Tweet [img:align=left:style='border:solid 3px #red'][/img] Once upon a time, a well-known painter was finishing his painting. It's an incredibly beautiful painting to be shown at the Airport during the upcoming Hajj Season.
The painter wanted this painting to be a master piece. He worked on it for weeks on the top of a 24 storey building. He was consumed by and excited with his own painting that he unconsciously took a few step backward while admiring the 2 x 8 m painting. He didn't look back whilst he walked backwards. He kept on walking until he was a step away from the edge of the 24storey building. Just one more step backward and he could have fallen to his death.
[img:align=right:style='border:solid 3px #lime'][/img]A man saw what the painter was doing and was about to shout at him to warn him when he realized that his shout might surprise the painter and thus make him take that fatal step and fall down. So the man took a brush and some paint and began to paint on the beautiful painting until it was completely damaged.
Upon realizing what happened to his painting, the painter got very angry and moved forward to hit the man. However, some other people who were also present, held him and showed him his last position which had almost made him fall.
MORAL: Sometimes we have painted our future with such beauty and dreamed of beautiful days we will spend with our loved ones, but then what seems to us that Allah has destroyed our beautiful painting is only done because Allah knows what danger lies ahead.
Sometimes we may become angry and annoyed- but one thing we have to keep in our mind is that our Creator, Allah is Most Wise and always keeps our best of interest in mind!
So when Allaah Subhaanahu wa Ta'ala , in His Infinite Wisdom, tests us with a situation that we think is difficult or takes away something that we thought was good for us, we need to remember that perhaps it may not be so. Perhaps if we had continued in our way, it might have been harmful for us and whatever Allah decreed for us is actually better for us, for He is All-Wise and All-Knowing.
Allah says:" and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allah knows but you do not know." (Surah Baqarah: 216)
A calamity that makes you turn to Allah is better for you than a blessing which makes you forget the remembrance of Allah.
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