
Author: alima | Published: October 08, 2008
Have A Soft Heart -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- By Sheikh Muhammad Al-Mukhtar Ash-Shanqiti THERE are many ways through which one can become deeply devout and pious and have a soft heart. The best and most importa...
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: November 30, 2008
[b][colour=purple]Zhul Hijjah: The days of Hajj[/colour][/sub] There are so many virtues in this month, and more specifically the first 10 days, that we should hold on to tightly and practice our Deen with a pa...
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Author: ahmadtrini | Published: March 13, 2009
THE QUR'AN AND TAQLEED The guiding principles of taqleed are mentioned in the Qur'an. The First Verse {O you who believe, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.} (4:59) The ulul amr (those in authority) are said by some to be the...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: September 19, 2009
May Allah accept all our ibaadah in this blessed month and grant us the steadfastness to continue all of these good deeds throughout the year. May He make all of us from the maghfoor (forgiven) on this night of Eid.Aameen Matching: Tags
Author: gulsaeed | Published: September 20, 2010
Most Muslims begin any religious speech or sermon by reciting a traditional prayer and praise to Allah, and the Prophet (S) and his family. In this prayer, the following words are constantly heard: "Maee yahdihillahu fala mudilla lah, wa maee yudlilhu fala haadiya lah." ...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: October 10, 2010
[img:align=left:style='border:solid 3px #red']http://www.muftisays.com/blog/files/6/pea2.jpg The pea is a splendid plant. It proudly displays it's strong green Hijab. It protects it from hot and cold weather and guards it from insects. Allah has blessed the pe...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: November 04, 2010
The Legacy of Imam Abu Hanifa. A must watch/hear talk. Beautiful explanations amazing insight. This will clear many conceptions that people have regarding Imam Abu Hanifa, InshaAllah. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTRy0ZL2XgI&feature=channel By Mufti Muhamma...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: December 02, 2010
[color=#000000]Allah, the Exalted, says:[/color] [color=#FF0000] "And the remembering (praising) of (you by) Allah (in front of the angels) is greater indeed [than your remembering (praising) of Allah in prayers]'' [/color][color=#000000](29:45)[/color] [color=#FF0000]"...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: December 11, 2010
1) Who is the creator? (40:64) Allah, it is he Who has made for you the earth as a dwelling place and the sky as a canopy. and has given you shape and made your shapes good (looking) and has provided you with good things. That is Allah, your Lord: so Blessed be Allah, the...
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Author: mokap | Published: January 03, 2011
On the authority of the Chief of the Believers, Aboo HAfs Umar ibn al-Khattaab may Allah be pleased with him who said: I heard the Messager of Allah(SAW) saying The reward of actions depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward accoding to what he has int...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 03, 2011
http://www.islamicboard.com/prayer/20702-excellence-salah.html "Verily, As-Salat (the prayer) prevents from Al-Fahsha' (i.e., great sins of every kind, unlawful sexual intercourse) and Al-Munkar (i.e., disbelief, polytheism, and every kind of evil, wicked deed).'' (29:45)...
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Author: mokap | Published: January 03, 2011
On the authority of aboo 'Abdillaah an-Nu,maan ibn Basheer may Allah be pleased with him said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (saw) saying: "Surely, the Halaal (permissible) is clear and between the two are doudtful unclear matters that many of the people do not have knowled...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 14, 2011
The year is a tree, the months are its branches, Matching: Tags
Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: January 22, 2011
Taraweeh Salaah – Night 12 By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful
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Author: faithfulmuslimah1 | Published: February 02, 2011
Angel Jibrail (as) told Rasulullah (peace be upon him) the follwing incident about a man in the past who worshipped Allah Ta'ala continuously for 500 years. He was granted a shelter on top of a mountain that was surrounded by salty water. However, Allah caused a stream o...
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Author: faithfulmuslimah1 | Published: March 01, 2011
This nasheed and story is a favourite of mine hope you like and and think about it it show how helpful our beloved rasoolallah (saw) was.
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: April 06, 2011
THE MESSENGER (SALLALLAHU ALAIYHI WASSALLAM) OF ALLAH’S DREAM: The Messenger(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) of Allah dreamt that he entered Makkah and did tawaf around the Ka’bah. His Com...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: May 05, 2011
The Messenger pbuh used to assist with household chores without waiting to being asked to do so. ...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: June 04, 2011
Recognize the Army of Imam Mahdi and Khurasan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnNGYmL6PXk&feature=related
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: June 05, 2011
Prophet Adam Before there was anything else, there was Allah (SWT). Then Allah (SWT) decided to create the universe we know. Allah (SWT) created the stars, the sun, the moon, and all the planets, including the Earth. On Earth, he created all of the oceans, forest...
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: June 30, 2011
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: August 21, 2011
Taraweeh Salaah – Night 21 By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful Tonight’s Tarawee consists of Ilayhi Yuraddu (JUZ 25) and the Surah’s that will be covered are: the concluding section of Surah Fussila...
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: September 28, 2011
Junior high school students were studying the Seven Wonders of the World. At the end of the lesson, the students were asked to list what they considered to be the Seven Wonders of the World. Though there was some disagreement, the following received the most votes: 1. Eg...
