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Virtues & Blessings of Durood Shareef

posted by habeeba on 30th October 2020 - 0 comments



posted by habeeba on 29th October 2020 - 0 comments

A pious man narrated that he once had a debt of three hundred Rupees, and due to straitened circumstances, he could not imagine how he could ever be relieved of this burden. Sitting one day in the discourse of an Aalim, he heard him say that whoever washes his hands before and after eating, in view of it being a sunnah of Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), will Insha Allah be relieved of his debts in a short span of time. The pious man adopted the above procedure, and through the grace of Allah Ta'ala, he was absolved of all his debts in a few days time. (The Sublime Conduct of Nabi (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) vol.1)

The truest Muslims

posted by habeeba on 28th October 2020 - 0 comments
Envious people misinformed the Khalifah about the Sufiyaa. On account of their lack of understanding they interpreted the statements of the Sufiyaa as being heretical and kufr. The Khalifah ordered the execution of the Sufiyaa among whom were Hadhrat Junaid Baghdaadi and Sheikh Abul Hasan Noori (rahmatullahi alaihima). When it was time for the execution, Sheikh Abul Hasan Noori eagerly advanced to the executioner who enquired: "Why did you step forward?" Sheikh Noori said: "So that my friend may live a few extra moments." The astonished executioner thought: "Who branded these people irreligious?" This information was relayed to the Khalifah, who at that time was in session with his ministers. All present were full of surprise. The Qaadhi who was present said: "Allow me to go to these people. I shall debate with them on masaa`il of the Deen. Their beliefs will then

Obedience to Parents is a means of a Life of Contentment

posted by habeeba on 27th October 2020 - 0 comments
Hazrat Shaikh Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (RA) once mentioned: My beloved friends! I wish to share something with you. Respect and obedience to one's parents is a means of increase and blessings in one's life and sustenance. If a person is obedient to his parents at all times, he will never live a difficult and problematic life. On the converse, if a person is disobedient to his parents, then someday he will definitely be afflicted with some difficulty.

(Malfoozaat of Hazrat Shaikh (RA)1/37)

Is it enough?

posted by habeeba on 26th October 2020 - 0 comments
Once, a certain man presented a gift of five hundred Dirhams to Sheikh Junaid Rahmalullah alaihe of Baghdad and requested that the amount should be distributed among the Sheikh's students and disciples. The Sheikh said to him, "Do you possess any more Dirhams?" The man said that he had a lot of Dinaars in his possession. The Sheikh said, "Do you wish for increase in your wealth or, are you content with what you possess?" The man said that he desired an increase in his property. The Sheikh said, "Then, your need is greater than ours, for, we do not wish for an increase in what we possess in the world". Saying this, the Sheikh declined to

Haj of Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (RA)

posted by habeeba on 25th October 2020 - 0 comments
Hadhrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi (RA) performed his first Haj in the year 1944. His luggage for Haj consisted of one pillowcase holding two sets of clothing, one lungi, two pieces of Ihraam and one lota. In one hand he held the pillowcase and in the other hand an umbrella. In this manner, he left for Haj. On the way, he met some people who asked him where he was going to. Hadhrat (RA) picked up his umbrella and pointed towards the Qiblah saying, "I'm going to Makkah Mukarramah." It seemed impossible to them that he was embarking on such a great journey with so little luggage. Outwardly it seemed as though he had nothing with him but in reality, he possessed an enormous amount of tawakkul (trust) in Allah Ta'ala which brings the help of Allah Ta'ala in every step of life. The entire trip cost Hadhrat (RA) Rs1 000. In those days it cost 75 paisa to travel from Deoband to Delhi. Salaah in Musjid-e-Nabawi When Hadhrat (RA) arrived in Madinah Munawwarah, he ensured that he read all his salaah in the first saff in Musjid-e-Nabawi. Whilst he was there his entire body broke out into boils due to the excessive heat and it became difficult for Hadhrat (RA) to expose himself to the sun. Everyone insisted that he perform his salaah at his residence as he had a valid excuse. Hadhrat (RA) still performed all his salaah in the Haram Shareef ensuring that he was in the first saff. He mentioned to his friends that how can it be possible that we are here in Madinah Shareef and not perform our salaah in the Haram Shareef. Unmatched Sacrifice The spirit with which Hadhrat (RA) performed his haj was unique. The difficulties and hardships that he underwent were indeed a sign of his deep love for the mubaarak lands. He travelled by ship which made him dizzy but despite this with great difficulty, he would stand and perform all his salaah. One person who travelled with Hadhrat (RA) for Haj says, "My seat was very close to Hadhrat's seat on the ship. Throughout the night, he would be engaged in salaah. I tried very hard to find him asleep but not once did this happen." One can well imagine that if this was his mujaahadah (sacrifice) on his way to the beloved, what must have been his condition when he reached the Holy lands. A very reliable source once mentioned that Hadhrat Mufti Saahib (RA) often made upto 50 tawaafs in a day and on some days he made upto 70 tawaafs. In Mina In Mina, Hadhrat (RA) was so immersed in the muhabbat and love of Allah Ta'ala that he became completely oblivious of what was happening around him. Those who witnessed this were amazed at the manner in which he spent his time. His entire day and night was spent in zikr, tilaawat, dua and weeping before Allah Ta'ala. Many people just by observing Hadhrat's (RA) program in Mina, were so impressed with him, that this became a means of their islaah and the islaah of their entire family.

