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Alwida Mahe Ramadhaan

10th September 2010

Alwida mahe Ramadhaan alwida

Teri Rehmato ki sawari chali

Wo kano me Taraweeh ki awaz chali

Wo Iftar ke waqt ki gunj chali

Wo Tahajud me roro ki mangi huwi duae chali

Wo Sadka or zakat ke khazane chale

Wo rehmato aur barkato ki sawari chali

Alwida mahe Ramadhaan alwida....

Tags: alwidamahe
posted by bint Mohammed on 10th September 2010 - 1 comment


sana wrote on 26 Aug 2011

advance eid mubarik bhabhi.....
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