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: October 13, 2011
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. This post is for all of us who were affected by the BIS crash that had us "suffering" a Blackberry black-out! [colour=lightyellow][i]Just two days offline, We were all desperate,anxious and starting to whine!! Checking ...
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: October 15, 2011
AssalamuAlaikum wr wb. Register for a free online class conducted weekly via WizIQ.com and educate yourself about the beautiful Zaahiri (of the body) and Batinee (of the heart) sunnahs of our Beloved Master Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam). We read from the book an...
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Author: ibn zakir | Published: October 17, 2011
Islam - The Religion Of Peace Today, many non-Muslims regard Islam as a religion that promotes violence, terrorism and war. Unfortunately, they rely in their view of Islam on the general media, which is not always accurate in reporting the news. Many media outlets, such a...
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Author: eislam | Published: November 03, 2011
Virtuous Deeds During Zul Hijjah The Takbeeraat of Tashreeq It is Wajib (incumbent) for every adult Muslim male to recite the Takbeeraat of Tashreeq after every Fardh Salaat-performed with Jamaat or individually from the Fajr of the 9th of Zul-Hijjah to the Asr o...
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Author: zainab.kp | Published: November 08, 2011
Islam is our religion, a complete way of life, It teaches us mercy, while staying away from strife, We are all Muslims; we believe in only One God, Islam is the true religion, of peace, 'tis no fraud, We try to learn about Islam, every day and night, As doing so enl...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: December 17, 2011
A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks right to the top, rocks about 2″ diameter.He then asked the students if the jar ...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: January 09, 2012
*Worries at the start of the day means you are still alive! * Clothes that don't fit means you are not starving... * Tears in your eyes means there is somebody you care for. * The mess to clean after a dawat means you have friends and family around you * Roof tha...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: February 14, 2012
This is a powerful message in our modern society. We seemed to have lost our bearing & our sense of direction. **Story of Appreciation** One young academically excellent person went to apply for a managerial position in a big company.He passed the first interview, t...
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Author: shahdb7 | Published: March 01, 2012
Story of Real Love & Devotion For Allah…♥ “After performing Salat Al Maghrib, she put on her make-up, wore her beautiful white dress preparing herself for her wedding party, Then she heard the Adhan of ‘Ishaa and she realized that she broke her Wudu…she told her...
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Author: bint Mohammed | Published: July 29, 2012
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: August 06, 2012
The title must make you think "Why in the world is he Laughing out Loud"? Or "Why is he LOLing"? Well it all comes from a little lecture I heard yesterday. (If Admin can upload it) It was very good little talk and the gist of it was "Dont get carried away with your Pho...
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Author: abu mohammed | Published: August 28, 2012
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wiEcmNTU-UA This is a brilliant talk about the first question many people are asked. Shaykh Mumtaz ul-Haq gives a brilliant talk and expalins the Hadith about the question of Whre is Allah and he goes on to give great details and shows wh...
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Author: graphicjunction | Published: February 04, 2013
Allah has many names, some said they are three hundred, some said one thousand and one, and others said they are one hundred and twenty four thousand, which is the same number as the Apostles; it was also said that they are uncountable. The most acceptable is what came in th...
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Author: 2ak | Published: February 10, 2013
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Author: 2ak | Published: February 13, 2013
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Author: 2ak | Published: February 13, 2013
I just had to add this here even though its in the mufti says video section...(sigh) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmERRfazZxU
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Author: 2ak | Published: February 13, 2013
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Author: 2ak | Published: February 13, 2013
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Author: 2ak | Published: March 08, 2013
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Author: Taalibah | Published: June 30, 2013
Biting The Hand That Feeds We are often offended when someone we have spent our valuable time and energy to help, accommodate and please, don’t return the same, or show any sign of gratitude in return. We forget that all our actions and show of kindness towards any of Al...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 02, 2013
Every Illness Has A Cure Shaykh Ahmad Ali explains to us the love and mercy that Allah swt has for each and every one of us, even though we sin and are neglectful, SubhaanAllah! beautiful words. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbGuIUuterE
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 02, 2013
A beautiful story of how the parents of the great scholar Imam Abu Haneefa's (RA) parents got married. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Is3eA71rU0k
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 04, 2013
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 12, 2013
[b]SHINING LIGHT OF KNOWLEDGE[/center] All praise belongs to Allah Subhaanahuwata’aala for creating life and death, and the Day of Judgement, to identify which one of us is most excellent in our intentions and worship. What have we prepared for this Day? What have we pre...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: July 13, 2013

