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Taraweeh Salaah – Night 6

7th August 2011
Taraweeh Salaah – Night 6

By Sheikh Abdul Hamid Lachporia – Canada

In the Name of Almighty Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful

TonightÂ’s Tarawee consists of three quarters of Wa-ith Sami-U(Juz 7) and the first half Wallow-Annana(Juz 8). The Surah covered is Surah AnÂ’am in its entirety. This is a Surah of the late Makkan period. A great part was revealed in its entirety. The reason for placing this Surah in this section of the Most Holy QurÂ’an is simply because this Surah is a continuation of the spiritual history of mankind from where the previous Surah left off. Up until now, the Most Glorious QurÂ’an has discussed the creation of man, leading onto the history of the Ahle Kitaab and how they corrupted and adulterated the Divine Message of Almighty Allah, the advent of Islam, and the Rules, Laws and regulations governing the Muslim Ummah. The next step is to contrast the teachings of Islam with the beliefs of the Pagan Arabs [or the Mushrikeen).

The nature of Almighty Allah Exalted is discussed. He alone is the Creator, Sustainer and the All-Truth. Why does man disobey Him? He Alone is the Lord of the heavens and the earth. Next comes the the weakness of paganism. “They reject the Truth when it reaches them” – for they claim that “this is nothing more than magic.” Here Almighty Allah invites the unbelievers to “travel through the earth and see what remains of those earlier nations who rejected the Truth.” – they were all completely destroyed and they will be the losers in the Hereafter as well. The life of the world is “but play and amusement, but the best is the home in the Hereafter”.
All the Messengers Alayhim Salaam are not discouraged if the people reject Almighty AllahÂ’s Message. They want to be deaf, dumb and blind even though they witness Almighty AllahÂ’s magnificent handiwork in all creation. Everything in the heavens and earth conforms to the Will of the Glorious Creator for He alone is the Knower of the Unseen.

The most wonderful perfection in Creation must convince mankind that all this is only Allah’s doing and everything in His creation is under His care and guidance. This is the argument that Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam put forward in his dispute with those worshippers of false idol whom they worshipped as gods. A very important point is brought out against the worshippers of the sun and the moon: Nabee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam rejected them in toto as his gods because the sun disappears when the day is over and it cannot offer its radiance and warmth all the time. Similarly the moon whose radiance is so splendid, cannot offer any radiance once it sets. In short, it would be futile to accept either of them as gods because they themselves have been created for a purpose and there are limits to their abilities. The Creator is surely Almighty Allah Rabbul Ala’meen, because His Light – the Most Glorious Qur’an shines all the time to offer us Divine Guidance.

The succession of prophets after Nebee Ebrahim Alayhis Salaam kept Almighty AllahÂ’s Truth alive and led up to the birth of Rahmatul Liel AlaÂ’meen and the revelation of the Most Holy and Noble QurÂ’an. The knowledge of the existence and understanding of Almighty Rabbul AlaÂ’meen, His Majesty, His Goodness and His Greatness can be gained by studying His Creation and by studying His Divine Messages to mankind. The stubborn and evil deceived and are been led astray therefore they should be avoided. Though they turn for assistance to one another, Allah will not aid them. They will receive their punishment is due time.

Almighty Allah Azza WajjalÂ’s Law will be carried out, despite the crimes and evil manipulations of the Kuffar and Mushrikeen.

Follow the Path of Seeratal Mustaqeem (The Straight Path) so that we can attain the good life in this world and in the Aghirah.


posted by sweetmuslimahk1 on 7th August 2011 - 0 comments


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