TweetA young man who was making tawaaf of the Ka`bah was reciting Durood Shareef in abundance. Someone asked if he experienced any effect of the Durood Shareef. The young man narrated the following episode: My father and I went for Hajj. Along the journey my father became ill and died. His face became black; his eyes became horribly contorted and his stomach bloated. I cried and said: "Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji-oon." I bewailed my father's death in the journey and his condition. That night when I fell asleep, I saw in a dream Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) approaching my father. He rubbed his blessed hand on my father's face. Immediately it became whiter than milk and glittered. He then rubbed his hand on my father's bloated stomach. His stomach subsided and became normal. When Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) was about to leave, I took hold of his blessed shawl and exclaimed: "O my chief! Who are you?" He said: "Do you not recognize me? I am Muhammad, the Rasool of Allah. This, your father, was grossly disobedient and a sinner. However he recited Durood in abundance. I have therefore come to his aid when this calamity befell him."
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