
Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 07, 2014
One of the most important concepts in the religion of Islaam is the concept of al-walaa'. This concept implies having loyalty to Allaah سبحانه و تعالى, loving for the sake of Allaah سب...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 14, 2014
It is disheartening that many people do not read the Qur'aan (or other important Islaamic texts) with a clear mind and in a proper setting, reading slowly and closely to capture the meaning of what is being read. Sometimes when Muslims read about Isl...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 18, 2014
Abandoning the Qur'aan

Allaah سبحانه و تعالى says, Matching: Tags

Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: December 03, 2014
The Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم, who received the inspiration and lived by it, spoke about many of the important features of the Qur'aan. Below are presented ...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: December 10, 2014

The Qur'aan came to change the beliefs, behaviour and outlook of all who are astray. It came to guide them to true happiness and the way of life that one should follow in this life. Allaah سبحانه و تعا...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: December 16, 2014

There are many Muslims who believe in and apply the Qur'aan, however, they do not regularly sit and read it. They may have enough of it memorised to perform their prayers, but beyond that they do not have much knowledge of the Qur'aan. This lackadaisical approa...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: December 22, 2014

There is no question that blessings may descend upon the person who reads the Qur'aan - unfortunately, though, as one looks around the Muslim world witnessing people reading the Qur'aan in the Masaajid, seeing the Qur'aan recited to begin meetings and confe...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: January 06, 2015

Allaah سبحانه و تعالى says, "(This is) a Book (the Qur'aan) which We have sent down to you...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: January 22, 2015

Using the Qur'aan Only as a Source of Healing or a Cure for Physical Ailments
There are a number of verses in the Qur'aan that are used as evidence that the Qur...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: January 30, 2015

There are a number of different opinions concerning the linguistic meaning of the word 'Qur'aan.' The most popular opinion, and the opinion held by Imaam at-Tabaree رحمه الله, is that the word 'Qur...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 08, 2019
[colour=blue][b]If Allah enables someone to memorize His Book, does that mean that He wills good for him?[/b][/center] [b]Question[/colour] If Allah enables someone to memorize His Book, does that necessarily mean that He wills good for him, no matter what his status? ...
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