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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 13, 2013
A short *funny* audio; by Maulana Tariq Jameel..."Why are you praying Salah when you are comitting sin?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o8YX5xHiKE ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT OF ABOVE AUDIO "ALCOHOL & SALAH" Never leave Salah, Whatever its quality even if it's done quick...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 13, 2013
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5M4eyyMQLY A truly inspiring analogy of a Light house, which holds many lessons for us: -Indeed just as a lighthouse keeps blinking guidance, we Muslims should keep blinking righteousness and carry on delivering the message whether...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 17, 2013
How To Get What You Want From Allah http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=37AOU63VjLg
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 22, 2013
[b]IN TIMES OF DIFFICULTIES[/center] written by Taalibah In times of Difficulties when we have tried everything that has been possible within our means to resolve our troubles, and searched every avenue and every route possible for a solution, and we are none the wiser....
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 24, 2013
[b]ENDLESS GIFTS We walk on our feet for miles and miles we can reach, A simple action of movement that takes us wherever we please, Who should we thank for this capability? In gratitude and humility on our knees, we kneel to pray To fulfil our obligation, so we can...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 24, 2013

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Author: Taalibah | Published: July 27, 2013
This is a very powerful and emotional clip where Maulana Tariq Jameel explains the ayah where Allah says; (click on read more, if you cannot view audio link) "Where are you going?" It is such a powerful explanation, which pierces the heart, leaving one humbled and repe...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 01, 2013
Temporary Pleasures Remember the pleasures of committing sins are temporary whilst the punishment of sin is permanent. One involved in sin may read a hundred thousand Tahajjuds (supererogatory prayers late at night), perform Haj and Ummra year after year and yet such a pe...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 06, 2013
Temporary Pleasures of Sin The life of one who is cut-off from Allah swt is like that kite whose string has been severed and is fluttering aimlessly in the air. By merely looking at a person who is wallowing in the muck of haraam pleasures, one realises that this unfor...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: August 15, 2013

The words translated here as, "Fear Allaah," are اتق الله. That is, one should have "taqwa of Allaah." Taqwa is one of the most important concept...

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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 18, 2013
[color=#0000BF]The Harm Caused by Sins and Misdeeds[/color] It should be known that sins harm the doer; its harm to the heart is like the effect of poison on the body, according to the degree of the damage done. In fact, all the evil and harm that one faces, in this world...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 20, 2013
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 27, 2013
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: August 28, 2013

A reading of the Qur'an will demonstrate the great importance of taqwa, how pleasing it is to Allaah سبحانه و تعالى and how Allaah سبحانه و ت...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: September 02, 2013

Ibn Juzayy al-Kalbi رحمه الله states that the key to attaining taqwa revolves around ten matters. If a person takes these matters seriously the result should be a true taqwa in his heart: 1) Fear of ...

