Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 22, 2011

Taraweeh Salaah – Night 12 By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful
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Author: 2ak | Published: March 20, 2013
I ran into a stranger as he passed by. "Oh, excuse me please" was my reply. He said, "Please excuse me too; I wasn't even watching for you." We were very polite, this stranger and I. We went on our way and we said good-bye. But at home a different story is told, how we t...
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 22, 2020
Remember! Life is full of tests and Allah is the examiner. At times, people will be used to hand out the paper but always remember that it is Allah who sets each and every paper. Therefore, whatever we experience is our taqdeer, bear it all with patience. Never forget Allah ...
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