"Beautify yourself by filling your outer and inner-self with the fear of Allaah, the Most High, by observing the apparent characteristics of Islaam, and manifesting the Sunnah and spreading it by implementing it and calling towards it, leading [the way] to Allaah سبحانه و تعالى with your knowledge, manners and actions, and adorning yourself with masculinity, lenience, and pious conduct.
The basis of all [the previous characteristics] is the fear of Allaah, the Most High, and for this Imaam Ahmad رحمه الله said: 'The foundation of knowledge is the fear of Allaah, the Most High.' So adhere to fearing Allaah سبحانه و تعالى openly and in secret, for the best of all people are those who are fearful of Allaah سبحانه و تعالى, and no one [truly] fears Him except a knowledgeable person, therefore the best of all people is the scholar. Let it not slip your mind that the scholar cannot be considered a scholar unless he acts [upon his knowledge], and no scholar implements his knowledge unless it earns him the fear of Allaah سبحانه و تعالى.
Al-Khateeb رحمه الله narrated through a chain of narrators which has a subtle point due to it being narrated through nine forefathers, that Abul-Faraj Abdul-Wahhaab ibn Abdil Azeez ibn al-Haarith ibn Asad ibn al-Layth ibn Sulayman ibn al-Aswad ibn Sufyaan ibn Zayd ibn Ukaynah ibn Abdillaah at-Tameemee رحمهم الله, who narrated from his memory that, his father narrated, that his father narrated, that his father narrated, that his father narrated, that his father narrated, that his father narrated, that his father narrated, that his father narrated, that his father narrated who said: I heard Alee ibn Abee Taalib رضي الله عنه say: 'Knowledge calls for action, so either the call is answered or [knowledge] will take off,' [1] and it was also narrated that Sufyaan ath-Thawree رحمه الله said something [similar] to this in meaning." [2]
[1] Al-Jaami' by al-Khateeb رحمه الله, and Dham man laa Ya'malu bi llmihi - narration number 15 - (Denouncing the One who does not Implement His Knowledge) by Ibn Asaakir رحمه الله. And check the chain [of narrators] in Lisaan al-Meezaan (4/26-27) by al-Haafidh ibn Hajar رحمه الله.
[2] Shaykh Bakr Abu Zayd رحمه الله, The Etiquette of Seeking Knowledge (Al Hidaayah Publishing, UK), pp. 23-24.
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