In pictures: Isis destroys Iraq shrines
Images and comments from The BBC

Images posted on social media appear to show the destruction of about a dozen places of worship across northern Iraq, in areas recently taken over by extremist militants.

Some images showed the al-Qubba Husseiniya, a Shia shrine, being blown up in the city of Mosul.

Militants used a bulldozer to destroy a shrine known as the "Girl's Tomb" in Mosul.

They believe giving special veneration to graves and relics is against the teachings of Islam.

Militants also destroyed the Saad bin Aqeel Husseiniya shrine in Tal Afar, approximately 50 km (35 miles) west of Mosul.

The militants, believed to belong to Isis (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), are also reported to have attacked churches in Mosul.

More images showed the Ahmed al-Rifai shrine and tomb in the Mahlabiya district near Tal Afar being attacked with a bulldozer.

The militants have attacked Shia and Sunni shrines alike, and have vowed to continue destroying places of worship which they do not approve of.
The reason why I've posted this is because I know the family of the above Tomb (Ahmed ar-Rifai). The family I know are from Barodha, India. and their lineage goes back to Ahmed Rifai, which goes back to the Prophet (saw). The family that I know are of the Shafi School and for the Barelwi Aqeedah, Wallahu Alum.
Very nice humble family MashaAllah.
Here is the family tree from an online source via Google.
Hadrat Ali(qaw), the master of the community, husband of Hadrat Fatima and the founder of Imams, a relative of the prophet;
Hadrat Huseyin, Imam of Muslims, the chief of the Mumins (believers in Islam) who were tried and afflicted with various troubles and calamities, the martyr of Kerbela;
Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (K.S.)
Imam Jafer as-Sadiq (K.S.)
Imam Musa al-Kazim (K.S.)
Imam Ibrahim al-Murteza (K.S.)
Sayyid Musa Sani (K.S.)
Sayyid Ahmad Salih Akbar (K.S.)
Sayyid Abu Abdullah Husayn (K.S.)
Sayyid Hasan Qasım Abû Mûsâ (K.S.)
Sayyid Muhammad Abu'l-Qasim (K.S.)
Sayyid Al-Mahdi Makki (K.S.)
Sayyid Abu'l Mekarim al-Hasan (K.S.)
Sayyid Abu'l Fadâil (K.S.)
Sayyid Abu Ali Murtaza (K.S.)
Sayyid Ali Hazim Abu 'l Fewaris (K.S.)
Sayyid Sabit (K.S.)
Sayyid Yahya Nakib (K.S.)
Sayyid Ebul-Hasen Aliyy-ar-Rifai (K.S.)
Sayyid Hadrat Ahmad ar-Rifai (K.S.)