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Tajweed with Wasim Sharieff

19th January 2011
If you think that your Tajweed is up to date then watch theses videos

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

posted by mokap on 19th January 2011 - 3 comments


ummi taalib wrote on 14 Feb 2011
assalaamu 'alaykum
jazakallah for posting these. Do you know if the shorter surahs are doen in a similar way?
mohammed wrote on 14 Feb 2011
What surahs like buraj, i will post more of these inshallah
ummi taalib wrote on 17 Feb 2011
Jazakallah kharaa
pls could you find more i.e.e faatihah, naas etc
Also is there something avaiable where there are letters only?
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