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Where is Allah?

28th August 2012
Halalified YouTube Audio

This is a brilliant talk about the first question many people are asked.

Shaykh Mumtaz ul-Haq gives a brilliant talk and expalins the Hadith about the question of Whre is Allah and he goes on to give great details and shows why this question is Biddah.
posted by abu mohammed on 28th August 2012 - 5 comments


hanafi wrote on 28 Sep 2012
This is so good. Sorry but do you know if this is available in written form? I want to forward this to some hardcore mad salafis
Blogger's Reply:
Jazakallahu khair, Alhumdulillah it is a very good explanation but unfortunately I do not have it in written form.

Should you ever find it, please share it with us.

Shehzad Sattar wrote on 14 Oct 2012
Imam Al-Awza'i rahimahullah said, "We would say while the Tabi'un were many, 'Ineed Allah, the Most Perfect, is above His Throne and we have Iman in what is related in the Sunnah concerning the Attributes [of Allah].'"

Related by al-Bayhaqee in Al-Asmaa Was-Sifat (p.408). The isnad is jayyid as al-Hafiz Ibn Hajr said in Fath-ul-Bari (13/406). Ibn Taymiyah said that it's isnad was Sahih in al-Hamawiyah.
Shehzad Sattar wrote on 16 Mar 2013
The hadeeth of Aa'ishah that Ibn Abbaas came to her whilst she was dying, so he said to her:

"You were the most beloved of the women of the Messenger of Allah and he would not love except that which was tayyib (good) and Allah sent down the declaration of your innocence from above the seven heavens."

Uthmaan ad-Daarimee brought this in "ar-Radd 'alaa Bishr bin Ghiyyaath al-Mareesee" p. 105. Ansaar us-Sunnah print in Egypt, and it was reported in "ar-Radd 'Alaa al-Jahmiyyah" also p. 27-28 al-Maktabah ul-Islaamiyyah print, and its isnaad is saheeh upon the conditions of Muslim.
Blogger's Reply:
Jazakallah, it is part of our aqeedah to believe in the above Hadith. There is no denying it.
Shehzad Sattar wrote on 16 Mar 2013
Asalaamulaykum Wa Rahmahtullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

I pray to Allah, al-Mannaan, al-Hammeed, that you are all in the best of health and Eemaan.

I believe the translation that Molvi Mumtaz ul-Haq did of the Ayaats of the Quran; actually are contradictory to the tafseer of Mufti Shaafi Usmani (father of Mufti Taqi Usmaani).

If you read Maariful Quran by Mufti Shaafi Usmani and read up the same ayaats Molvi Mumtaz ul-Haq translated, they are different. Mufti Shaafi Usmani is one of the leading authority for Deoband.

Allah Ta'Aala is above the Seven Heavens and above the Mighty Throne, evidence from the Quran and Sunnah are abundant. Also quotes from the Sahabah (May Allah be pleased with them all), the Major scholars from the time of the Taabioon and Atba at-Tabieen (May Allah have Mercy upon them) are ample proof.

When we come to realise that the Salaf understood the meanings of the Attributes (particularly al-Uluww of Allah) and affirmed them; it becomes necessary to also know that they did so while negating four matters:

1) Tashbih (likening Allah to His Creation) and Tajsim (likening Allah to a body)

2) Takyif (enquiring into the how or nature of the Attribute).

3) Tahrif (distorting the meaning of the Attribute) and taghyir (changing the meaning of the Attribute) and ta'wil (figuratively interpreting the meaning of the Attribute).

4) Ta'til (denying the Attributes).
Blogger's Reply:
Jazakallahu Khair respected brother.

Appreciated whole heartedly as I have done with your other comments.
Shehzad Sattar wrote on 29 Apr 2013
The hadeeth of Muqaatil bin Hayyaan from ad-Dahhaak (d. 105H) regarding His, the Most High's saying, "There is no secret counsel of three except that He is the fourth of them..." that he [ad-Dahhaak] said:
"He is above the Throne, and His knowledge is with them."

And in a wording:
"He is above the Throne, and His knowledge is with them."

And in a wording:
"He is above the Throne and His knowledge is with them wherever they may be."

It was related by Abu Ahmad al-Assaal, and Abu Abdullaah bin Battah, and Abu Umar bin Abdul-Barr with good chains of narration. And Muqaatil is thiqah (trustworthy) an Imaam.

Source: "Mukhtasar al-Uluww" of Imaam adh-Dhahabi, (p. 133)
Blogger's Reply:
Alhumdulillah, there is no denying of these beautiful Hadith.

Jazakalahu Khair.
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