Author: faithfulmuslimah1 | Published: January 02, 2011
Poem Our Beloved (S.A.W) How wonderful the way he entered Madeenah Sweet little girls singing Tala'al Badru Alayna And with the help of the Ansaar He built a Masjeed for Rahmaan Using stones and even trees
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: February 15, 2011
On sending Durood upon our beloved Nabi sallallaahu alayhi wasallam (from Ibn Aabideen) which has made such an impact on me that I wished to share it with others Insha Allah. When we send As-Salaat up...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: April 21, 2011
Expressing Condolences and Sympathy 9.3 EXPRESSING CONDOLENCES AND SYMPATHY When offering condolences about a plight that befalls a relative, friend or acquaintance, it is kind to pray for the dead. Say a prayer s...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: May 31, 2011
To gain closeness to Allah taala a person should do the following things: [1] A believer should make it his/her habit to recite a portion of the Holy Quran every day. Recital of the Quran is...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: May 31, 2011
Allamah Isfaraini (Rahimahullah), the teacher of Imam Ghazali (Rahimahullah) supplicated for thirty years to Allah to make him sinless. He wanted to be completely free from all types of sin. This was a special ...
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Author: Mahd-ul-Huda | Published: October 15, 2011
AssalamuAlaikum wr wb. Register for a free online class conducted weekly via and educate yourself about the beautiful Zaahiri (of the body) and Batinee (of the heart) sunnahs of our Beloved Master Muhammad (sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam). We read from the book an...
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Author: sweetmuslimahk1 | Published: February 03, 2012
The month of Rabi-Ul-Awwal is considered to be amongst the most special and significant months, because mankind was blessed with the birth of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw). Regarding this special event Allah (swt) has stated in the Holy Quran We have sent him (Muham...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: June 20, 2012
"Ek to hein Du'a karnaa awr ek hein Du'a karaanaa (Maa/baap se, Ulama/Mashaikh se). Du'a karo awr Du'a karaao. Lekin us se unchaa hein Du'a lenaa. Du'a lene waale bano" "One is to make Du'a and one is to ask others (Parents, Pious Ulama and Mashaikh etc.) to make D...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: July 09, 2012
When a beloved is returning from a journey (a wife/husband awaiting each others return, little children awaiting their parents return etc.), and it is known that the plane has left and they are on their way, older people will keep looking at their watches and little chil...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: October 01, 2012
Shaykh Muhammad Saleem Dhorats invigorating and stimulating words of advice on the current situation speaking at The Dawah Conference held by At-Taqwa Academy (London 30th September 2012). The following is a short but very important summery of the talk. Warafa...
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: July 31, 2019
In a famous poem, Imam Shafi رحمه الله says: You express the love of Allāh And yet You disobey Him This is very strange indeed If your love for Allāh was true then you would have obeyed him For indeed the one who loves, obeys the beloved ~~~**~~~
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Author: ummi taalib | Published: November 10, 2019
True love entails that remembrance of the Beloved be not restricted to special gatherings only "A true lover is far too restless to wait for such occasions" [i]From Attarbiyyah[/center]
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