
3 Golden Life Lessons (Islaahi Advices)

22nd October 2020
Remember! Life is full of tests and Allah is the examiner. At times, people will be used to hand out the paper but always remember that it is Allah who sets each and every paper. Therefore, whatever we experience is our taqdeer, bear it all with patience. Never forget Allah in the good times and never become despondent in the bad times. Use every condition to get closer to Allah and earn His pleasure. This will lead you to Jannah. Know that this world is temporary. So do not become too excited over your worldly, material accomplishments. At the same time, do not lose sleep or get upset over its losses or lack of materialism.

Remember! Never worry about who is not fulfilling your rights or who is unfair to you, as you will not be questioned regarding this in the hereafter. However, always make sure that you fulfill everyone else's rights, as you will be questioned regarding this.

Your only real, true friend and benefactor is ALLAH. The only human who loves you the most is Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam). So keep your relationship strong with your creator and your Prophet. Then you will be able to weather any storm, cross any mountain no matter how high, swim any ocean no matter how deep, face any calamity no matter how dangerous... because you won't be alone! Your Allah will be with you. Loving you, caring for you, looking out for you, guiding you and protecting you. Keep Him close and you will always be fine with a smile!

- Shaykh Dawood Seedat (H.A)

posted by habeeba on 22nd October 2020 - 0 comments


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