Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: September 28, 2011
[b][colour=blue]How To Change Negativity By Using Appreciation and Gratitude[/b][/colour] When we begin to understand the importance of our thoughts and just how destructive and creative they can be in our lives, we begin a lifelong journey of thought examination. What i...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: March 10, 2013
Advices from Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (Hafizahullah) at the IDA 20th Youth Conference Entertain good thoughts regarding others Entertaining good thoughts regarding people is a virtuous deed which will be rewarded while entertaining suspicious thoughts will lea...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: September 23, 2013
[b]POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE THOUGHTS[/center] Transcribed by Taalibah [center]From teachings of Shaykh ul Hadeeth Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Sahib [/b] Allah SubhaanuhuwataÃÂaaÃÂla has stated in the Holy QurÃÂan: [b]Ya ayuhal latheena amanu ij tanibu k...
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