The Mindset of a Believer

posted by habeeba on 24th October 2020 - 0 comments
Hazrat Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (RahmatullahAlaih) mentioned: The spirit and mindset of a person should always revolve around how he can be of service to the creation and how his actions can be a means of preserving Deen. We should not do things to earn popularity among people. As far as popularity is concerned, we should hope and desire that neither in our lifetime should people come to know of the good works we carried out nor should they speak of our good deeds after our demise.
(Malfoozaat of Hakeemul Ummah (R.A) 10/19)

Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam)

posted by habeeba on 23rd October 2020 - 0 comments
Anas bin Malik (Radiallhu Anhu) reports, "Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was of a medium stature, he was neither very tall nor very short. He was very handsome, of medium built and his hair was neither very curly nor very straight (but was slightly wavy). He had a wheat-coloured complexion. When he walked, he leaned forward slightly".


In this hadeeth Sayyidina Anas (Radiallhu Anhu) states that the complexion of Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was wheat coloured. In the previous hadith, also narrated by Sayyidina Anas (Radiallahu Anhu), he states that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) did not have a wheat-coloured complexion. This has been mentioned in the translation of the hadeeth. Actually, what is derived from the two hadeeth is that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was not of such a dark complexion that decrease the lightness and beauty of a person, but had a radiant and light colour, which slightly wheat-coloured. In this hadeeth the word `Yata-kaf-fa-oo' is used regarding the walking of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). The scholars interpret this word in several ways. Some say it means to walk at a fast pace. Some are of the opinion that it means to lean a bit forward while walking. Some say it means to lift the leg with force. All three explanations are correct because the walk of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) fulfilled all three descriptions and the word also conveys these three meanings. Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) walked quickly and not like the Romeos of this age who walk like women. It was also the noble habit of Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) to walk with slight forward inclination of the head and shoulders. He did not walk with chest pushed out with pride. He lifted his legs as men do while walking and did not drag his legs on the ground.


3 Golden Life Lessons (Islaahi Advices)

posted by habeeba on 22nd October 2020 - 0 comments
Remember! Life is full of tests and Allah is the examiner. At times, people will be used to hand out the paper but always remember that it is Allah who sets each and every paper. Therefore, whatever we experience is our taqdeer, bear it all with patience. Never forget Allah in the good times and never become despondent in the bad times. Use every condition to get closer to Allah and earn His pleasure. This will lead you to Jannah. Know that this world is temporary. So do not become too excited over your worldly, material accomplishments. At the same time, do not lose sleep or get upset over its losses or lack of materialism.

Remember! Never worry about who is not fulfilling your rights or who is unfair to you, as you will not be questioned regarding this in the hereafter. However, always make sure that you fulfill everyone else's rights, as you will be questioned regarding this.

Remember! Your only real, true friend and benefactor is ALLAH. The only human who loves you the most is Rasulullah (Salallahu Alaihi Wasallam). So keep your relationship strong with your creator and your Prophet. Then you will be able to weather any storm, cross any mountain no matter how high, swim any ocean no matter how deep, face any calamity no matter how dangerous... because you won't be alone! Your Allah will be with you. Loving you, caring for you, looking out for you, guiding you and protecting you. Keep Him close and you will always be fine with a smile!

- Shaykh Dawood Seedat (H.A)


A Ruler and a Dog

posted by habeeba on 21st October 2020 - 0 comments
Once, there ruled over Bokhara a very cruel ruler who, one day, was riding a horse when he espied a mangy dog, shivering with cold. He was moved to tears and told one of his servants to take the dog to his house and care for it till he returned from the ride. Saying this, he went on his errand and came back in the evening. On com- ing home he called for the dog, had it tethered in the corner of his house, served it food and drink, and told his servants to massage its body with oil and cover it with blankets to protect it against the cold. Then he lit a fire to keep it warm and comfortable. Two days later, the ruler died. A saint, who was aware of the ruler's cruelly and his
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