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Author: Taalibah | Published: September 06, 2013
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Author: junaidshah | Published: September 15, 2013
Beauty of Belief in Allah If He Doesn't Give You When You Ask... He Will Surely Give You When You NEED IT. IN SHA ALLAH
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Author: Taalibah | Published: October 04, 2013
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NsixYrkHGTU The Fatiha is recited 17 times a day at the minimum, yet as Muslims do we understand what it means. Allah Subhaanuhuwata'aala begins the Qur'an with this chapter, Allah Subhaanuhuwata'aala chose this chapter to continuously remin...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: October 16, 2013
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Author: Taalibah | Published: October 30, 2013
[b]THE REALITY OF OUR LIVES written by Taalibah[/center] Thousands of people are seen during the blessed time of Hajj and Umrah, enshrouded in two white sheets (ihram). Seeing such people reminds one of the shroud the deceased are covered and buried in. Once in ih...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: November 12, 2013
[b]THE BLIND FOLLOWING THE BLIND[/center] [b]written by Taalibah[/center] To be sitting in the Masjid al-Haram in Makkatul Mukarramah, is one of great gifts of honour and reverence from the Almighty Allah Subhaanuhuwata’aala, and a feeling of overwhelming awe and grateful...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: November 18, 2013
Shaykh Ahmad Ali explains to us the love and mercy that Allah swt has for each and every one of us, even though we sin and are neglectful, SubhaanAllah! beautiful words. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbGuIUuterE
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Author: ittehadummat | Published: November 25, 2013
[center][b]Religious Condition of Muslim Mass :Responsibilities of Elites of Ummah[/center] [/b][/color] [color=#000000]Imam Gazali Rahimullah writes in Ahya Ul Uloomudden explaining the situation of 12th century Muslims. He is explaining the situation and also suggestin...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: November 26, 2013
"...If he draws nearer to me a hands span, I will draw nearer to him an arm's length, and If he draws nearer to Me an arm's length, I will draw nearer to him a fathom length, and if he comes to Me walking, I will rush to him at (great) speed." (Bukhari and Muslim Shayk...
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Author: ittehadummat | Published: December 02, 2013
Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi Rahimullah writes [url=http://abulhasanalinadwi.org/ek%20aham%20deeni%20daawat.pdf ][color=#0000FF](Translation of excerpts from Sheikh Urdu Book available here)[/color][/url] [color=#FF0000][h][u]Teaching and Learning of deen and its effor...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: December 11, 2013
Friends! I am addressing you with a heart filled with pain. What I am presenting you with is the epitome, the summary, and the essence of my seventeen years of service to Shaykh Shah Abdul Ghani r.a. It is not something acquired at ease. It is by the blessing and Grace of Al...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: December 15, 2013
It is required of us to humble ourselves and cry in the court of Allah سبحانه وتعالى: "O Allah, in the battle against the nafs (base desires) and Shaitaan I am repeatedly defeated, this is an indicat...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: December 20, 2013
Will Allah Subhaanuhuwata'aala be happy with you? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnjWTomBUVk&feature=youtube_gdata_player
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Author: Taalibah | Published: January 02, 2014
A Maturing Connection Shaykh Shah Abdul Ghani (RA) used to say, "When Allah سبحانه وتعالى attracts someone, his own heart will come to the conclusion and bear testimony to the fact that Allah ž...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: January 24, 2014
Shaykh Rumi (rah) has expressed: O people of the world! Jalal ud Deen Rumi has dug in his heels and lowered his head. Do not cast my feet in chains. Do not ensnare my feet with worldly chains. Those who breed animals are well aware that when an animal lowers its head...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: February 13, 2014
IN THE COURT OF ALLAH O' dear servant I've been expecting you, come a bit closer so I can deal with you, Is it true what the angels say,that your scroll of bad deeds heavily outweighs? [color=#0000FF]O' Allah let me explain, it is true many of thy commandments I d...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: February 17, 2014
What to do at the Time of Natural Catastrophes by Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat hafizahullāh Everyone is aware of the devastation that natural disasters bring with them. Many lose their lives, hundreds of thousands lose relatives, entire communitie...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: February 20, 2014
Allah سبحانه وتعالى Splendour Allah سبحانه وتعالى is able to make the impossible, possible. His splendour is very lofty. Nothing...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: March 04, 2014
Belonging to Allah (swt) When Allah (swt) attracts someone towards Himself, the combined forces of the entire universe cannot succeed in drawing him away. When the identity tag around the collar neck of a cat bears the ownership of a head of state, a commander-in-chief...
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Author: MomenaMinhas | Published: April 21, 2014
Every Muslim believes in the Supremacy, Authority and Lordship of Allah Almighty. They regard Him as the Ruler and as the Creator of the whole universe. Therefore, there can be no doubt in the fact that Muslims submit to Allah only and for them He is the only personality wor...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: May 08, 2014
The Infinite over the Finite [b]Say: "O my servants who have transgressed against their souls! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, for Allah forgives all sins, for He is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Az Zumar 39:53)[/i] The value of this ayah (verse) can be gauged by...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: June 18, 2014
'as Samad' When the forceful flow of Allah (swt) mercy begins, one grounded in kufr (state of disbelief) not only becomes a Wali (saint) but within seconds is elevated to the higher realms of sainthood. There is an incident of a Hindu in India who for ninety-nine years wo...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: August 07, 2014

