
Author: Abu Taalib Deobandi | Published: February 03, 2013
ROUTINES OF THE MASHAIKH-E-NAQSHBAND The seeker (salik) should try and wake up for tahajjud in the final third of every night. Hadrat Abu Bakr said, “It is a shame that the cock that crows at dawn has overtaken you.” Hadrat Junaid Baghdadi appeared in a dream to some...
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Author: Abu Taalib Deobandi | Published: February 09, 2013
ETIQUETTE AMONGST BRETHREN IN THE TARIQA A murid should like for his brother what he likes for himself, and this is the core of all conduct. The following are examples and further explanations. A murid should hide the faults of his brothers and not publicize them. A...
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Author: Abu Taalib Deobandi | Published: May 01, 2013
What is Tasawwuf ?  Good character and awareness of God.That’s all Tasawwuf is. And nothing more. What is Tasawwuf ? Love and affection.It is the cure for hatred and vengeance. And nothing more.What is Tasawwuf ? The heart attaining tranquility -which is the root of re...
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