Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: December 03, 2014
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, who received the inspiration and lived by it, spoke about many of the important features of the Qur'aan. Below are presented ...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: December 16, 2014
There are many Muslims who believe in and apply the Qur'aan, however, they do not regularly sit and read it. They may have enough of it memorised to perform their prayers, but beyond that they do not have much knowledge of the Qur'aan. This lackadaisical approa...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: January 06, 2015
Allaah سبحانه و تعالى says,
"(This is) a Book (the Qur'aan) which We have sent down to you...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: January 30, 2015
There are a number of different opinions concerning the linguistic meaning of the word 'Qur'aan.' The most popular opinion, and the opinion held by Imaam at-Tabaree رحمه الله, is that the word 'Qur...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: September 30, 2015
Different ahaadeeth of the Prophet صلى الله عليه ...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 01, 2015
A Muslim should do his best to ponder over the meaning of the Qur'aan and understand what Allaah سب...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 05, 2015
The person should choose a time for reciting the Qur'aan during which he would be most inclined to receiving the ...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 06, 2015
Many have noted that the more "spiritual" the place, the greater the person will be attuned to what he is r...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 07, 2015
Although this is not explicitly mentioned in any authentic hadeeth and, indeed, Allaah سبحا...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 15, 2015
Allaah سبحانه و تعالى says,
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 22, 2015
There is no question that guiding the creation to the understanding and implications of Allaah's Oneness س&...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 23, 2015
After one truly knows Allaah سبحانه و تعالى b...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 11, 2015
There is no question that the Qur'aan guides to the straight path and to the truth. This is one of its major goal...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: May 12, 2019
Ramadhaan is the perfect time for the healing of the heart and spirit through the Qurâan, Duâa and âIbaadaat to which all Muslims are connected to some extent in the month of Ramadhaan. Qurâan It is not a Book of just Doâs and Donâts. It is...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 08, 2019
[colour=blue][b]If Allah enables someone to memorize His Book, does that mean that He wills good for him?[/b][/center] [b]Question[/colour] If Allah enables someone to memorize His Book, does that necessarily mean that He wills good for him, no matter what his status? ...
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