The Messenger of Allaah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, "Be in the world as if you were a stranger or a traveler along a path." [1] This hadith shows that a believer ...

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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 25, 2014
A Shepherd made jazb (attracted) by Allah (swt) Shaykh Rumi (rah) mentions that there was a shepherd herding a flock of goats, he was made jazb (attracted) by Allah (swt). While attending to his herd, he was preoccupied with Allah and began assuming a conversation with th...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: August 31, 2014
Training children    If your child requests something that you know you will give him if he persists in asking for it, then give it at the very first request. Do not let your child force you into giving it through crying or making a fuss. If the request is one which y...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: October 18, 2014
Do we Ever? “When our children disobey Allah ta’ala do we feel any sorrow or grief?  When our children neglect Salaah, the most important act of worship, do we ever experience any concern? When our children underperform in school we lose sleep, yet do we ever experi...
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Author: Taalibah | Published: October 28, 2014
Be Vigilant “We should monitor where and with whom our children spend their time and also assess what proportion of their time is being spent where. Most of the quality time of our children is spent at school, with friends, in the park, at other people’s homes, watch...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 31, 2014

On the authority of Sayyiduna Abu Huraira رضي الله عنه who said: "The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم said, ...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 03, 2014

One of the first things that every human should realise is that this creation as a whole and humans in particular have not been created in vain and without a noble purpose. Allaah سبحانه و تعالى sa...

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Author: Taalibah | Published: November 25, 2014
Core Failure “The core failure in the upbringing of our children is that we have no worry or concern for our children’s religious future. In reality we only have three major concerns: The first is their physical wellbeing, the second is their financial wellbeing and the...
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Author: TalibatunNoor | Published: December 29, 2014
Written by TalibatunNoor Life throws all sorts at us. From heart ache, to regret, pain and difficulty. Throughout these times we sometimes feel we’re alone. I know I did. When you’ve fallen so deep that you can’t stand up, you don’t have the strength and you can’t as...
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Author: Muadh_Khan | Published: January 10, 2015

Sins, their effects and Repentance in Islam



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Author: TalibatunNoor | Published: February 01, 2015
When we're at our lowest, everything becomes impossible. Our problems seem like a mountain to climb, a better life seems too good to be true and our lives feel empty, with no sense of direction and no goal in sight. At times like these, we face two options. We can eithe...
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Author: Muadh_Khan | Published: March 21, 2015

Asslamo Allaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

وَمِنۡ ءَايَـٰتِهِ ٱ&...

