Author: bint Mohammed | Published: May 15, 2010
Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our masajid. They have been identified as: Bin Gossipin', Bin Arguin', Bin Fightin', Bin Complainin', and Bin Missin'. Their leader, Iblis Bin Shaitan, trained these groups to destroy t...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: October 31, 2010
Wikipedia Abu Ja'far Ahmad ibn Muhammad At-Tahaawee Full name Abu Ja'far Ahmad ibn Muhammad At-Tahaawee Born 843 or 853/239 AH[1] Died 935/321 AH[2] Influenced Abu Ja'far Ahmad ibn Muhammad At-Tahaawee, Imaam Abu Ja'far at-Tahaawee or simply Tahawi (843 or 853 ...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: November 04, 2010
Imam Muhammad The Student of Imam Abu Hanifa Imam Shafii said, I have not seen anyone more eloquent than him (i.e. Muhammad bin Al-Hasan Shaybani). I used to think when I saw him reciting the Quran that it was as if the Quran had been revealed in his language. ...
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Author: muslimah101 | Published: January 06, 2011
Gap between Parents and Children- Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam al-Kawthari
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 08, 2011
Khadija May Allah be pleased with her, was the first among the Prophets wives. At the time of her marriage, she was forty years old and Muhammad(SAW), upon him b...
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Author: muslimah101 | Published: January 16, 2011
The Famous Qaseedah Tooba with great audio. Shaikh-ul-Hadith Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Musa Roohani Bazi (RA) has quoted 167 names of ALLAH in this Mubarak Qaseedah in the form of Dua. Thousands of people recite it daily as a Wazeefah and Dua. This video is prepared by Jamia M...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: January 28, 2011
The name of our Beloved has taken over as the NUMBER ONE NAME IN THE UK. (also in the Netherlaands). It has been like this for many years, but because of different spelling, they could not collect all the data required or they were too affraid to admit that Islam and Muhamma...
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: May 18, 2011
Khalid bin Waleed Nasheed. He had so much love for the Prophet SAW as shown in the NAsheed, Awesome.
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: June 04, 2011
Muhammad's era Not much is known about Khalid during the early days of the preaching of Muhammad. His father was known for his hostility against Muhammad. Following the migration of Muhammad from Mecca to Medina, many battles were fought between the new Muslim community...
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: August 24, 2011
Assalam ualaykun. As been said by Abu Muhammad my dad that he knows WING CHUN KUNG FU, he also teaches me all this too. And best of all, i am a master of nunchuckers and know trying to be a wooden nunchuck master and maybe a metal one!!! ...
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: April 20, 2012
Khalid bin al waleed The best of you in Jahiliyyah are the best of you in Islam, as long as they have understanding. [Prophet Muhammad (SAWS)]1 Khalid and the tall boy glared at each other. Slowly they began to move in a circle, the gaze of each fixed intently...
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: April 20, 2012
The Sword of Allah: Chapter2: The New Faith Chapter2: The New Faith Page 1
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: April 20, 2012
Chapter 3: The Battle of Uhud Chapter 4: The Battle of the Ditch Chapter 5: The Conversion of Khalid Chapter 6: Mutah and the Sword of Allah Chapter 7: The Conquest of Makkah Chapter 8: The Battle of Hunain Chapter 9: The Siege of Taif Chapter 10: Adventure of Daumat-...
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Author: atifsayyed | Published: April 03, 2013
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 06, 2013
Temporary Pleasures of Sin The life of one who is cut-off from Allah swt is like that kite whose string has been severed and is fluttering aimlessly in the air. By merely looking at a person who is wallowing in the muck of haraam pleasures, one realises that this unfor...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 20, 2013
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Author: Taalibah | Published: February 20, 2014
Allah سبحانه وتعالى Splendour Allah سبحانه وتعالى is able to make the impossible, possible. His splendour is very lofty. Nothing...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: May 17, 2014
Spiritual Illnesses by Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh A human has two aspects to his life: physical and spiritual. The physical aspect is related to the body and the spiritual aspect is related to the soul. Both aspects are vulnerable...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: June 18, 2014
'as Samad' When the forceful flow of Allah (swt) mercy begins, one grounded in kufr (state of disbelief) not only becomes a Wali (saint) but within seconds is elevated to the higher realms of sainthood. There is an incident of a Hindu in India who for ninety-nine years wo...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 25, 2014
A Shepherd made jazb (attracted) by Allah (swt) Shaykh Rumi (rah) mentions that there was a shepherd herding a flock of goats, he was made jazb (attracted) by Allah (swt). While attending to his herd, he was preoccupied with Allah and began assuming a conversation with th...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: October 18, 2014
Do we Ever? When our children disobey Allah taala do we feel any sorrow or grief? When our children neglect Salaah, the most important act of worship, do we ever experience any concern? When our children underperform in school we lose sleep, yet do we ever experi...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: October 28, 2014
Be Vigilant We should monitor where and with whom our children spend their time and also assess what proportion of their time is being spent where. Most of the quality time of our children is spent at school, with friends, in the park, at other peoples homes, watch...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: November 25, 2014
Core Failure The core failure in the upbringing of our children is that we have no worry or concern for our childrens religious future. In reality we only have three major concerns: The first is their physical wellbeing, the second is their financial wellbeing and the...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 09, 2015
Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan حفظه الله said,
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: February 12, 2019
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم was distinguished with specific qualities: 1) The Seal of the Prophets عليهم الصلاة والسلام. This is due to Allaah's statement سبحانه و تعالى:
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 03, 2020
Hadhrat Abdullaah bin Zubayr (R.A) says, "During the Battle of Khandaq, myself and Umar bin Abu Salama(R.A) were put with the women and children in a fortress (because we were both very young). He would bend over for me to get on to his back so that I could watch (the...
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 05, 2020
At the beginning of the year 70 AH Makkah was surrounded by Hajjajs' Army. They had laid siege to Makkah for approximately one and a half years. Bay'ah was being given to Abdullah ibn Zubair(R.A) so he went to his mother Asma (radiallahu anha). At the time she was over 100 y...
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