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A Dua by a Muallim / Muallimah

2nd December 2011
A Dua by a Muallim / Muallimah

O Allah, The Wise, The Bestower of Wisdom,
Help me to remember that I work with the most precious of all thy creation,
the innocent child.

Help me always to remember that I am leaving my mark on him/her,
which time will never erase.

Grant me Sabr with those who are slow to learn
And tolerance with those who refuse to learn.

When I have to chastise them, help me to do so
With firmness and yet with love.

Prevent me from using a sarcastic and biting tongue
And help me always to encourage and never to belittle
Those who are doing their best,
Even if their best is not very good!

Help me, to help the children, not only store things in
Their memories but create things with their minds.

And amidst all the strength and weaknesses of my teaching,
Help me to remember that the future
Flag-Bearers of Islam are in my hands.

Help me O Most Wise and Merciful Allah,
To follow in the footsteps of the best of teachers,
The guide of all humanity,
Hazrat Muhammad Sallal-laahu Alaihi Wa Sallam.

Help us, O Allah, my children and I,

posted by bint Mohammed on 2nd December 2011 - 0 comments


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