of f...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: December 01, 2010
If you plant honesty, you will reap trust. If you plant goodness, you will reap friends. If you plant humility, you will reap greatness. If you plant perseverance, you will reap victory. If you plant consideration, you will reap harmony. If you plant hard work, you will...
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Author: muslimah101 | Published: January 07, 2011
During the golden Abbasid period, one of the scholars in Baghdad, the capital of Muslim caliphate at that time, was reputed to hold knowledge in high esteem. One day an acquaintance met the great scholar and said, "Do you know what I just heard about your friend?" ...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: March 17, 2011
It is related in a Hadith that the one who will practice on his knowledge, Allah will grant him knowledge which he does not know. (Hulyatul Awliyaa) That is, he will be given the knowledge of unknown things and thereby progress even further with his knowledge. It i...
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Author: muslimah101 | Published: March 28, 2011
Shaykh Sr. Abdul Hai Arifee (RA) whilst attending the funeral of Shaykh Zafar Ahmed Uthmani (RA) recited the couplet, [b]"The reward of a lifetime of friendship was thus, My friends and associates came and threw dust."[/center] No matter how intimate the relationship...
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: June 13, 2011
Islam Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable. Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed at many times and places before, including through the prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Muslims maintain...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: June 24, 2011
Sending Blessings Upon the Prophet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ODBI28-fQU&feature=player_embedded Sending Blessings Upon Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم ) by Shaykh Abdur Raheem....
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Author: muslimah101 | Published: July 03, 2011
Here is an arabic nasheed I absolutely fell in love with upon hearing it. From the lyrics and translation you will see that the nasheed is an actual dua-dua for Jannah (paradise). (length-4:19) [mp3]http://k002.kiwi6.com/hotlink/0dm81ind3l/jannah.mp3 [size=3]ا...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: January 05, 2013
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Author: 2ak | Published: February 13, 2013
I just had to add this here even though its in the mufti says video section...(sigh) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmERRfazZxU
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Author: Taalibah | Published: June 30, 2013
[b]TRUE FRIENDSHIP O' Allah when I remember thee, thou always remember me. When I speak words about thee, thou speak highly of me, When I recite zikr of thee, thou say special things about me. O' Allah when I remember thee in a gathering,
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 19, 2013
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: November 10, 2019
True love entails that remembrance of the Beloved be not restricted to special gatherings only "A true lover is far too restless to wait for such occasions" [i]From Attarbiyyah[/center]
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 22, 2020
Remember! Life is full of tests and Allah is the examiner. At times, people will be used to hand out the paper but always remember that it is Allah who sets each and every paper. Therefore, whatever we experience is our taqdeer, bear it all with patience. Never forget Allah ...
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