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Author: ittehadummat | Published: June 07, 2015
[b](Portion of my letter in response to a Brother who pointed mistakes of the workers of Tablighi Jamaat)[/h] "Assalam o Alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu, May Allah bless you with all hikmat and barkat in your life. Your concern about correcting the wrong practices...
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Author: TalibatunNoor | Published: June 24, 2015
Alhamdulillah, how fortunate are we to have been blessed with Islam as our religion, Allah as our lord, and the most purest of beings Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wasallam) as our prophet. "A chain is no stronger than its weakest link and the link between Allah an...
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 14, 2015

Allaah سبحانه و تعالى says, 

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 23, 2015

After one truly knows Allaah سبحانه و تعالى b...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 26, 2015
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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 27, 2015

Many scholars, such as Shaykhul Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah رحمه الله and Im...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: October 29, 2015

During sleep, our souls depart from our bodies in an obscure manner. The soul of every sleeping person is held by All...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 03, 2015

Many materialists and pluralists today still believe in the existence of a Creator. After affirming the creational as...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 03, 2015

The acquisition of true knowledge normally leads to humility when approached in a sincere manner. One who acquires tr...

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Author: Seifeddine-M | Published: November 04, 2015

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Author: abu mohammed | Published: July 10, 2016

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Author: ummi taalib | Published: May 12, 2019
Ramadhaan is the perfect time for the healing of the heart and spirit through the Qur’an, Du’a and ‘Ibaadaat to which all Muslims are connected to some extent in the month of Ramadhaan. Qur’an It is not a Book of just Do’s and Don’ts. It is...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: July 31, 2019
In a famous poem, Imam Shafi رحمه الله says: You express the love of Allāh And yet You disobey Him This is very strange indeed If your love for Allāh was true then you would have obeyed him For indeed the one who loves, obeys the beloved ~~~**~~~
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: December 24, 2019
Invoke no other god besides Allah. There is no god but Him. [b]Everything is perishable except Him. To him belongs the judgement and to him will you all be returned[/i] [Surah Qasas: 88] The Prophet sallallaahu alayhi wasallam was not a poet but he said, The truest ...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: February 17, 2020
Mulay al-`Arabi ad-Darqawi said, "Do not say, I am nothing; neither say, I am something. Do not say: I need such and such a thing; nor yet: I need nothing. But say: Allah! and you will see marvels." Letters of a Sufi Master
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: March 08, 2020
Shaykh Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahimahullah) has given an example of a person who is a slave. He is bought in a bazar and commanded to do certain duties and thereafter leaving him in charge, his master leaves. In his master's absence the slave knows he is still a slave even t...
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Author: Muadh_Khan | Published: July 12, 2020
https://www.youtube.com/watch?edufilter=NULL&v=HvbEf-m3dPM https://www.youtube.com/watch?edufilter=NULL&v=HvbEf-m3dPM
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: July 22, 2020
Balancing Fear with Hope The heart in its journey towards Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala, is like a bird whose head is love, and hope and fear are its two wings. When the head ...
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 14, 2020
Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullah Alaih) once said: “I don't know how to explain this aspect to you but it is my heart's desire that every person should come onto the straight path of Islam, in such a manner that the beauty of Islam becomes manifest in every fa...
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 15, 2020
Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (R.A) once mentioned: In current times, the amassing of wealth and possessing the capability to acquire it is deemed as true progress, whereas Islam has discouraged one from making the amassing of wealth his primary goal. The Sahaabah (R.A) ...
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 17, 2020
"Patience" is a very weak translation of the Arabic word Sabr, which has three connotations: (a) bearing pain and misfortune patiently (b) restraining oneself from sin (c) being steadfast in obeying Allah. Now, patience, in this wide sense, is the perfect remedy for ...
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Author: habeeba | Published: October 23, 2020
Anas bin Malik (Radiallhu Anhu) reports, "Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was of a medium stature, he was neither very tall nor very short. He was very handsome, of medium built and his hair was neither very curly nor very straight (but was ...
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