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Allah's 24-hour Service; a network that is never out of reach

13th October 2011
Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh.

This post is for all of us who were affected by the BIS crash that had us "suffering" a Blackberry black-out!

Just two days offline,
We were all desperate,anxious and starting to whine!!
Checking every minute,even from our sleep
Searching for the blinky lite or listening for the beep

How nice if the same worry we could show
To the Noble Qur'an, and the Ahadeeth that glow
If we didn't recite for even a single day
We would get desperate and sad in the very same way

How nice if the same anxiety we could show
To the beautiful "Sunnahs" that we all already know
If I stood and drank water today
I should be determined that should never replay

Rely on the 24-hour service that's from the beginning of time
He is Allah the All Mighty, the Most Sublime
May Allah guide me , you, one and all
because His network is fail proof and will never fall!!

By: Anonymous
posted by Mahd-ul-Huda on 13th October 2011 - 0 comments


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